The old man was buried, and the old man was buried.

Ito Hidetaka cleared his throat and said directly:

“Don’t be scared by the size of the map and the difficulty of the dungeon given by Tianmu. This dungeon is officially opened for the first time, and many data of Tianmu may not be accurate.”

“No matter how big the map is, if there is a problem with the task arrangement, it is just a paper tiger.”

“I think Lin Ye’s dungeon is actually an illusion created by a huge map, and there is no actual technology and military support!”

Ito Hidetaka’s comments were sharp, and the challengers in the military camp looked at each other and discussed.

What Ito Hidetaka said in the first half still made sense. Tianmu’s difficulty assessment could be wrong, and this situation has happened before.

But later, it was a little hard to convince people to directly say that Lin Ye’s copy was a paper tiger.

At this moment, a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This man was tall, with a thick red cloth wrapped tightly on his head. He was wearing a snow-white suit, which was well-cut and smooth, showing an elegant and extraordinary temperament.

The most eye-catching thing was the many dazzling gold embellishments on his body. These glittering golden ornaments were like stars, inlaid on his clothes, shining with dazzling light. Every detail revealed luxury and nobility.

As he approached step by step, a strong smell of curry also drifted away.

Everyone saw that this man had a LV3 logo on his head.

No one had noticed that there was a LV3 boss in this copy!

At the LV3 level, it was definitely a rich and noble existence, and it was definitely a well-known figure in his race.

“Mr. Ito, I am Prince Singh of the Jaipur royal family of the Asan Brahmin branch. I have some objections to what you said just now.”

“In my opinion, the mission of this dungeon is very clever, and the mission is divided into two branches, one is the war route and the other is the economic route.”

The man stroked his beard gently and said slowly.

“This is also a rare existence in the Azure Star dungeon.”

Hearing the introduction of this prince Singh, Ito Yinggao’s pupils trembled, and he was secretly happy in his heart!

The man in front of him turned out to be the royal family of the Asan tribe!

On the Azure Star, the Asan tribe can be said to be the most complex and feudal race. This race has a strict hierarchy and many branches, and basically continues some customs of the feudal era.

The inferiors of the Asan tribe will voluntarily contribute their points to the superiors.

And Singh, as a member of the royal family, no matter which branch the prince is from, can enjoy the most honorable treatment of a nation.

Another key point is that the Asan tribe is rich in resources. They exchange resources for points, and then use the points to exchange for copy technology from other races.

Looking at the thousands of races on this azure planet, the Asan tribe can definitely be ranked.

In terms of financial resources, technology, and weapons, this prince is definitely better than me!

With such a person in the copy, the probability of passing the level can be said to be linearly increased.

“It turned out to be Prince Singh of the Asan tribe. Nice to meet you.”

“Let me explain to the prince the clumsiness of this copy.”

Ito Hidetaka said in a kind tone.

“What the prince said just now is very right. This copy has two routes, one is the war line of attacking the maritime military base, and the other is the economic line of economic overtaking.”

“But I don’t think anyone will choose this economic overtaking mission.”

After Ito Hidetaka finished speaking, everyone in the barracks nodded.

This point can basically be reached.

Because the main theme of all previous copies is military war, and this kind of simulated economic route has never been seen.

In real life, all humans are also controlled by Tianmu.

The humans on the Azure Star do not have the strength to develop the economy independently.

It is impossible to do it in reality, and it is even more impossible to do it in the copy.

Moreover, even if it can be done, no one dares to do it.

Because Tianmu’s introduction just now also mentioned that the territory and population of the Eagle Sauce Country are more than dozens of times that of the Japanese Island!

With such a size gap, how can we achieve economic overtaking?

If you choose this task branch, you will lose 100 points if you fail, and the risk is ridiculous.

Therefore, in fact, the challenger can only choose one task, which is to break through the Pearl Harbor military base.

“King Singh

“Son, please read the mission introduction carefully. The goal of this mission is just to attack the Pearl Harbor military base, and there is no mention of the Eagle Sauce country’s mainland.”

“Look at the location of Pearl Harbor, far away from the Eagle Sauce country’s mainland, it can actually be regarded as an isolated island.”

“The combat force of the Pearl Harbor military base is only 30 sea units, and the population is only 30,000…”

“This combat power is not weak, but does the prince really think it is invincible?”

After listening to Ito Hidetaka’s words, Singer suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Although the map of this copy is large and the forces are set up very large, the mission goal is not invincible.

The Eagle Sauce country is very large, but their goal is just a Pearl Harbor military base.

If you put aside the map, this copy is actually not much different from the previous difficult copies!

“It is worthy of being Mr. Ito, the genius copy designer of the Dahe nation.” Singer smiled with satisfaction. “It is really witty. ”

“To be honest, I have 20 warships, all of which are top-notch cruisers from the Azure Star! Among them, there are 5 battlecruisers! Equipped with heavy artillery systems.”

“There are also 10 torpedo gunboats!”

“There are more than 30 naval units of this prince alone.”

Ito Hidetaka also laughed, with a bit of contempt in his laughter.

“I also brought 10 warships into the dungeon, and there are also many advanced naval weapons of my Dahe clan.”

“Besides, there are many LV2 teammates in this dungeon, and they all have their own naval combat weapons. In general, our naval forces are greater than the enemy’s forces.”

“The only disadvantage is that we have less than 7,000 people now, while the enemy has 30,000 people, but Prince Singh should also know that modern war weapons are the key. ”

While speaking, Ito Hidetaka took a loudspeaker and slowly walked from the command center to the open space where the challengers gathered.

He began to cheer up all the challengers.

“Everyone, think about it, why can Lin Ye design such a large map, but can only set the mission target as a small military base?”

“Let me tell you!”

“That’s because he doesn’t have such a huge technical support at all. The actual combat force he controls is just a military base.”

“All other packaging is false.”

Ito Hidetaka became more and more excited as he spoke, with a very playful smile on his face.

“In my opinion, Lin Ye has some talent, but his eyes are too high.”

“In terms of copy production, it’s more of a bluff, just a face full of fat. ”

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Ito Hidetaka still felt that Lin Ye had some ability.

No matter what, being able to set up such a complicated trick in the first copy of his career is definitely a talent.

But unfortunately, this is a cruel world.

Even if you are a genius, if you take the wrong path, you will only be wiped out.

What’s more, Lin Ye had destroyed his copy of the Battle of the Royal Sea before, and now it is reasonable for him to destroy Lin Ye’s copy in the same way.

Such a talent of the Chinese race would only cause trouble if he kept it.

He wants Lin Ye to die!

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