
Su Mu knew that no matter whether it was Seth, the Sixth Emperor of the Devouring Clan, or the strong men from the Longxia Alliance, they would definitely do everything to find him.

And no matter which side, Su Mu could not contend with it now. It was no problem to kill a low-level god, but what if the opponent had a very high god level, such as above level 10?

Su Mu asked himself that he was definitely not an opponent of such a god level.

What's more, he had heard from Mei Yu before that Seth's god level was at least above level 20. If such a strong man had to take action, it was conceivable that if other peak strong men knew that he was a condemner, they would certainly take action.

At that time, the strong men that Su Mu faced were not just one or two, but a group, and even each of them was an existence that he had to look up to now.

Even though Su Mu's basic attributes were growing all the time, which of those peak strong men had not lived for hundreds of years?

Their accumulation was extremely strong, and each of them was extremely terrifying.

Su Mu needs to take shelter now. He needs time, time to grow. This time doesn't need to be long. One or two years, or three years, is enough........................................................

The battlefield of ten thousand races is very large. Since it is called the battlefield of ten thousand races, it means that there are at least ten thousand races in it.

Of course, the battlefield of ten thousand races is not just a battle between races. There are also countless monsters and various dangerous places in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

The battlefield of ten thousand races can also be called the battlefield of ten thousand races training, which means that all races in the universe can enter it, train, fight, plunder...

As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want in it, and no one can control you.

Being insidious and cunning, killing and robbing are the most common things in the battlefield of ten thousand races. You will fall if you are not careful.

In it, you can not only team up with humans, but also with aliens. However, no matter who you team up with, you have to pay attention to your teammates, because the opponent may take your life at any time.

""I like this place!"

After checking, Su Mu said happily that the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is very suitable for him.

He didn't know about it before because his level was too low. Generally speaking, only people above level 50 dare to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, otherwise it would be difficult to survive. If you want to enter, it is true that anyone at any level can enter, but at least people above level 50 have the ability to survive.

After learning about it, Su Mu directly exited the virtual city, and then after checking the address given by the man, Su Mu immediately went to this place. After a while, when Su Mu arrived here, he was a little surprised. He originally thought it would be more hidden, but he didn't know that this place was so lively, with many people coming and going.

""Sir, was someone introduced here?"

Su Mu walked into this special venue unconsciously, and immediately a sexy bunny girl came over and asked.

The woman's question seemed to indicate that she had received many such customers. She had a sharp eye and saw that Su Mu was here for the first time.

However, she was even more surprised that Su Mu was only level 22 and dared to come here. The purpose of the people who came here was naturally clear at a glance. However

, the bunny girl did not say anything because of her professionalism. Anyway, as long as the customer paid, they could send you to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield even if you were level 1. As for whether you lived or died afterwards, it had nothing to do with their power.

"Well, there is one called Ah Gui!"

Su Mu looked at the bunny girl and nodded.

""Okay, follow me!"

Hearing the word"Ah Gui", the bunny girl nodded and asked Su Mu to follow.

This is the hall, there are many people, and when you follow the bunny girl to the back, it is very quiet.

"Sir, please pay the money here, and then wait in the room over there for about three hours. It will be your turn to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

The bunny girl pointed at another person and said to Su Mu

"Do you want to consider it? Because once the transaction is completed, the money cannot be refunded, but you can also rest assured that we are a formal force and we will do the job as long as we pay you!"

The bunny girl continued


Su Mu shook his head.

This kind of special place must be protected by a strong man. People open the door to do business, which is a kind of integrity. If they are not honest, they would have stopped operating long ago. After all, this kind of business is not just one company.

Ten billion gold coins are just a drizzle for Su Mu, and he would not frown.

When leaving Planet Z, Qian Yuling did give Su Mu 10 trillion, so that if Su Mu needed anything in the future, he could go directly to other forces to buy it if it was inconvenient to come to the Qianyu Family.

Just pay the money directly, without any other cumbersome steps and explanations.

Then Su Mu came to a room, where many men and women had gathered, but most of them were independent, and only a few were in a team of two or three people.

Su Mu's arrival surprised the people in the room. After all, Su Mu's level was too eye-catching. Who among them was not a strong man of level 70, 80, or even 100?

He found a place to sit down, and Su Mu ignored the eyes of others.

An hour later, several more people came during this period, but no one spoke.

But at this time, a man of more than 80 levels seemed to finally couldn't help walking towards Su Mu.

"Hey, man, do you mind if I sit next to you?"

"Thank you, I'm welcome!"

The man didn't wait for Su Mu to say anything, he thanked him directly, and then sat next to Su Mu.

