Chapter 100 Don’t enter every forest!

Knowing that the Mermaid fleet entered the Meteor Belt, causing the 052 fleet to be unable to retreat, Zhang Zhengyi only felt that Qiqiao was smoking.

The Major General Salmon of the 877 fleet is simply a huge silly hanger! He is so stupid that he can’t even see it at a glance!

“What are you going to do?” Zhang Zhengyi cursed with sincerity on his face: “Is there anything we can do for you?”

What the current monk army lacks is the time and space for development.

In any case, the beautiful and free shield of the coalition of all races cannot be broken.

Zhang Zhengyi understands the truth of lip death and tooth coldness.

Looking at Zhang Zhengyi’s sincere gaze, the representative gave a wry smile, and sighed in his heart. Why isn’t the calm, firm, and upright monk leading the 877 fleet?

Although I didn’t pick it up, I am not a fool. How can I not understand the cautious thinking of Major General Salmon of the 877 Fleet that he can’t take action?!

It’s nothing more than trying to take advantage of the opportunity to earn some credit!

Now how many of the army of all ethnic groups in 2008 are pure soldiers?

The thought of making money and power is more important than one.

Now, not to mention the early warning of the cultivator, he avoided the trap of the 052 fleet hitting the devil. After knowing the serious consequences of the reckless behavior of the 877 fleet, they still maintain this calmness and calmness. People admire.

“I know. The cultivator army has always been under the leadership of Mr. Zhang.”

Seeing that Zhang Zhengyi wanted to explain, the representative waved his hand and said: “I know your difficulties, and some words are just fine. This time, things are already like this, and I can’t die.

Seeing Zhang Zhengyi’s noncommittal face, the representative smiled bitterly: “That’s it!

The representative straightened his back: “This is a battle between the main fleet. You guys find a way to leave as soon as possible. If I can return to Xuan Yuexing alive, I will beat Salmon severely and then invite you to drink!”

He stood at attention and saluted: “Thank you!”

Communication was cut off.

Representing the serious and straightforward square face, it seems that it still remains in the retina.

Zhang Zhengyi grinned, trying to say something, after all, he just looked at the screen in a daze.

With the beep. On the dark home screen of the 877 flagship, a vast starry sky rushed over.

“General Salmon!”

In the control room, a staff officer reported loudly: “The demon fleet is found and locked.”

“General, the enemy fleet is located in the first section of the meteor belt, a distance of 28,000 kilometers.” The radar officer’s report immediately followed.

Looking at the demon fleet that appeared on the radar as expected, Salmon took a deep breath.

He is waiting.

“Another Demon Fleet!”

The horrified voice of the radar man flashed almost at the same time as the dense light spots on the radar screen of the console: “The port side is 60,000 kilometers away from us!

Salmon looked at the home screen.

60,000 kilometers away, countless demon warships emerged from the void.

That hideous bow was pointing straight at the 877 fleet.

The center of the earth sank to the bottom.

The intelligence of the monk army is true. This is really a trap.

“All speed up!” Salmon clung to the armrest of the command seat, and stood up abruptly. Ordered: “The engine is fully on.”

The demon fleet suddenly appeared. Let the officers and soldiers of the fleet of 877 who did not know where they were in a panic.

With Salmon’s order, the entire fleet seemed to blow up.

“The Devil Fleet is chasing us.” This sentence of the radar officer can almost be called nonsense, making everyone on the battleship cold.

Apart from Salmon, few people know what will happen after entering the popular zone. The appearance of the Seuss fleet was too sudden for them.

With the high-speed start of the 877 fleet, the demon fleet that just appeared quickly caught up, which in itself illustrates a fact.

The appearance of this demon fleet is not accidental.

They didn’t even hesitate when they discovered the 877 fleet! They were prepared! This is a trap!

“The demons are getting closer to us!” The radar officer’s mouth that always pops out bad news makes everyone want to sew it!

“They are firing at us!” This time, it was an observer.

Dozens of white light groups and hundreds of small red light groups suddenly flashed on the port side of the fleet. The fleet advancing at high speed. Suddenly it seemed to jump into the rain curtain from under the eaves.

“The port side turret is suppressed by fire, don’t stop, speed up and leave!”

Salmon hated his itchy teeth, but he was helpless.

The demon fleet, which was originally a prey, turned into a hound next to the hunter.

Attempt to use its attack to slow down the speed of the 877 fleet. It’s just this time. He couldn’t stop and kill them. This feeling of suffocation made his eyes red.

The 877 fleet, after all, is the main battleship of the Mermaid tribe.

The five Whale Shark-class battleships rushed forward, almost ignoring the demon fleet to intercept firepower.

On the left flank of the formation, ten Shark-class heavy cruisers and twenty Dolphin-class destroyers, after the port side turrets are fully fired, are enough to make the Demon fleet retreat.

In the starry sky, the two fleets passed by more than 10,000 kilometers apart.

Countless fleets of ship-borne energy cannon beams that are vertical and horizontal like a net are intertwined in the void between the fleets like meteors. 570

The explosions one after another and the trembling light of the battleship energy shield illuminate the entire universe, and the stars in the distance are also eclipsed by the colorful light of death.

After paying the price of three Dolphin-class destroyers, the 877 fleet finally rushed through the demon fleet’s fire interception, cut across the void, and got into the meteor belt at a distance of 12,000 kilometers from the demon fleet.

But the demon fleet has been delayed for a few minutes, and the distance between the other demon fleet on the flanks and them has been shortened to 30,000 kilometers.

In the ancient cold weapon wars, there was an experience called “Feng Lin Mo Entering”. In this era of interstellar warfare, this experience was transplanted into space pursuit.

It’s just that the woods here refer to barriers and nebulae with a dangerous environment.

Fight in the void without asteroids and sight obscuration and fight in the obstacle zone and nebula. It’s completely different.

In the endless void, the two fleets are stronger and weaker than the ships, the tactics change, the coordination between the ships, as well as the intensive and accurate attack suppression and interference and firepower.

In the obstacle zone and the nebula, the effectiveness of all these factors has all been reduced by 80%! In the obstacle zone, the most important factor is geographic location!

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