Chapter 79 fear!

The devil on Xuan Yuexing didn’t have the time to think of any devil.

A flood of artillery fired down the high ground, rushing the crowded demon formation on the slope to pieces. In the frenzied artillery sound of the monk army puppets, the first combat team of the Demon Corps, like a dandelion in the storm, quickly dissipated.

At the moment, the most shocking is naturally Chuck.

He never expected that the enemy would ambush such a powerful firepower on the ground.

“Where do these iron bumps come from?!” Chuck roared, picking up the Wing Demon leader who was responsible for detecting enemy information.

“He them.”

The poor leader looked pale with sweat.

Under the coverage of the Wing Demon’s investigation, any actions and conditions of the opponent’s position should have been as clear as a palm pattern.

However, until the enemy’s puppets suddenly appeared and caused a devastating blow to a team, none of the Winged Demon issued any warning.

The flying “five-five-three” Wing Demon sighed with his wings gripped. His heart was still full of questions, how could he answer Chuck’s question.

“Fire suppression!” Chuck, who didn’t get the answer, slammed the leader to the ground severely, turned his head and gritted his teeth at the dazed flying wing demons, and roared: “The second team will cover, order the first team, Cooperate with the second team to form a circular defensive formation. Retreat first!”

“Yes!” The flying wing demons woke up like a dream, and suddenly jumped.

Screams, roars, footsteps, a mess.

Chuck’s order was quickly conveyed to the front line through the Flying Wing Demon.

There was another panic, the second and second team, which had already jumped out of the battlefield, amidst the commands of the demon officers at the grassroots level and the messy footsteps. Forcibly turned the triangular attacking array into an irregular circular defensive array.

Hundreds of demons were scattered on the plain in front of 810 Heights, like ants on a hot pot.

Just after the initial change of the formation, hundreds of demons rushed to the high ground at high speed amidst the urging of the officers.

Now, all they need to do is to connect a team of lagging demons into the formation. Then he slowly returned to the attack position and survived the massacre first.

It was the same scene of hustle and bustle on the attack position.

The lava demon, which has not completed the energy supply, once again gathered strength sporadically and sent the lava cannonballs to the 810 high ground.

They can no longer take care of the part of the demons who rushed into the battlefield.

In such a terrifying firepower network of the enemy, those demons rushing in the forefront have only one dead end.

If you don’t use long-range firepower to suppress the enemy, then the remaining forces of a team can’t escape the fate of destruction. Only use undifferentiated firepower to suppress the enemy. In order to buy time for the remnant demons of the second team and the first team to retreat.

For a time, the entire battlefield was completely boiling.

The demons’ tactics changed, and they quickly achieved results.

The sound of intensive artillery shook the sky, and countless explosions flashed one after another on the high ground with a radius of less than one or two square kilometers.

With the support from the rear and the coordination of the command system, the demons who were still jamming at the front of the position finally stabilized.

They formed a small defensive formation with each other, throwing fireballs while steadily retreating.

However, how could the monks who had already gained the upper hand let the cooked duck fly away like this.

It has always been the tradition of the monk army to beat down the dog in the water.

The same is true even in the newly established three regiments.

Just as the covered firepower of the Demon Corps leaped into the air from the attack position, a bugle sounded suddenly from behind the 810 Heights.


“Long live the monk army!” Hundreds of voices resounded across the sky and yelled into one voice.

The fierce and ugly puppets suddenly jumped out of the trenches, and their healed figures leaped between the trenches.

The rune thrusters on their backs sprayed red light. All of a sudden, hundreds of puppets. Like shooting stars, they rushed to the demons all over the world.

Before the demons on the slope of the position had time to make any response, the puppets of the monk army had already flew sharp arrows into the air and plunged into them.

“Close assault!”

The counterattack launched by the monk army made the demons dumbfounded.

They never dreamed that these weird subway bumps would even dared to launch a charge against the siege fighter demon cluster at the forefront.

That’s the boxing demon! In the devil’s organization, a fierce demon designed with close combat as the direction from the beginning!

From its name, it can be seen that this kind of fierce fighting ability of the devil!

Not to mention the demons themselves, even in the entire Xuanyue Star battlefield, there are very few regular troops that dared to launch a charge against the boxing king demon cluster.

The title of the boxing champion is not in vain, their fierce power is enough to make any enemy trapped in the formation to pieces!

However, the stupid commander of the monk army lost the cover of the trenches at this moment, abandoned the advantage of the firepower net that they had organized by surprise, and chose to charge the boxing demon group with a fever, these ugly iron knots, It’s just looking for death!

Chuck, who had been closely watching the battle situation on the high ground, immediately beamed with joy. He grabbed the Flying Wing Demon next to him and ordered: “A team resists a little bit, pretends to be defeated, let the enemy down.”

His command quickly passed through all the flying wing demons and passed to the ears of all the demon warriors.

“The two wings of the second team rush forward and must swallow the enemy in!”

“This high ground is ours!” The leaders on the side waved their claws excitedly.

This charge launched by the enemy with inferior forces is simply an inferior mistake!

Abandoning the cover of the position, there is no mad lion army on Xuan Yuexing that can gain advantage in front of the demon legion.

However, the surprise of the demons quickly disappeared like a broken bubble.

There was no need to pretend to be defeated at all. The moment the monk army puppet plunged into the demon group, the demon formation that had just stabilized fell into complete chaos.

The flying wing demons brought everything that happened on 810 Heights to the commander’s eyes.

Hundreds of ferocious figures shot into the formation of a team.

Take the lead with a sword, with an extremely strange pace, twisted between the two boxing champions.

It moved as fast as a flying electric light, under the close attack of it and the three puppets behind it.

In an instant, the two boxing champions have turned into burning fireballs.

The fire blasted into the sky, and the red light was shining in the red light. This paternity sword had flashed a hundred meters away, and the other paternity sword, from the left and right, completed the killing of the other boxing king demon at the same time.

On the brownish-yellow slope in front of the 810 Heights, the broken tree trunks lay horizontally and vertically. Under the soil surface of the opened ground, huge rocks were blown into pits and pits. Numerous 2.6 large and small scorched black bullet craters dotted each other.

Twisted weapons and the devil’s limbs were scattered on the ground, and the burning debris was billowing black smoke straight into the sky, and the diffuse gun smoke gathered and drifted in the volatile wind.

Hundreds of ugly puppets, right on this steep slope, right in the demons, right in front of Chuck’s eyes, are swift and fast!

They are like a group of magic wolves, looming in the flying dust, ejecting, turning and gathering impermanence.

Their fighting skills are peculiar and deadly. In front of them, the majestic champions are like awkward sloths, except for waving their fists in vain, without any effective resistance.

One boxer after another, in the countless black shadows, turned into burning fireballs, violently exploding, on the steep slopes of the high ground, like continuous fireworks.

An extreme fear attacked every demon. .

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