Chapter 77 Servant sword!

Chuck set his sights on the battlefield.

The Demon Corps attacked for the seventh time and ended in failure again.

Hundreds of the remains of demons piled up on the not very steep slope of 810 Heights, burning blazingly.

The demon who retreated, like an ant who had been stolen by the enemy’s fierce talisman bombardment, hurriedly retreated to the attack position.

Looking at the position less than 500 meters wide at 810 Heights, Chuck’s face was stern.

He immediately issued an order diametrically opposed to the precious life of the demon warrior.

“Order the combat team to regroup immediately. Go into the attack and tell them who dares to take a step back and kill directly! Order the other nine combat teams to follow behind and take a refueling attack. , Get this high ground down!”

Chuck didn’t want to be ridiculed by his colleagues in the Demon Legion after the war. A full demon Legion could not even take down a high ground.

In his opinion, the victories of the demons are far more responsible than the lives of the demon soldiers.

The creak, yell, roar and noise sounded again, and the flying winged demons were yelling and shouting on the attacking position of the Demon Corps.

Reading out the order just received.

The demons who had retired with gray heads and sullen faces regained their vigor after regrouping their attack formations, with the sound of booming steps and the sound of commands.

The previous failures were not unacceptable to the demon army.

Although the high ground occupied by the enemy is not steep, the terrain is complex, and the narrow slopes cannot accommodate too many demons at the same time.

And the enemy’s powerful firepower was the first time that no one could estimate the ground before the war, when it first attacked.

The demon soldiers almost thought they had ran into Xuan Yuexing’s main resistance force head-on.

After several tentative attacks, although the battle team of the Demon Corps lost nearly five thousand demons, the opponents were also uncomfortable. Their losses were greater, and resistance was weaker than once.

On several occasions, several 553 demons of a team rushed into the trenches of the other side. If it weren’t for those cunning guys, they dug many traps that were buried with leg mines. The way to launch a counterattack, now, the Demon Corps has long been camping on the barbecue on 810 Heights.

Commander Chuck gave the order to die, and the Winged Demons nervously made pre-war deployments.

On the slope before the attack position, more than a thousand flame demon were madly pouring firepower on the enemy’s high ground.

Behind the position, thousands of demons lined up in three assault formations.

This time, no retreat is allowed.If the first team falls on the way to attack, then the second team will fill in. If the second team is also finished, the third team will start the charge until it completely occupy the position!

Concentrating the superior forces and forcibly piercing a point of the enemy’s front, such a storm is a very familiar way of fighting for the demon army. Before that, they had done it countless times.

The demon army is not a brainless charge, they are far more cunning than all creatures.

The only difference is that in the past, they faced the mad lion army. This time, they faced a group of infantry playing with iron skins.

Even if the firepower and resistance of the monks are somewhat unexpected, Commander Chuck has made some fuss.

The demon warriors who were assembling heard the sound of the originally gentle fireball on the defense line suddenly rushing up.

The meteor shower-like fireball light leaped across the low yellow sky when it was faint, and smashed across the sky on the 810 high ground.

The shock wave of the explosion rolled up the loose sand and thrown it in all directions. The messy gust of wind was wrapped in dust and fluttered everywhere.

The dead branches and gravel were thrown, staggered in the air, and rained down on the slope. There was a constant crackling on the leaves and on the rocks.

The firepower coverage lasted for a full half an hour, and the flame demon who launched the fireball on the position twitched all over, unable to squeeze out a little energy to continue to attack. The violent vibration made the entire defense line tremble.

The demon warrior in the center section of the line has already pulled away to the two wings, revealing a road straight to the 8100 height.

“The first team. All assault!”

With an order, more than 500 demons from the first combat team of the Demon Corps swarmed out of the woods and jumped out of the three-meter-high trenches.

The dense formation, as the demons sprinted quickly, fluttered, like a handful of green beans being thrown out.

Behind them, the remaining two teams maintained a tight formation, moving little by little to fill the gap left by the attacking demon.

In the sound of footsteps in the mountains, who would believe that the flesh and blood on the 810 Heights can withstand such an attack.


Koz’s heart was beating violently.

The brown-yellow soil, burning debris, black explosion residue on the ground and no red blood stains, soaring plumes of smoke, everything was distorted in the violent charge of the demons and became unreal.

This was the first battle of the first battalion of the First Division of the Brotherhood led by Koz.

Despite the monks sitting in front of him, Koz couldn’t help his heart beating faster.

As a mad lion who grew up on Xuan Yuexing.

Koz, like the other mad lion companions in the first battalion, is accustomed to all kinds of fights. That was originally part of their lives.

