
The two actually didn't know who was the one who killed the ultimate boss continuously, but they found a clue.

They happened to have a chance to check some people, that is, who went to the planet where the ultimate boss was killed during that period.

Because the ultimate bosses are all level 10, so after a selection, people above level 10 can be directly eliminated.

And the remaining level 10 people, that is, anyone could be the one who killed the ultimate boss.

The final result is that they found that there are still dozens of people who are the most suspicious.

Since the number of people selected is not large, and they don't know who it is, the two of them plan to kill these dozens of people directly.

They would rather kill the wrong one than let it go. Before coming to Su Mu, they had killed several people.

But they found that none of them were, because they were too weak and could not be the one who killed the ultimate boss.

Today, it is Su Mu's turn in their kill list.

With the strength of more than 30 levels, it is not necessary to be so careful to deal with a level 10 person, but for them, this is not being careful, but not wanting to cause too much shock.

The main thing is that if you really encounter the person who killed the ultimate BOSS, then his strength is naturally not low. Once discovered, it will be difficult to deal with him.

It is best to hide and kill him with one blow.


Su Mu, who was lying on the bed thinking about something, suddenly sat up. He looked at the door of the room vigilantly. Although he could not see anything, he felt something unusual in the air.

"What's going on? Is there someone else's presence?"

Su Mu thought to himself, but he still found nothing.

The two assassins were about to attack, but when they suddenly saw Su Mu sitting up, they were startled and thought he had discovered their presence.

However, they soon felt relieved, but they were also very surprised. They didn't expect that Su Mu could feel the difference in the air.

"This person is very alert, not like a level 10 person at all"

"He has a great chance of being one of them!"

One of the assassins thought sternly.

""Do it!"

Only a few meters away from the target, for their assassins of more than 30 levels, it is absolutely within the killing range.

Just when Su Mu didn't notice and was about to lie down again!

The air suddenly condensed, and two cold lights full of endless murderous intent burst out.



One knife to the neck, one knife to the heart!

Both places are fatal. Even if they don't kill directly, as long as they hit these two places, they will cause serious injuries to the opponent and reduce the amount of blood.

But just when the two assassins thought they succeeded and Su Mu was sure to die.




The two assassins were stunned, and they found that the weapons in their hands did not penetrate into Su Mu's flesh at all, not even the epidermis.

"Damn it! It must be him!!!"

One of the assassins screamed.

It was certain that their previous deduction was completely correct, and the opponent must be one of the dozens of people.

However, the result of the assassination also made the two assassins gradually feel depressed.


What is an assassin?

Either a one-shot kill, success!


Then immediately retreat, hide again, and then escape.

However, this time they kicked off the iron plate, and even the fatal blow could not cause any damage to the opponent. How powerful is the opponent?


The assassins were fast, but how could they be faster than Su Mu?

The next moment, at a speed dozens of times faster than the speed of sound, he grabbed the two assassins one by one, pinching their necks.

""Tell me, who are you?"

Su Mu asked coldly, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, the two assassins who were caught were horrified to the extreme. They looked at Su Mu in horror and could not say a word.

They were over level 30.

With their strength, it would be no problem to kill the ultimate BOSS of level 10, but they were too high and could not enter that kind of planet.

But they never thought that Su Mu would be so powerful.

In front of each other, the two of them were like holding two newborn chicks.

However, fear is fear, but they are also trained deadpools, spies sent by the organization to other alliance forces.

If they fail, they will commit suicide immediately.


The two assassins looked at Su Mu and groaned!

Then, Su Mu saw that the blood volume above the heads of the two assassins was rapidly decreasing. In just a breath, all the blood volume was gone.

This also meant that the two assassins were completely dead.


Su Mu loosened his hands, and the bodies of the two assassins fell to the ground, completely without breath.

"This is not only an assassin, but also a deadpool?"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Su Mu said in surprise

"Who wants to kill me? They even sent Deadpool. Am I exposed?"

"Impossible. If I were exposed, the other party would not just send two assassins in their thirties."

"Or maybe the other party is not sure? And doesn't know my true strength?"

Su Mu's mind was spinning rapidly.

However, no matter how he speculated, Su Mu couldn't find a clue, let alone know the identities of the two assassins.

"First, the information that I killed the ultimate BOSS may have been exposed. Second, either my performance in the academy today, someone from another force wants to kill me?"

In the end, Su Mu could only come up with two biggest possibilities.

"But the message sent by the alliance before indicated that my identity information was classified as one of the top secrets. Could this be one of the reasons why I was exposed, or did the other party find out from somewhere else?"

Su Mu kept calculating. Although it seemed meaningless, it actually made Su Mu more careful in the future.


Su Mu put on a staff, and then two fireballs appeared, burning the two bodies to ashes.

"Humph! No matter who it is, you have provoked the wrong person."

Su Mu's eyes flashed coldly.

Everything returned to calm, and no one knew that two assassins had died here.

The next day, Su Mu looked normal.

"Good boy, you are hiding well enough!"

Su Mu was about to go out, but the next moment, a beautiful face came over and almost hit him in the face...........................................

【o(╥﹏╥)o, please give me flowers, votes, and all support!!! The boss is the most handsome! 】

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