The new order is coming.

[Global Public Enemy Incident: Due to the willful behavior of the challenger, the Eagle Sauce has been completely enraged. Under the pressure of the Eagle Sauce, Dongying Island has become a global public enemy! ]

[Bilateral trade with Dongying Island has been completely blocked! You cannot carry out any import and export activities! ]

[The external traffic of Dongying Island has been completely blocked, and all ships cannot enter the nearby waters! All aircraft cannot leave the airspace! ]

[The currency of Dongying Island has depreciated by 1000%! ]

[All residents of Dongying Island cannot go to other countries, and overseas Chinese will be forced to repatriate! ]


Another dark mass of sanctions, and judging from the degree, it is far more terrifying than the first sanctions of the Eagle Sauce.

But these are nothing to Ito Hidetaka.

Anyway, the mission has failed, and now he is just waiting for the final settlement. No matter how many sanctions are imposed, it will not affect him.

But then, there was another reminder from the sky.

[Dear challenger, because you have triggered the global public enemy event, the copy mission has been changed accordingly! ]

[Mission 2: Economic Overtaking] has been upgraded to [Mission 2: Global Overlord! ]

[Mission 2: Global Overlord]

[Challengers must lead Dongying Island to become the world’s largest economy! This round of missions will last for 600 hours! ]

[If the mission is successful, all challengers will receive 1,500 points! ]

[If the mission fails, all challengers will be deducted 5,000 points! ]

Seeing the mission change again, Ito Hidetaka’s face was stern.

The mission time has been extended to 600 hours!

But it is meaningless because they have lost control of Dongying Island.

Not to mention 600 hours, even 6000 hours would not help.

What really terrified Ito Hidetaka was that the penalty for mission failure was increased tenfold.

5000 points! In the entire Azure Star dungeon system, this is an extremely astonishing number.

You should know that it only takes 100 points to upgrade from LV0 to LV1, and even with these 100 points, 90% of the people on Azure Star cannot achieve it.

5000 points are astronomical figures for most people, enough for them to die dozens of times.

Even for Ito Hidetaka, this is a “fatal” punishment enough.

The last time Lin Ye led 2000 challengers to pass his Royal Sea Battle, his points were reduced a lot.

Before entering the dungeon this time, Ito Hidetaka had a total of about 13,000 points in reserve.

If 5000 points are deducted, he will fall below 10,000 and will be downgraded from LV2 to LV1!

“Tianmu… Then will the mission settlement this time be calculated according to the previous mission or the modified mission?”

Ito Hidetaka’s voice began to tremble at this moment.

If he was really downgraded, it meant that he would not be able to use the weapons in his copy next time, and it also meant that he would completely fall from the altar.

Now he… simply could not bear such tragic consequences.

[It was detected that the challenger had not settled the mission at this time, and the final mission settlement was carried out according to the final mission content! ]


“This is too unfair. We have always been executing according to the original mission. Why should we settle according to the latest mission?”

“The mission has already failed, why should we make it worse!”

Ito Hidetaka was furious in the command room with only one person.

[Tianmu Tip: The challenger’s loss of control of Dongying Island is not linked to the global public enemy incident…]


Ito Hidetaka roared, then squatted on the ground with his head weakly in his arms.

But Tianmu’s voice did not mean to stop at all.

[People’s riot: Due to the challenger’s wrong decision, the people of Dongying Island have completely rioted. At this moment, a large number of people have surrounded the arsenal where the challenger is. Please deal with this riot as soon as possible! ]


“You mean those NPCs have come to the arsenal?!”

Before Ito Hidetaka could fully react, he felt a noise outside the command room.

“Oppose the devil Ito Hidetaka’s rule over Dongying Island!”

“Oppose the devil Ito Hidetaka’s rule over Dongying Island!”

“We want democracy, we want equality, we want freedom!”

“We want democracy, we want equality, we want freedom!”

Bursts of shouts poured into Ito Hidetaka’s ears.

Then came the cries of the challengers outside.

Ito Hidetaka was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn’t care about anything else and rushed out.

From a distance, outside the iron fence of the barracks, there had already been a surging crowd of people like a tide.

There were so many of them that at a glance, the dense crowd seemed to form a dark ocean, with at least a million people.


There was a loud noise.

The heavy door of the barracks was actually smashed open by the angry people!

The angry people rushed into the arsenal like zombies! They held sticks and long knives in their hands, and it seemed that they were determined to execute all the challengers.

“Damn Lin Ye!”

“Damn the troublemakers!”

“Pick up your weapons and kill these troublemakers.”

“You are my Dahe people, you can’t be cowardly! Have you forgotten the spirit of Bushido?”

Ito Hidetaka yelled twice, he wanted the challengers to pick up their weapons to suppress these people.

But then he thought, what weapons do they have? They have been blocked for a long time.

These people have a stick, but they have nothing.

“Execute Ito Hidetaka!”

“Execute Ito Hidetaka!”

“Execute Ito Hidetaka!”

Countless people on the Japanese island shouted angry slogans while waving their weapons in the barracks.

With a huge gap in numbers, the challengers are no match for these NPCs.

Just like a small boat in the raging sea, it was overturned by the waves in an instant!

Some challengers were knocked to the ground directly, with blood on their heads.

Some were caught by a group of people, tied up and thrown into the sea, waiting to die in the rough waves.

Some were even trampled to death by the surging crowd.


“Emperor, save me! Emperor, save me!”

The screams were endless.

Then I saw the data displayed by Tianmu in the copy, and the number of challengers in the copy was decreasing rapidly.

[Copy 19000/20000]

[Copy 15000/20000]

[Copy 7000/20000]

Seeing this tragic scene, Ito Hidetaka felt trembling all over, and his legs felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead.

His stomach was churning, and he almost vomited.

It’s not that Ito Hidetaka hasn’t seen war scenes before. These copies of Tianmu are all based on war.

But Ito Hidetaka hadn’t experienced such a bloody close combat for a long time.

The brutal fight with fists and flesh gave him an indescribable sense of fear.

And… for some reason.

This public riot made him feel particularly real, as if the NPCs in front of him were not virtual beings, but real people.

This dungeon was too cruel!

Many challengers were determined to be directly wiped out in this dungeon, but before their real death, they had to experience a tragic death in the dungeon.

During this moment of distraction, Ito Hidetaka saw a group of people rushing in front of him and surrounded him.

Then a bunch of hemp ropes were tied directly to his body, directly strangling his flesh and blood.

“You bunch of unruly people! Let me go!”

Ito Hidetaka grimaced in pain, and the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like pearls from a broken string.

He could only curse a few words to vent his anger, but what greeted him was a round of punches and kicks from the people.

Then he was lifted up by the people and thrown into the sea like a dead dog.

His vision began to blur, and he only felt that he was thrown forward by a powerful force!

The sea water was icy cold and soaked his body!

Tied up by ropes, Ito Hidetaka had no way to swim, and could only let the cold sea water gradually swallow his consciousness.




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