After that, Yama Makoto Kojiro left Ito Hidetaka’s room to carry out this difficult task.

At this time, the countdown was less than 48 hours, and they really didn’t have much time left.

Ito Hidetaka’s iron-fisted decision also successfully caused an uproar in the live broadcast.

[Bribery? Suppression? Exploitation of labor? This way of handling is too low. 】

[This way of handling is very consistent with my stereotype of the Dahe people. 】

【Fortunately, our Azure Star in the real world is managed by the Sky Curtain, otherwise I really don’t know what the people in Dahe Settlement can do…】

【Don’t be too saintly, this is in a dungeon after all. If you want to talk about cruelty, then Lin Ye killed thousands of people in a dungeon, which is really cruel! 】

【Although I don’t like the people in Dahe Settlement, but in this situation, I have to admit that Ito Hidetaka’s approach is right. 】

【Ito-san! The hero of my Dahe Settlement, you will definitely pass this time! 】

Everyone talked endlessly and held their own opinions.

At the same time, Ito Hidetaka’s decision was also being implemented in full swing.

Yama Makoto Kojiro put the greatest pressure on various institutions and industries in Dongying Island.

It must be said that the bribery method really worked.

The light curtain in the command room showed all kinds of conditions in Dongying Island.

On the streets, police lights flashed, sirens blared, and the police were like tigers descending from the mountains, madly arresting the troublemakers.

Those people from the Japanese island who gathered and disobeyed the law and discipline did not escape their wolf-dog eyes, and were all given “silver bracelets”. .

Those institutions that spread negative news were also directly closed down by the court, and replaced by overwhelming positive news, praising Ito Hidetaka’s great achievements.

In the new round of news from the Japanese island, Ito Hidetaka was directly portrayed as a great hero.

The security brigade broke into major factories directly, standing behind the workers with batons at all times, urging them to produce with all their strength and not to have any lazy behavior.

The leaders of the Congress were also directly arrested by the police and secretly detained, and the impeachment draft against Ito Hidetaka was forcibly suspended and turned into a piece of waste paper. .

Without the supply of oil, the Japanese island used up all the reserve oil in one go, and then forcibly replaced it with other energy sources.

Without imported materials, Dongying Island will be self-sufficient and take out all the country’s inventory.

Anyway, for Ito Hidetaka and others, this Dongying Island is originally a thing in the virtual world. When the things are used up, they are used up. What does it have to do with them when they leave the copy?

In short, Dongying Island presents a “peaceful” state.

About three hours passed like this.

The prompt from the sky again.

[Dear challenger, under your iron-fisted policy, Dongying Island has temporarily entered a stable state. ]

[The economic output value has re-entered the positive growth stage! ]

[The sky reminds the challenger that under your high-pressure policy, the loyalty of the people will continue to decline! ]

[Loyalty drops to a certain level, which will trigger a full-scale protest and riot among the people. You will completely lose control of Dongying Island. Please handle it with caution. ]

This time, Ito Hidetaka did not take the prompt from the sky at all.

In his opinion, what the sky said now is nonsense!

Doesn’t he know that this method will cause dissatisfaction among the people of Dongying Island?

But there is no other choice now.

There are less than two days left before the deadline, and Ito Hidetaka can’t care about so much.

As long as he can survive these two days, even if the people blow up Dongying Island, what does it have to do with him? !

Ito Hidetaka took a look at the economic value of Dongying Island at this moment. The real-time per capita annual GDP has risen from the original 30,000 US dollars to 50,000 US dollars!

There is only a difference of 20,000 yuan from the mission target of 70,000 yuan in the United States.

This per capita GDP can be said to have twists and turns. It was originally rising rapidly, but later it plummeted due to the sanctions of the United States.

Now after Ito Hidetaka’s tough policy, it has risen a lot again.

“There is a chance!”

Looking at this number, Ito Hidetaka showed a relieved smile on his face.

“If we continue like this, it is absolutely possible to surpass the United States in two days!”

He began to talk to himself again.

“Hmph, Lin Ye, I know you are capable, but I never imagined how cruel the people of my Dahe clan are.”

There may be a lot of room for improvement in my operation this time, but it doesn’t matter… The dungeon is live, and all the audience are watching. ”

“My iron-fisted approach will definitely be used, and then your dungeon will be accessible to everyone!”


Since the second round of Raging Sea began, a day and a half has passed unknowingly.

Between the deep mountains, the cliff villa is like a secret palace, hidden in the misty hillside.

Away from the hustle and bustle, quiet and elegant.

Lin Ye had just finished a hearty long run on the treadmill, and sweat poured down like a waterfall, soaking his back.

At this moment, he had just enjoyed the satisfaction and pleasure brought by dopamine, and was about to take a comfortable cold shower.

He turned on the speakers in the villa and projected the live broadcast of Raging Sea directly onto the wall of the bathroom.

Then he saw the situation in the dungeon at this time.

“This Ito Hidetaka, apart from anything else, is quite resilient. “Lin Ye sighed twice.

In Lin Ye’s judgment, Ito Hidetaka’s gang would definitely not last a day and a half.

It stands to reason that they should have been defeated after the sanctions from the Eagle Sauce.

Unexpectedly, Ito Hidetaka actually came up with a “heroic amputation” policy, forcibly extending his life, and dragged it out for so long.

“Good attitude, but it’s a pity that this method is impossible to pass the level.”

“If we continue like this, it will only increase the punishment of the copy.

In fact, in Lin Ye’s opinion, Ito Hidetaka’s self-righteous iron-fisted method is actually the most stupid.

Because the Azure Star has never had a real economic system, there are still some people in the barrage who think that Ito Hidetaka has means.

In fact… there are no means.

No matter when, forced exploitation is the dumbest way.

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that it is nothing more than whipping the old cow twice if it doesn’t work.

This is not called smart, this is called recklessness.

If you can pass the Raging Sea in this rough way, then not only is the designer Lin Ye a fool, but the reviewer Tianmu is also blind.

In fact, there are many ways to pass the non-war mode of this mission 2.

You can create an economic crisis, develop emerging industries, introduce a series of restrictive policies, or even speculate on currencies…

But without exception, no matter which method you use, you need to understand economics.

In the history of the previous life, the economy of Xiao Ri had surpassed that of the Eagle Sauce, and it was surpassed many times.

These are all real things that happened, which means that the economic overtaking in the copy must be feasible, not a “dead end”.

But unfortunately, let alone economics, even the most basic economic common sense is in a desert state on the Azure Star.

In the military field, the Azure Star is backward, but it is more or less on the right track.

But in other fields such as economy and politics, the Azure Star is completely empty.

So… for these challengers on the Azure Star, the difficulty of choosing Mission 2 is actually much greater than Mission 1.

There might be a glimmer of hope for mission one, but there is no chance at all for mission two.

“Ito Hidetaka, the moment you choose violent suppression, you are doomed to fail this time.”

Lin Ye shook his head and turned off the live broadcast.

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