

Character: Su Mu

Occupation: None

Level: Level 1

HP: 7120

Mana: 1780

Strength: 356

Intelligence: 356

Constitution: 356

Spirit: 356

Agility: 356

Luck: 1

Talent: Unlimited attribute improvement

Movement speed: 356

Attribute points: 0

Strength affects physical attack, intelligence affects spell attack, constitution affects vitality and physical defense, spirit affects magic value and magic defense, agility affects dodge value and hit rate.

Su Mu looked again and found that his attributes were now more than 300 points, which was just a few minutes.

"One attribute point is added per second, 3600 attributes per hour, and 86400 attributes per day.……"

Calculating his own attribute improvement, tens of thousands of points a day, Su Mu couldn't bear the excitement and trembling body.

This is even more powerful than cheating.


While Su Mu was still excited in the awakening space, a group of teachers from the academy came outside.

A student stayed in the awakening space for three hours without coming out. This was unprecedented in the academy, and it was the same in other academies.

"It’s been more than three hours and he still hasn’t come out. No way, he’s not dead, is he?"

"How is that possible? I have never heard of anyone dying in the awakening space!"

"But under normal circumstances, no one can stay in there for more than three hours!"

"Well, no matter what, the probability of a serious situation is high, and a large number of teachers have come!"


At this time, in addition to Su Mu's original class, even some students from other classes gathered around after hearing about this.

"You can't do this. Once the awakening space is forcibly stopped, it will cause great harm to the people inside, or even death!"

A teacher said indifferently.

"What should I do? It's been more than three hours. If it keeps going like this, I'll starve to death."

"How could this happen? There was nothing wrong with this awakening space system, so why did this happen?"

"The system showed that the student named Su Mu was in a normal state, which meant that he did not have any problems."

"Wait a little longer. If you still can't come out, then force this awakening space to stop!"

An old man with a powerful majesty finally said.


After hearing the old man's words, everyone else responded.

However, at this moment, a wave of fluctuations appeared at the entrance of the awakening space.

""It's out! It's out!!!"

Someone shouted, attracting everyone's attention. Sure enough

, a figure soon appeared. It was Su Mu who had been inside for more than three hours.

Seeing so many people gathered outside and looking at him unanimously, Su Mu was startled.

"Holy shit! I'm out now. I'm so awesome. I stayed here for so long."

"I wonder if the awakening was successful?"

"It should be a successful awakening. If this is not a successful awakening, then it is really……"

"It’s hard to say. If it had been successful, it would have come out long ago!"


""Su Mu, what's wrong? Did you awaken successfully? Why did you stay in there for so long? What happened?"

Mu Yan, the head teacher, ran to Su Mu and asked.

Other teachers followed her and walked over. They also wanted to know why Su Mu could stay in there for so long.

"Uh, how long have I been in there?"

Su Mu didn't know how much time had passed, so he couldn't help asking

"Three hours and twenty minutes!"

Mu Yan replied

"What? More than three hours? ? ?"

Su Mu exclaimed, also with an incredible look on his face

"Forget it, no matter how long it has been, Su Mu, what happened to you in there, why can you stay there for so long?"

An old man came over and asked directly

"I don't know either. I don't even know how much time has passed."

Su Mu spread his hands and replied.

He naturally couldn't tell what happened to him. In his opinion, being able to stay for more than three hours must be related to his talent.

Anyway, no matter who asked, just three words, I don't know!

Everyone looked at Su Mu's appearance. He didn't seem to be lying, and there was no problem with the awakening space. He would not think that Su Mu had the ability to affect the system of the awakening space.

"Have you awakened yet?"

Mu Yan couldn't help asking

"Well, fortunately, I have awakened!"

Su Mu did not lie, because it was useless to deny it.

But he was panicking at this time. He did not expect that his coming out would cause such a big commotion. Once he was discovered by the strong men of these academies,……

"Huh? What's going on? I checked your attribute panel, but there is a question mark?"

At this time, a college teacher said in surprise

"It's really strange, I checked his attribute panel and it was the same."

Another teacher also said.

Checking other people's attribute panels is a skill called the Eye of Exploration. Everyone will learn it, or they will awaken it.

But once the opponent's attribute exceeds your own by too much, question marks will be displayed.

Su Mu is just an awakened student. Any teacher here has higher attributes than Su Mu, but they can't detect Su Mu's attributes, which naturally surprises them.

"I can't even detect it?"

At this moment, the majestic old man said in surprise.


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