However, everything that I have experienced is different from the war in front of me!

To be honest, Koz was really a little flustered when he first entered the position.

The position was dug into a trench up to five meters deep.

Just enough for the mad Lion to enter the trench in a prone position.

One enters the trenches. The whole world has changed.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, violently exploding one after another, densely packed, without the slightest gap.

The sand and gravel that rose up into the sky were like waves hitting the levee, knocking them down messily, slamming on the external armor, making a snapping sound.

Sky. Has been covered by the thick smoke and flying dust when it burned.

Countless stumps and broken arms, large and small flesh and blood, are flying in front of Koz’s ground.

Blood. In the explosion, it turned into a mist of blood, which dyed the entire sky red.

Koz even looked at a severed palm with only three fingers, falling beside him, blocking the transparent shield above the trench.

When the broken palm slides down, it will cover all (aicg) blood fog, and cut a gap filled with the dusk of the sun and the fire and smoke.

Seeing the ground through this bloody gap is hell.

Not only here, the entire Xuan Yuexing is in such a region!

Koz knows that this is a war sweeping the entire immortal world, and people like him can’t avoid it anyway.

He could neither bend his knees to beg for mercy nor hide in the mountains and forests.

Although they are civilian fighters, the education they have received since childhood is still honor and battle.

However, you can’t fight if you want to fight.

They never thought that the real war would look like this!

The demon army is not only high in individual quality, but the overall quality is even more terrifying!

No matter how high the mad Lion’s melee fighting technique is, there is no power to fight back in a group battle.

And Xuan Yuexing’s old projectile weapon was more like a child’s toy than the devil’s flame weapon.

These demons are even physically capable of resisting 99% of the attacks of metal projectile weapons.

It is fortunate to be able to join the army of monks.

Not only Koz thinks so, but almost every mad lion who joins the friars thinks so. And this feeling of luck became especially strong when taking over the controller of the puppet from the monks!

The monk’s first division has its own military combat armament and swordsmanship.

This was created by the monks in order to allow the Lion Warriors to fight against the demon army in size and height.

His prototype is the exoskeleton armor commonly used by Xuanyuexing mad lions.

The sword is twelve meters tall. The whole body is black and weighs forty tons.

The head of the puppet resembles the medieval helmet of the mad lion man. This helmet-style head is often used whether it is a military exoskeleton or a civilian exoskeleton, but the style is different, simple and easy to manufacture.

However, no one of the helmet of the swordsman obviously has the intention to help make it more beautiful.The overall look is like the inferior iron surface put on the prisoner in the barbaric century, the uneven shell is wrapped in the electronic vision system, and the ears are open. The two round holes let the radar system finally reveal a little bit. The ugly mouth with the measurement system is almost like it.

The pumpkins carved by children on Halloween have no beauty at all.

Under the puppet’s head is the fuselage.

There is no neck. The thing has no other use except to increase the enemy’s attack parts. Human-shaped puppets do not mean that they have to be exactly the same as man-made ones.

The chest is a whole piece of thick and ugly composite armor, broad shoulders and strong arms.

It seems that it is not so much a mechanical puppet, but rather a few solid steel lumps together.

In addition, under the lower abdomen, the anti-knuckle legs shaped like frog legs and the three-toed soles like dinosaurs, the warriors could not connect this devil muscle man with such elegant names as Shijian.

When really sitting in the cockpit of the puppet. When fighting with this ugly big piece of iron, the soldiers knew what they got.

This is definitely a masterpiece. They even want to sleep in this ugly puppet’s cockpit every day!

The fierce power, this is the soldiers’ first understanding of the sword.

This ugly puppet, whether it is power, instantaneous explosive power or fist attack power, is extremely powerful.

At this point, everyone was not very surprised. After all, just looking at the puppet’s vicious shoulders and arms, they would be mentally prepared enough.

However, when the warriors saw the monk driving this ugly guy into scrap iron in the puppet demonstration, they still frightened their jaws.

That dash like lightning at a distance of fifty meters, the shoulder like a siege hammer, that deafening loud noise.

Looking at the deformed and distorted exoskeleton armor, the soldiers’ eyes fell to the ground.

They never thought that the original exoskeleton armored combat can be barbaric to such a degree.

But the monks were able to come up with such a ghost, and they had to admire their creativity in warfare.

“Isn’t he a mecha, he got it out in the skin of a puppet?”

Liu Xi was stunned, and Xuanhuan suddenly played with technology.

Shouldn’t you be the return of Ten Thousand Swords to destroy the devil??.

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