The butler had already filled all the oil barrels.

Su Ze then fled away.

To be honest, he did not expect that the other party actually wanted him to be a live-in son-in-law.

Good guy.

Su Ze was really shocked.

"I will send you Yueyue's contact information, you two can chat by yourselves."

The man was still shouting behind him.

The housekeeper drove the car.

He returned to the ordinary residential area along the original route.

Then he left the ordinary residential area and entered the driveway. He drove along the driveway, followed by a large number of convoys.

After a while, he left the national shelter.

When he returned to the sofa in his shelter, Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

This broken sofa of his was still comfortable!

Lying on the sofa, watching the housekeeper leading the robot to carry the oil drum, he felt so comfortable in his heart.

"There is no need to worry about energy for the time being."

Su Ze knew that these energies would be sufficient for the next month or so.

But after a month or so, he would have to consider getting more energy.

"This is not a long-term solution."

To fundamentally solve this problem, we still need a more powerful power station, such as nuclear power.

The reason for wanting nuclear power is mainly because the shelter will be a big power consumer in the future.

It goes without saying that the robot is charged. There is also

24-hour central air conditioning.

Fluorescent lights in the planting area.

And so on.

More importantly, with a nuclear power station, we basically don't need to worry about energy in the future.

The main energy source can be electricity.

"Then we will start the next step of the shelter, digging out a power room." Of course, the area of the power room should be larger. After all, a nuclear power plant has a lot of machines. It can't be too close to the main shelter. It's best to go more than ten meters underground. It won't explode, but it still has nuclear radiation. Safety always comes first. Then leave an elevator to go up and down. The elevator system of the shelter is also very important in the design drawing.

"The housekeeper, have the robot start digging an underground power room, the same as in the design, but three times larger, 10 meters below the main body of the shelter, accessible by elevator."

"Yes, Master, the design has been changed and the robot has started working by driving the mini excavator."

"Okay, now let's see where we can find the machines needed for a small nuclear power plant."

Su Ze checked.

There are quite a lot of equipment needed to build a small nuclear power plant.

1. Nuclear reactor: The nuclear reactor is the core equipment of a nuclear power plant. It generates heat energy through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion to drive the generator to generate electricity. The main components of a nuclear reactor include fuel assemblies, control rods, cooling systems, etc.

2. Main pump: The main pump is a key equipment in the cooling system of a nuclear reactor. It is responsible for circulating the coolant to the reactor to absorb and take away the heat generated by the nuclear reactor.

3. Regulator: The regulator is an important equipment in the cooling system of a nuclear reactor. It is mainly used to maintain the pressure stability in the cooling system to ensure that the coolant can circulate effectively.

4. Steam generator: The steam generator is one of the key equipment of a nuclear reactor. It is responsible for transferring the heat generated by the reactor to the coolant, causing it to evaporate and generate steam.

5. Containment: The containment is the outer structure of a nuclear reactor. It is made of materials such as reinforced concrete and lead. Its main function is to wrap and isolate radioactive steam and gas in an emergency to prevent them from leaking to the external environment.

6. Steam turbine generator: The steam turbine generator is the power generation equipment of the nuclear power plant. It uses the steam generated by the steam generator to drive the steam turbine to rotate, which in turn drives the generator to generate electricity.

7. Emergency cooling system: The emergency cooling system is a safety device for nuclear reactors. It is mainly used to quickly inject a large amount of coolant into the reactor in an emergency to prevent the reactor from overheating and meltdown.

8. Fuel assembly: The fuel assembly is the core part of the nuclear reactor. It contains fuel rods. The nuclear fuel in the fuel rods undergoes nuclear fission in the reactor to generate heat.

9. Water treatment equipment: Water treatment equipment is used to treat radioactive substances in the coolant of the nuclear reactor to ensure the recycling of the coolant and reduce the impact on the environment.

10. Automated control system: The automated control system is the monitoring and management equipment of the nuclear power plant. It is responsible for real-time monitoring, control and scheduling of various equipment in the nuclear power plant to ensure the safe and stable operation of the nuclear power plant.

What is needed is quite a lot.

Now is the time for the housekeeper to show his skills.

"Butler, where do we get these equipments needed for small nuclear power plants?"

"Master, this information cannot be found on the ordinary network. Can I enter the internal network with military confidentiality level?"


"Cracking the military firewall."

Three seconds later

"The crack is complete and we are starting to check the small nuclear power plant facilities."

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