The challenger’s time in the dungeon is completely synchronized with that outside the dungeon.

Under the leadership of Ito Hidetaka, everyone voted to carry out Mission 1: Destroy the Pearl Harbor military base.

This dungeon mission lasts for 96 hours, so Ito Hidetaka did not attack rashly, but first organized his own forces.

This time was actually very lucky, there were many LV2 advanced challengers among the 7,000 challengers, and the total number of warships reached 50!

And among them were the five most sophisticated battlecruisers of the time of Prince Singh of Asan!

At the current military level of the Azure Star, the battlecruiser can be said to be the highest level of naval units.

In addition, each challenger was equipped with a Type 38 rifle! In addition to naval operations, land operations are definitely not inferior.

This level of combat power completely exceeded Ito Hidetaka’s expectations. At this time, he can be said to be full of confidence.

As long as he can land at the Pearl Harbor base, he is fully confident to complete the mission.

After two full days of preparation and sailing.

On the morning of the third day.

The fleet belonging to Ito Hidetaka has arrived less than 100 nautical miles outside the Pearl Harbor military base.

At this time, Ito Hidetaka was drinking coffee in the command room of his battleship Matsushima.

Next to him, Singer was using radar reconnaissance equipment to observe the movements of Pearl Harbor.

“Mr. Ito, it’s a bit strange…”

“Why is there no movement in Pearl Harbor? Didn’t the previous mission instructions say that there is a fleet of annihilation at the Pearl Harbor military base?”

“Why are there no patrol units in the surrounding waters?”

Ito Hidetaka also frowned and operated the reconnaissance equipment for observation.

It was found that the waters near Pearl Harbor were indeed quiet.

After thinking for a while, Ito Hidetaka laughed.

“Prince Singh, it seems… this Lin Ye has no military talent at all.”

“I guess his copy settings don’t have any automatic patrol instructions for his enemy forces. If I guess correctly, his fleet should be resting in the harbor at this moment.”

Singer listened with a look of disbelief.

“This… this is too stupid, isn’t it?”

“Not setting patrol instructions for sea units, isn’t it obvious that others will attack.”

Ito Hidetaka took a sip of coffee and showed a comfortable smile on his face.

“Newcomers always make some mistakes of neglecting one thing while focusing on another. I guess this Lin Ye put all his energy on map expansion and military deployment, and ended up ignoring the simplest instruction setting.”

Singer was still a little skeptical. He really couldn’t imagine that a purgatory-level copy would be so full of loopholes.

This is too lame.

Ito Hidetaka’s fleet soon sailed to the Pearl Harbor military base.

As a result, no patrol ships were seen, and even the Pearl Harbor military base was quiet.

The base was fully equipped with various combat facilities, but there were no defense facilities.

The challenger’s fleet was almost approaching the shore, but there was not even a single alarm.

Now even Singer had to believe that there was indeed a huge loophole in this Raging Sea copy.

“Now you believe it, Mr. Singer, the enemy forces in this copy have no defense arrangements at all.”

“I even suspect that the so-called fleet of annihilation is a trick, and it does not exist in this copy at all!”

Ito Hidetaka’s words also made Singer laugh.

After such a big gimmick, the actual level is so poor. Lin Ye’s copy is definitely the biggest joke in the history of the Azure Star copy.

“Too la, I have never seen such a funny copy.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to land now. It’s enough to use warships to fire shells at the military base and destroy all land buildings with all our strength.”

Ito Hidetaka’s eyes were a bit disdainful.

“It’s a pity that this young man from the Daxia tribe is going to be wiped out.”

I thought Lin Ye would have some strength, but what a mess he made.

He said there was a fleet of 30 sea units to destroy the country, but he didn’t see a single hair.

The entire naval base seemed huge and sophisticated, but it was a complete shell.

“All troops, listen up! Fire at full power!”

“Attack Pearl Harbor!”




The deafening explosion echoed over the vast sea.


Fire snakes gushed out of the mouths of the challenger’s warships like angry dragons, hitting every inch of Pearl Harbor fiercely.

The sea was covered by huge waves raised by artillery fire, like boiling water.

The dazzling flames and thick smoke intertwined, covering the sky, and the entire Pearl Harbor fell into chaos!

Those towering warships seemed to have turned into giant beasts that destroyed everything at this moment. They fired at the military base recklessly.

The air waves of the explosion made the buildings and facilities in the base shaky in an instant.

Seeing the scene of this unilateral bombing, the spectators outside the copy were also dumbfounded, and they started to abuse with barrages.

[Oh my god? That’s it? ! ]

[Is this called a purgatory-level copy? I think it’s not even as good as those simple copies! ]

[I thought it was a world problem, but now it seems to be a boy who gives away points. ]

[I’ve said it before, the dungeon design of the Daxia tribe is not good. ]

[It’s too useless, it’s a waste of my time. I’ve been guarding this dungeon for two days and two nights, and this is what I saw. ]

[I also want to enter this dungeon for free! ]

[Don’t even think about the above. After this wave, I’m afraid Lin Ye will be wiped out directly, and the dungeon under his name will also die at the same time. ]

[Where are the people of the Daxia tribe? Speak! ]


This back and forth drama made the barrage of the raging sea surprisingly hot. For a while, no matter whether they cared or not, they were attracted to watch the battle in this dungeon.


At the same time.

The gathering place of the Daxia tribe.

In the conference room of the First Dungeon Technology Research Institute.

The big screen was playing all the situations in the [Raging Sea] dungeon.

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing.

In fact, at the beginning, the researchers in the room were still having a heated discussion about the entire dungeon.

After all, it was a dungeon designed by their own people, and it was also the first purgatory-level dungeon in the history of Azure Star. They couldn’t help but pay attention to it.

Everyone praised Lin Ye’s map design and task setting, and felt that Lin Ye was indeed a talented designer.

But now…

They had to watch this dungeon being conquered by Ito Hidetaka.

“It’s really too careless. How could this Lin Ye have a problem with the command setting.”

“Alas… I’m still too young. I always think about something brilliant, but I didn’t do the most basic things well.”

Sighs continued to sound in the conference room.

Everyone couldn’t even bear to watch the live broadcast anymore.

If this goes on, the dungeon will definitely be conquered. If these 7,000 people pass the level at the same time, Lin Ye’s huge points will be deducted.

Lin Ye will be 100% wiped out directly.

Looking at the Pearl Harbor military base that was constantly collapsing in the flames, Zhao Jianyu also sighed.

Everything was pretty much as she expected.

At first, when this copy came out, she suspected that she had made a mistake, but at this point, it still went the way she expected.

The arrogant genius, the final outcome was only a failure.

However, as a member of the Daxia clan, Zhao Jianyu couldn’t be happy at all.

She wished that she had made a mistake, and wished that Lin Ye was really a peerless genius and slapped her in the face.

She didn’t want to see such a frustrating scene!

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