The more attention he paid to his team, the more he got.

Lu Chong didn't know how much attention he was getting, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It was just a few points deducted, and he could earn them back later.

But Zhao Longfei's trouble must be solved as soon as possible.

He had long realized that this was a world of great contention, and weakness could not bring kindness.

He looked down at his score and found that he had indeed been deducted 100 points, leaving 772 points.

However, even so, he was still at the top of the list.

Xiang Yueya, who was in second place, caught up with him and scored 763 points.

Lu Chong seemed to have sensed something, and looked up and saw two figures standing on the roof hundreds of meters away.

It was Xiang Yueya and Huang Junyan, who were obviously also paying attention to the battle between Lu Chong and Zhao Longfei.

As if they felt Lu Chong's gaze, the two figures quickly jumped off the roof and disappeared.

Lu Chong didn't know whether Xiang Yueya had encouraged Zhao Longfei to target him.

However, as long as Xiang Yueya didn't take the initiative to find him, he didn't want to bother her.

Otherwise, no matter whether she was a school beauty or a second-generation martial artist, Lu Chong would not show any mercy to her.

"There are still three days left, let's continue."

Lu Chong continued to search for the target in the territory of the eighth-level shadow cat by following the smell.

He must get the top spot in the mock exam, after all, there is a huge reward of 300,000.

Rushing all the way, by sunset that day, Lu Chong had captured three more detection locators, with a score of 1156, far ahead.

By nightfall, most students were dormant again, and Lu Chong stayed there more excitedly, waiting for the shadow cats to move out.

After an afternoon of fighting wits and courage with the eight-stage shadow cats, Lu Chong was already confident enough to deal with such strange beasts at night.

This night was still Lu Chong's personal performance time.

He did not use the middle-grade martial arts Pifeng Kick again, but only used the Stone Breaking Hand, Nine Shadow Steps, Eagle Claw and Heart-piercing Kick to move freely among the shadow cats and gain a lot.

When the sky got brighter on April 1, Lu Chong's score had reached 2052 points.

And Xiang Yueya, the second place, only had 1078 points, and the gap with Lu Chong was getting bigger and bigger.

Although there were still three days before the actual combat assessment, everyone in the monitoring hall could see that Lu Chong was the well-deserved first place.

Unless he went to find the two second-level shadow cats in the hunting ground, no one could surpass him.

Lu Chong was not rash, but he did enter the territory of the nine-stage shadow cats directly after waking up that afternoon.

Even the 9th-level martial artists like Xiang Yueya and Huang Junyan have not entered here.

It's not that they don't dare, but they want to use this place as the last day of hunting. In this way, even if they fail and are eliminated, the total score will not be greatly affected.

Lu Chong understands this kind of test technique very well.

After all, he has participated in various exams in his previous life, and the most difficult questions are always left to the end.

However, after walking from the outermost to here, Lu Chong now has a bottom line in his heart, knowing that the 9th-level shadow cat is not a threat to him.

He may encounter difficulties, but he will not be eliminated, which is enough.

After all, it is just a mock exam. More experience can also give you more confidence in the real college entrance examination.

The territory of the 9th-level shadow cat is smaller.

As soon as Lu Chong stepped in, he was stared at by a 9th-level shadow cat squatting on the treetop.


Facing the human who broke into the territory, the shadow cat did not hesitate. With a sharp cry, it pounced directly from the top of the five-meter-high tree.

Its speed was very fast, even faster than when Lu Chong used the Nine Shadow Steps. It left a trail of afterimages in the air and stretched out its claws to pierce Lu Chong's head.

"Come on."

Lu Chong did not retreat but advanced, and faced the Shadow Cat with a Stone Breaking Hand, which collided head-on with its claws.

This time, Lu Chong felt a strong tearing force transmitted to his palm.

However, he had practiced the Golden Cicada Clothes to perfection, so even if he did not actively use it, his skin and bones were so tough that they were invulnerable to swords and guns.

Therefore, the Shadow Cat's claws not only failed to scratch Lu Chong's palm, but also broke off his own nails as sharp as blades.

Lu Chong's counterattack did not stop there. His Perfect Stone Breaking Hand was not a decoration. With one palm, he threw the Shadow Cat out, spinning in the air and losing balance.

Almost at the same time, Lu Chong had already used the Nine Shadow Steps to stick to it, and when the Shadow Cat was about to land, he accurately took away the opponent's neck.

The locator on the child's body.

A piercing kick followed, knocking the dazed Shadow Cat unconscious.

"The speed and flexibility of the Nine-segment Shadow Cat have completely surpassed mine. If it weren't for the Golden Cicada Cloth protecting it, it would be really hard to take it down."

Lu Chong didn't get carried away, but concluded secretly.

Outsiders didn't see him use the Golden Cicada Cloth, but Lu Chong himself knew that if it weren't for the Golden Cicada Cloth's static braking, he would have been injured just now, affecting his combat effectiveness.

Without staying in place, Lu Chong continued to look for traces of the Shadow Cat around.

This night, Lu Chong gained a lot. Not only did he get four locators, but he also accumulated enough practical experience.

Fighting against this level of beasts can really make him feel pressure and accumulate quickly.

If it weren't for the Nine-segment Shadow Cat's too fast speed, and several of them slipped away directly when they saw the situation was not good, he could have scored more points.

By the time the sun rose on the 2nd, Lu Chong's score had reached 3076 points, which frightened many teachers and students.

On the last day of the assessment on the 3rd, a group of students of the 8th and 9th dan, including Xiang Yueya and Huang Junyan, finally arrived at the territory of the 9th dan Shadow Cat.

However, what greeted them were either Shadow Cats that were scared away or prey whose locators had been taken away.

Lu Chong had already been to the 9th dan territory several times.

As for the second-level Shadow Cat territory, which was a step deeper, Lu Chong did not take the initiative to enter.

It was not because he was afraid, but because there was no need. His score was already firmly locked at the top of the list.

Besides, if he really had to fight against the Shadow Cat that was comparable to a human warrior, Lu Chong would have to expose all his strength, including the Golden Cicada Clothes of the Invisible Realm.

This would not be beneficial for his participation in the college entrance examination.

The simulated combat assessment ended here, and the scores of all candidates were locked.

First place: Lu Chong 4100 points

Second place: Xiang Yueya 1850 points

Third place: Xue Cheng 1638 points

Fourth place: Huang Junyan 1569 points

As for Zhao Longfei, who was eliminated on the second day, he only scored a pitiful 424 points in the end.

Lu Chong, of course, was the undisputed leader and the first in the city in this mock exam.

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