Su Ze stared at the satellite image.

Nothing happened.

Everything was normal.

It looked the same as before the collapse.

""Butler, check the volcano situation."

The screen shows the world's major extinct volcanoes.

There is no super volcano eruption as imagined, and the magma is not flowing out.

"What about the sea level?"

The sea level is normal.

The water is calm.

Even so,

Su Ze can still clearly feel that the world has changed.

This may be due to the ability of life to perceive the surrounding living environment.

Under this seemingly peaceful world, a terrifying force is brewing.

"Master, an unknown substance has been detected in outer space"

"Unknown substance? What is it?"

The satellite image zoomed in.

Black snowflakes were seen falling from space toward the earth.

"Black snow?"

Black snow kept falling from the sky.

This strange scene also attracted Su Ze to stare at it intently.

There has never been black snow in this world.

Compared with white snow, this black snow looks full of ominous air.

The black snow quickly covered the entire city.

It was like a layer of black coal ash.

"Hmm? Those animals~"

Su Ze looked closely.

Those animals stained with black snow were struggling frantically.

"This thing has a huge impact on living things!"

Su Ze immediately came to a conclusion.

Whether it was stray cats or stray dogs, or some mice and cockroaches living in the wild, all of them were twisting their bodies wildly without exception.

It seemed that they wanted to shake off the black snow on their bodies.

Although the satellite images could not hear the sound, only the images could be seen.

But those animals kept opening and closing their mouths, and they were also shouting.

However, now is different from the past.

Humans are hiding in underground shelters and may not be able to protect themselves.

Not to mention saving these animals.


Su Ze saw the skin of one of the black stray dogs begin to fall off.

Thumb-sized pieces of skin fell off.

Under the peeling skin, bloody skin could be clearly seen.

The flesh was probably burned by the black snow.

The stray dog was also twisting and turning on the ground in pain.

""Woo~" At this time, a cry was heard.

Su Ze looked and found that Xiao Mu was also staring at the stray dog on the big screen.

Maybe because they were of the same species, it also showed a sad expression.

Su Ze picked up Xiao Mu.

At this time, something surprising happened.

The stray dog was no longer in pain.

Instead, it stood up on all fours.

Now that the fur on the surface has fallen off, it looks like a naked dog.

The black snow was burning and bloody, just like the mutant dogs in Resident Evil.

At the same time, the stray dog's body began to grow wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bulging flesh. Sharp fangs.

The originally innocent eyes also turned into a bloodthirsty scarlet.

The body became larger under the pressure of the flesh.

"My goodness, it's like a mutant. It must be caused by the strange black snow."

After a while, the stray dogs turned into a tall mutant dog.

They were ugly, with bulging flesh all over their bodies, longer fangs, drooling, and scarlet eyeballs that seemed to be popping out of their eye sockets. They were simply hellhounds!

Su Ze felt a sense of unreality.

It was like watching the monsters in the movies.

But now these monsters really appeared in the real world.

"Does this black snow only affect stray dogs or all living things?"

Su Ze took a closer look.

In addition to stray dogs, stray cats have also mutated.

The cats are almost the same size as dogs. Their bodies are also weirdly deformed.

It looks like there are lumps of meat hanging from their bodies.

There is blood on those lumps of meat.

Their heads are bald.

Their teeth have become longer.

Their eyes are also bloodthirsty scarlet.

"The symptoms are exactly the same, which means that the black snow has an alienating effect on all living things. I don't know if this alienation is a one-time thing or a continuous effect."

Seeing this scene,

Su Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The strength of this collapsed world is far beyond imagination.

First of all, it makes the entire surface no longer suitable for human survival.

The black snow has been integrated into the air.

Just touching it may cause alienation.

"In other cities?"

"Master, this is New York City in the United States.

The scene switched to this super city.

There are more stray cats and dogs in this city.

So after being covered by black snow, all the cats and dogs have mutated.

"Hmm? Isn't that it?"Su Ze squinted his eyes.

