Chapter 90 Lead the monarch into the urn!

“Damn Gunm, what the hell did you eat?!”

Videen, who is closest to Gum, can’t wait to take off his nose.

Without him, Gunm is really fucking stinky.

What shocked Videen even more was that this stench could erode his blood god protection. Although there was only a small amount of damage, it was also a real damage to the god body.

Can the smell of a mere mere hurt the divine body?

This had to make Videen a little suspicious of God’s life.

As a generation of blood god, he holds the power of blood. As long as the more blood his people sacrifice, the stronger he will be.

What’s more, Videen’s blood god protection could not be broken by dozens of immortal world powerhouses around it, and it could be penetrated by the stench of Gunm’s body.

“Really? Why didn’t I smell it?

Gunm sniffed around curiously, trying to find out the source of the stench Videen said.

As he moved, hundreds of powerful people in the center of the battlefield stopped one after another, and ran out 08.

A strong Chitu tribe stared with red eyes and couldn’t help sighing.

“It’s worthy of being the demons who swept hundreds of planets. They actually stuffed their bodies with urine and shit to disgust us. We are willing to bow down to the wind. Everyone, let’s withdraw first!”

“Lao Chi is right, devil, count you as awesome, just like that for high-end power battles. We lose 10% today. If we meet again next time, you won’t be so lucky!’

A strong man with horns said.

Any creature with a sense of smell can’t stand the indescribable stench on Gunm.

The stench seemed to stain the whole soul yellow.

Diablo glanced at the powerhouses with disdain.

That’s it? Can you still be scared to admit defeat by the smell?

The immortal world is really spicy chicken.

But now is not the time, we still have to break them one by one.

“Go away, trash.

Diablo said arrogantly.

There are not many strong people from the various races, holding their noses, and running away without letting go.

This immortal world is also weak.

Not long after thinking about this, Diablo suddenly vomited out.


Diablo covered his eyes and nose and howled frantically.

After a period of digestion, the Rotten Intestine Pill in Gum’s body has completely merged into Gum’s flesh and blood, and the odor that it emits is even more deadly, and the distance the smell floats is even more terrifying.

The other evil gods ran out of their lives, and this desolate asteroid was even dyed yellowish because of the stench on Gunm.

But Diablo was so busy pretending that he didn’t have time to run, and he was hit by his brother’s detonation hammer.

The stench directly penetrated Diablo’s protection and eroded into his mouth and nose.

Even worse, Diablo also began to emit a stench.

Can this stench spread like a plague?!

Outside the court, Liu Xi was stunned.

Sure enough, other players cannot be underestimated.

The ghost knows that a pill thrown by the monks can easily defeat Diablo, the Diablo god who just showed his might.

If the Zerg is infected with this evil

Liu Xi shuddered suddenly.

Although this deadly biological weapon is easy to use, he doesn’t want to use it at all.

If the Zerg gets this stench, Liu Xi would rather destroy the Zerg.

In the world of immortality, Shangqing, Taiqing, and Yuqing held their demeanor with a smile.

You have to hold back, there are still many disciples on the flying boat.

We are professionals, and we can certainly hold back a smile.

Unless I can’t help it.

The three of them never expected that the most powerful Cthulhu would be severely injured because of a small rotten intestine pill.

The surprise came so quickly that the three of them couldn’t stand it.

The Lord of the Qing Dynasty drew his sword to try if he could kill Diablo.

But Taiqing Guanzhu grabbed him.

“Rotten Chang Dan seems to have a certain mutation with that big fat man. All creatures that have been smoked by the smell seem to have that foul smell. If you don’t want to be like that, don’t go!”

Guanzhu Taiqing just deduced it and learned about the changes in Diablo.


Shangqing Guanzhu was shocked and quickly put away the sword.

Fortunately, he didn’t go, and he was still stinky when he went, so he can directly solve the problem.

A stinky monk is no different from dead.

Because of the ancient times that aura washes and cleanses the body, the monks basically never sweat, let alone excrete anything.

Even if the monk is not trimming, it is also full of spiritual fragrance.

And as a leader in the monk world.

The term “Xianji Daogu” is used to describe the three of the Shangqing Taiqing Wang Yuqing, which is nothing to exaggerate.

If you get this stench, you don’t really need to be in the monk world.

The three of Shangqing Taiqing Yuqing ran away with a flying boat. The Cthulhu has contracted this foul-smelling plague, and it is estimated that the ordinary team will not be able to collect it well.

They are also waiting for how much trouble this stench can bring to the demons.

Making troubles is actually a common hobby of the three people.

Xuan Yuexing.


Seeing that more than twenty puppets had been trapped in one’s own side, the voices of the demons echoed over the battlefield.

Although at the beginning of the battle, the demons were a little nervous because of the losses caused by the sudden attack of the squadron of the monks.

However, as the battle continued, the demons became more confident.

Those puppets, under the attack of one by one demons, although they can still support left and right, and even 570 can even make some counterattacks occasionally, all the demons can be sure that victory is only a matter of time. .

“If you surrender, you will receive corresponding preferential treatment, join our demons and become the power of demons to rule the world!”

The voices of the demons one after another.

“Otherwise, die!,

As soon as these words were said, the demons began to cheer and roar feverishly.

In their opinion, these weak creatures are indeed very strong, but they are demons and stronger.

These puppets can only parry in the encirclement group, there is no room to fight back at all.

Some demons yelled: “Hurry up and surrender!”

Some shouted: “Eat them!!”

Others shouted: “Join us, weak creatures, the devil will give you strength!”

One by one voices gathered. Like a sea tide, the surge is higher and higher.

However, none of the demons found a problem.

That is, in the seemingly arduous resistance and wandering evasion of the monk army squad.

The entire battlefield is getting closer and closer to the left-wing defense line of the demons.

“Demons, are you serious?”

Suddenly a voice came out from the pile of puppets.

The demon standing at the forefront smiled healingly.

“Yes, of course it is true!”

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