""Brother, you are only level 22. You dare to enter the battlefield of all races at such a low level. You must be very strong, right? I guess you are stronger than me who is over level 80."

The man continued, as if he was very familiar with Su Mu.

"What do you want to say?"

Su Mu glanced at the man calmly and said


The man was a little embarrassed, but he quickly covered it up.

"It seems like this is your first time here, and you probably don't know much about the situation in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield."

"What I want to tell you is that when you enter the battlefield of all races, you have to pay attention to other people, because these people may attack you at any time and snatch your things."

"If you have the ability to escape, escape immediately after entering. You are so low level, yet you dare to enter. In the eyes of others, you must have a lot of life-saving items on you, and you will be targeted."

"So, be careful!"

The man said, but didn't say anything else, and returned directly to the place where he was just now.

Su Mu glanced at the man and said nothing.

Robbed him?

He wanted to see who had no eyes....................................................

Three hours passed quickly, and with the arrival of the last two people, there were exactly 100 people in the huge room.

"Everyone, follow me!"

At this time, a man came in and said to Su Mu and others.

One hundred people sent it once, which was equivalent to 100 billion gold coins. Su Mu couldn't help but sigh that this business was really profitable.

Soon, everyone followed the man to a huge teleportation array.

"Everyone, this is a one-way teleportation array. Once you enter, you will be teleported directly to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. There is no way to get out. If you want to get out, you can only leave the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield by reaching a place with a return teleportation array."

"Is there anyone who regrets it now and doesn't want to go in?"

The man looked at the crowd and said.

In the past, many people paid the money but still didn't dare to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

They didn't force them not to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, but they wouldn't refund the money. After all, when they paid the money, they said they could consider it.

Seeing that no one shook their heads, the man stopped talking.

""Okay, all of you go in!"

One hundred people walked directly into the teleportation array, and then the man directly turned on the teleportation function. With a flash of light, the figures of Su Mu and the other one hundred people disappeared directly.

It is very uncomfortable for a human body to be teleported directly, as if the whole person was squeezed into a ball and the internal organs were separated.

I don’t know how long it took, anyway, Su Mu was dizzy and couldn’t control himself at all.

When Su Mu felt that his feet were standing on the solid ground, when he looked again, the surroundings had become another scene.

The gray-black sky was full of traces of battles. There were many dead bones on the ground. These dead bones were new and old.

There was a faint smell of blood and a smell of decay in the air.

No one knew where this place was in the battlefield of all races, but it should be relatively safe. After all, it is impossible to teleport directly to the alien camp, right? Nor will it be teleported to the hinterland of powerful monsters. In fact, this is not absolute. Once you are unlucky and teleport in,���The possibility of being wiped out directly still exists.

After all, this is not a regular channel to enter the battlefield of all races, and there are certain risks.

If you go through the alliance channel, it will be safe, because you will be directly teleported to the human camp.

At this moment, Su Mu found that after entering, they all dispersed, distanced themselves from other people around them, and looked extremely vigilant.

Then they gradually retreated, and when they found that no one else was staring at them, they left quickly.

"Hey, kid! Hand over everything and I'll spare your life!"

Sure enough, the first one to be targeted was Su Mu. There was no way he could do it because he was the lowest level.

Even if others could think of it, Su Mu must have something to save his life, but this was even more enviable.

A male warrior of more than 70 levels drew his sword and walked towards Su Mu viciously.

"Get out of here! This prey is mine!"

However, there was more than one person eyeing Su Mu, and another female knight said coldly

"Tsk tsk, so many people are fighting for a prey that is only level 20. How dare you? Even if you score, it’s not enough!"

Another person came over. This female archer was at a higher level, more than level 80.

""Hey, brother, I told you before that you should escape as soon as you come in. Why are you still standing here?"

The man said speechlessly.

However, he could do nothing and quietly retreated away.

The others also retreated away, but did not leave, because they wanted to see what these three people could get from Su Mu.

If there were treasures, everyone would have to grab them.

"It is indeed a naked law of the jungle.……"

Su Mu looked at the three people around him and couldn't help but say

"But I like it!"

Ball of Fire!


The attack bonus allowed Su Mu to release three fireballs in an instant, directly hitting the third person.






The three of them didn't even have time to react, let alone scream, and were killed in seconds. The same was true for the others around them. They didn't even have time to blink before the three people walking towards Su Mu were gone.


After the other ninety-six people reacted, they took a deep breath.

And many of them turned around and ran away. This was a freaking instant to kill three level 70 or 80 people.

With such terrifying strength, what if the other party got angry and started to slaughter?

If they didn't run, they would all die here...................................................................................

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