On a recliner in the center of the city, there was a man wrapped in dirty black clothes.

There was a big bag next to him.

The bag was full of bottles, jars, boxes and so on.

There was no doubt that this was a homeless man. It was probably a homeless man who was mentally affected by drug addiction.

Su Ze stared closely.

He wanted to see if this black snow had the same effect on humans.

The homeless man lay there motionless.

He seemed to be asleep.

He also seemed to be dead.

""Butler, use satellites to search for other living people?"

Not everyone in the world took refuge in the shelter.

There were also quite a few people who believed that the collapse of the world was a complete lie.

They would not build any shelter for a lie.

They even set up a special group.

The group was full of people who suspected the collapse of the world.

The number of members once reached nearly hundreds of thousands.

""Master, look."

The screen showed a central park in the city of the United States.

There were colorful tents in the park.

Those who refused to enter the shelter lived in the tents.

At this moment, two men and a woman stood on the grass, staring blankly at the sky.

"Could it be that Kuroyuki has no effect on humans?"

On the surface, these three people were just like normal people.

The only difference was that their eyes were duller. They just stared at Kuroyuki.

Then, the skin on their faces began to peel off.

"Sure enough, this black snow has an effect on all life forces."

The skin seemed to be burned off, revealing the bloody flesh underneath.

The black snow began to mutate after coming into contact with the cells.

The originally bloody flesh twisted into fist-sized lumps of flesh.

Blue veins can be seen in these lumps of flesh.

Su Ze felt like vomiting.

It was similar to infection and mutation.

The three people's bodies were also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They were almost three meters tall.

"This is simply a mutation."

Although it can still be seen that it is human, the degree of alienation has been reached.

And something that surprised Su Ze even more happened immediately.

One of the women was pregnant.

At this moment, she gave birth directly.

A grotesque alien was born.

The baby's youthful eyes were gone. Instead, they had a pair of bloodthirsty red eyes.

The overall size looked about the same as an adult.

It was crawling on the ground.

Affected by the black snow, the baby had also been completely alienated.

Seeing this scene. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Ze felt that he saw the ghost doll in the ghost doll.

In the center of the city, groups of cat-sized mice appeared.

These mice were obviously infected by the black snow.

The mutant mice began to attack the mutant cats frantically.[]

"Cat and mouse battle, Black Snow's infection has caused a huge change in the mice's thinking."

Mice are born to avoid cats.

It is unheard of for them to attack cats in groups.

What happened next shocked Su Ze even more.

After defeating the mutant cat, these mutant mice began to devour the mutant cat's meat.

"This is a bit too disgusting, ugh~"

Su Ze retched twice

"From this point of view, these mutant beasts are no longer the same animals as before. They have become more bloodthirsty and brutal."

At the same time, due to the influence of Hei, their physical strength and speed have been greatly enhanced.

Under this enhancement, all animals seem to have evolved in some depth.

Although they look very ugly and disgusting on the surface, it is undeniable that they have indeed become stronger.

"Butler, do you think these humans still have normal human thinking?"

"Master, in my opinion, these humans have undergone some kind of mutation, and now they are just wearing human skin, and their behavior is completely different from that of humans."

The butler's analysis is good.

In the picture, the alienated humans are like mad animals, madly attacking other alienated beasts around them.

What a super war.

The final result is that the alienated humans won the final victory and ate these alienated beasts. They ate them raw like animals.

"This black snow is similar to some kind of infection, which comes from outer space and arrives with the beginning of the collapse of the world."

It must be said.

The human beings' move of building shelters underground is still very clever.

If they do not enter the shelter, the end result will be that they will become monsters like these humans, without human autonomy.

In fact, there are still many humans on the earth who refuse to enter the shelter to survive.

The countries on the forum once released a survey data.

Among them, 80% said that they would enter the underground shelter to live after the collapse of the world.

Another 10% clearly refused and would enter no matter what happened and would stay on the surface.

This part of people is about 100 million people worldwide.

