Chapter 22 The Queen of Blades Kerrigan is here! (Please comment, buddies!)

The Zerg’s pace is very fast, they stepped into the edge of the Kabal galaxy.

In the universe, the planets where living things appear are actually very demanding.

The Zerg traveled a long distance and encountered useless planets along the way.

Many planets are all kinds of broken stones, worthless.

The Zerg also learned the lessons on the road and learned how to distinguish habitable planets.

After searching, they finally found a more habitable planet.

This is an abandoned colonial planet of Kabal, code-named E22 Anu.

After the Kaiber crystal on Anu was completely mined, the planet lost its usefulness, and the Kabal left the planet mercilessly.

Now, this cold planet welcomes new guests.

The huge interstellar worm’s nest fleet landed in the roar one after another.

A worker bee flew out of the nest and quickly adapted to the gravitational environment of Anu.

It reported this information through the psychic network of the Zerg.

The insect swarm received the information and immediately started to act.

Trillions of bugs crawled out of the nest, the whole team, they were waiting for the Queen’s order.

The queen and Abathur slowly walked out of the tallest and hideous insect nest.

All the Zergs are arranged neatly, as if they were copied and pasted.

“Explore, intelligence.”

The queen gave an order, and the swarms dispersed and began to explore this vast planet.

The swarm soon covered Anu Star.

The fungus blanket is spread all over the Annu star.

On Anu, some materials and a small amount of unexcavated Kaibo crystals kept by the Kabal were sent to the queen.

“Kabal Empire? Kaibo Crystal?”

The queen squeezed a piece of Camber crystal with great interest.

The power contained in the crystal was absorbed, turned into powder, and went with the wind.

The empress exclaimed in satisfaction.

“Zerg needs the power of these crystals, continue to explore!”

At this moment, Liu Xi also planned a new Zerg hero unit.

He created another worm egg in the depths of Anu Star, a cavern crystal vein that had not been unearthed by the Kabal, and waited for the Zerg to find this worm egg.

“Why is it another worm egg?”

“Is it a new Zerg unit?”

“Why is the fortress in this pile of crystals?”

The netizens of Xia Guo who had experienced the birth of Abathur quickly reacted, and Liu Xi is creating a new Zerg hero.

But everyone was very puzzled as to why the egg was placed in the crystal.

The Zerg quickly discovered this undiscovered vein.

Also found the egg.

The queen and Abathur rushed to hear the news.

The gene molecule similar to that of the Zerg race quickly allowed the Queen and Abathur to accept the egg.

They regard this worm egg as a gift from the master.

Yes, Liu Xi is also known as the master among the Zerg.

Any race with wisdom will think about a problem.

who am I?

Where am i from

Where am I going?

The empress deduced her own birth as the creation of a master.

The birth of Abathur was also believed by her.

Thus, in the dark, Liu Xi was crowned by the Zerg as the master.

The eggs are transported to the ground, and the queen finds that the eggs are naturally capable of absorbing the power of the Camber Crystal.

In order to promote the evolution of the eggs, the remaining Kaiber crystals of Anu are concentrated around the eggs.

After a period of absorption, the eggs began to tremble violently.

The queen and Abathur knew that the eggs were about to hatch.

Ordering the insect swarm to disperse, the queen and Abathur stood on the worm egg, waiting for the worm egg to hatch.

Xia Guo’s netizens also watched this scene with breathlessness.

“I don’t know what Zerg it is this time?”

“It’s hard to say, anyway, Liu Xi’s setting must be correct.”

“Look, the worm eggs have split apart!”

Cracks began to appear in the eggs.

What began to appear was the bizarre brown bony wings.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, the shell of the eggs faded.

Xia Guo’s netizens were dumbfounded, and immediately began to scream.

“My God! It’s not a bug this time!”

“This is obviously a human being!”

“How did Mr. Liu Xi do it, how did he get a person out of the worm egg?”

A long-haired woman with her head down, sitting in the eggs with her arms folded, the brown bone wings behind her as if guarding her.

The woman opened her eyes and raised her head. There were some lavender facial lines on her purple eyes and her beautiful face.

The audience was amazed.

“Don’t tell me, this woman is so pretty.”

“Just don’t know what the body is?”

The woman stood up, and the audience’s eyes opened wider and wider.

The woman has a fiery figure, and her upper body is a purple breastplate made of certain biomass.

As the woman stepped out of the worm eggs, the bone wings on her back also opened up, making her look domineering and extraordinary. Her hair is not traditional biological hair, but composed of countless tentacles. Incomparable temptation, just like the legendary Medusa.

Under the breastplate is a lower abdomen covered by tight bone armor. Even though the bone armor is tightly covered, the woman’s thin waist still brings infinite reveries.

Women’s feet are high boots made of biomass, but there are more scalp bone spurs beside these high boots, and the perfect leg shape is even more charming with the high boots.

On the woman’s body, there are still some weird purple lines flashing, and these lines flicker with the woman’s breathing.

The perfect curves of the women’s bumps amazed everyone.

“Brothers, I’m all right!”

“I declare that the new unit is my wife!”

“What your wife, it’s obviously mine!”

“My sister is so shameless, my sister will give Jihui!”

“I don’t know what her name is?”

The woman stood in front of the empress and Abathur and spoke slowly.

“I am the Swarm.”

Through the instant translation in the Chuangshi live broadcast room, the audience understood the woman’s words.

“The new Zerg hero is so handsome!”

“Handsome is handsome, but will the new hero fight the queen? You must know that there can only be one leader in the swarm of insects in nature.”

“I don’t understand, look at what Liu Xi said, but Shuai is really handsome!”

“Very heroic and domineering!”

One person and two worms started encrypted communication.

After communicating with each other, the queen and Abathur welcomed the birth of Kerrigan.

The queen happily assigned most of the troops to Kerrigan.

Keep a part of himself stationed in Anu Star.

The Empress is very happy to see the emergence of a new Zerg who can naturally absorb the Kaibo crystal to strengthen itself.

For the audience’s questions, Liu Xi had already planned it.

When the queen was founded, Liu Xi set a rule.

The empress’s mission is to evolve the swarm into the strongest creature in the universe.

The Zerg Queen is the founder of the Zerg Swarm, and will be the leader of the Zerg rear.

And the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, will be the leader of the army of insects!

ps: Kerrigan’s description cannot be overstated, otherwise this chapter is gone. *

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