In the end, 30% of people may waver in their attitude and enter the national shelter before the collapse of the world....

That means there are still nearly 70 million people on the surface.

Su Ze estimated that this number may be more.

At least ten times more.

Not every country has the ability to build underground shelters.

Just imagine.

Now there are nearly hundreds of millions of these mutant monsters rampant on the earth.

It is really scary to think about it.

"Steward, please check if the black snow has any effect on plants besides affecting living things."

"Yes, Master."

The satellite image showed the greenery in the city.

From the outside, it seemed that the greenery was not affected.

"In other words, this black snow only targets living things."

Su Ze shook his head.

It has to be said that this collapsed world gave all humans a super shock at the beginning.

Alienated creatures!

Of course, there is no answer for the time being whether this black snow has an effect on plants.

Maybe there is an effect, which is an invisible effect that cannot be seen for the time being, but the effect is happening.

"I really want to bring it back for research."

Su Ze is still very interested in these studies.

The world sounds like it's collapsing, but it's actually a super innovation.

Everything has changed dramatically.

""Housekeeper, we dug out a biological research lab.""

Dig it out first, and then find a way to bring it in and study it properly."

""Yes, Master."

The robot began to work with the excavator.

Su Ze continued to stare at the satellite images. He was very excited about these humans stained with black snow. He observed that these mutant humans would become bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. They began to attack other mutant animals around them, such as mutant dogs or mutant mice, cats, etc. After killing them, they began to eat them like animals.

"What is the mechanism behind gnawing? Is it because they are hungry?"

Su Ze shook his head.

This statement does not seem to hold water.

"Or is it just to kill for the sake of killing?"

Su Ze nodded.

He thought this might be part of the reason.

"Maybe it's because eating the flesh of these creatures can make oneself stronger? Maybe there is such a mechanism behind it."

In any case, these alien creatures are like little claws scratching his heart.


Really too curious.

"Master, the external temperature is rising."

"The temperature is rising? Check the weather satellite."

Su Ze looked at the big screen.

There was a temperature number on the big screen. This was the weather satellite monitoring the temperature in each area.

The temperature at Su Ze's location was around 20 degrees, which was a very comfortable temperature.

But it was rising now.




The temperature rose by 5

"Isn't this speed too fast?"

At this speed, it soon rose to 30

"Butler, is the temperature in the shelter normal now?"

"Master, the constant temperature system has started to work automatically, and the temperature is normal."

Su Ze nodded.

Fortunately, it was prepared early, otherwise, his shelter would be like a steamer. 2.9"It's already 40."

Good guy, it broke through the temperature limit here at once.

In the end, the surface temperature stayed at 42.

You know, it's April now.

The temperature of 42 is a temperature that is impossible even in the hottest summer.

The mysterious black snow, the high temperature climate, the world is really beginning to collapse.

And this is just the beginning.

The high temperature seems to have no effect on those mutant animals.

They seem to like this high temperature more.

The supermarket that Su Ze used to go to frequently.

At this moment, the interior is completely occupied by a large number of mutant animals.

These mutant animals are huge rats.

The whole body looks like a naked rat.

Due to the alienation.

They are covered with twisted tumors.

It looks very disgusting.

Su Ze has never seen so many rats.

It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of them.

The rats are still multiplying.

A nest of little alienated rats are born.

"Isn't this too much?"

Su Ze was amazed at the number of these little mutant rats.

Originally, these rats were very fertile.

Now it seems that these rats can give birth to thousands of rats in one litter.

This fertility is almost terrifying.

It seems that they keep multiplying under the urging of instinct.

Not only mutant rats, but other creatures are the same.

Black Snow has not only changed their appearance, but also greatly enhanced their reproduction.

All animals are constantly reproducing the next generation.

Through satellite images.

Su Ze saw that it was not only in his own country, but also in other countries and other regions.

At this rate, the surface of the earth will soon be occupied by these alien animals.

"By the way, where are those aliens?"

The satellite image turned.

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