
The others all stepped back when they saw the strange woman approaching Su Mu.

Although there were people from the three major camps, they were obviously"independents" or people from some small forces.

""Seven-Colored Holy Lotus, what did you use to pretend it?"

The strange woman asked directly without waiting for Su Mu to say anything.

But she didn't wait for Su Mu to say anything and continued

"The Seven-Colored Sacred Lotus is not a vulgar object and cannot be stored in ordinary things. It is best to use a jade box or something like that. If you use an ordinary box, the Seven-Colored Sacred Lotus will still wither after seven hours."

"If you use a jade box, you can keep it for a long time."

"Also, when taking the Seven-Colored Sacred Lotus, you cannot swallow it all at once. You need to swallow the seven leaves on it. But you cannot swallow it all at once either. You need to take it for seven days, one leaf a day."

"In this way, after seven days, the Seven-Colored Holy Lotus can truly merge into every drop of blood and cell in your body. Not only that, the Seven-Colored Holy Lotus truly merges with your three souls and seven spirits, so that even if you turn to ashes, you can be resurrected."

The strange woman said in one breath. She knew that Su Mu must not know how to use this thing.

And if he wanted to find out, he couldn't find any information about the Seven-Colored Holy Lotus.

After hearing this, Su Mu looked at the strange woman carefully for several times. He didn't know why the woman said this to him.

Are you lying to me?

It doesn't seem like it, but Su Mu wouldn't completely believe what the other party said, so he still needed to check it out.

""Okay, thank you."

Su Mu nodded.

After saying that, Su Mu turned around and left without staying.

"Remember my name, Yue Shuixian!"

Seeing Su Mu leaving quickly, the strange woman shouted to Su Mu.

Yue Shuixian?

Su Mu heard it, but did not stop, and soon disappeared from the sight of these people.

Seeing Su Mu leave, the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as these people were about to leave

"Guys, the others are dead, aren't you guys a bit redundant?"

Yue Shuixian turned her head and glanced at the four people indifferently.


We didn't provoke anyone?

The four people obviously didn't understand the meaning of the words, but they didn't have time to think about it.

At this time, Yue Shuixian waved her hand, and a piece of frost suddenly formed within a kilometer radius with her as the center, and the four people were directly frozen into ice sculptures.



The next moment, with the sound of four ice sculptures shattering, the four people were completely dead.

Instant kill, or one second four!


After killing the four people casually, Yue Shuixian turned around and jumped into the magma. But if someone was still there, they would find that after Yue Shuixian jumped into the magma, the magma around her actually retreated automatically and could not touch her at all.

Yue Shuixian dived and disappeared, but not long after, she appeared again. At this moment, she had another stone in her hand, but it looked different from the magma crystal.

"We will meet again!"


The next moment, Yue Shuixian raised her hand and drew a line in the void in front of her. The void actually cracked open, and then Yue Shuixian stepped directly into it. As her figure disappeared, the void quickly closed again.


Su Mu naturally had no idea what happened afterwards. He had already gone out and continued to the next marked place. After killing so many people, Su Mu took away all the maps on their bodies. This formed a more detailed map.

"Fantasy Valley?"

It is marked on many maps here that this Fantasy Valley is an area that has been explored and is the most dangerous place.

Many people have entered, but few can come out alive!

"If you want to find it, look for the most dangerous place. You can go to other places when you have time."

Su Mu looked at all the maps spread out on the ground and found some common points.

"Then let's go to Fantasy Valley!"

After collecting all the maps, Su Mu found the direction and rushed away.........................

"This level 18 person, you have to pay special attention. Our people saw that the other party was special in that underground cave. After entering the magma, he could directly counter the fire element damage of the magma."

"There is a high possibility that he is the one. Even if he is not the one, since we are determined to fight to the death this time, we must not keep any of the geniuses from the Longxia Alliance."

"That’s right, killing one is killing, but it’s better to kill them all. By then we’ll have already torn our relationships apart!"


The people outside the Beiyuan United Alliance have received the information transmitted by the people in the dangerous area. For now, the most they have received is Su Mu's data.

"Are you all ready?"

"We have been prepared for a long time. There are already many assassins here, and other strong men can arrive in an instant."

"If that doesn't work, the X-Star Destroyer is ready. No one can escape!"

A Beiyuan United Alliance woman said gloomily.

"That's good!"

The other people nodded with satisfaction, their faces showing coldness.

The people of the Blood Killing Empire naturally received Su Mu's data, but their approach was not as vicious as the Beiyuan United Alliance. Instead, they said that once they saw Su Mu, they would kill him at all costs, and ignore others.

In any case, the probability of Su Mu being suspected was the highest, and he was already on the must-kill list of these two parties.

It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go!

"It should be him, the possibility is very high. Once he comes out, we will do our best to ensure his safety!"

The Longxia Alliance also received Su Mu's data at the same time, but they only had this sentence!


Su Mu was getting closer and closer to the Fantasy Valley. He encountered many monsters on the way, but he easily dealt with them as usual.

Su Mu would ignore other people he met as long as they did not take the initiative to attack.

There are only seven days in the dangerous area. When the time is up, you will be sent out by the rules of the dangerous area.

Another half a day passed.

When Su Mu came to the entrance of the Fantasy Valley, he almost thought he was in the wrong place, because the Fantasy Valley was full of people, at least more than a thousand.

"So many people? How many people have entered the dangerous area? There are more than a thousand people here, and judging from the situation, the number will continue to increase."

Su Mu said in surprise.

Because there are so many people here, Su Mu's arrival did not attract many people's attention.

Su Mu did not ask why so many people gathered here, because there were annotations on some maps, which meant that although there were no powerful monsters in the Fantasy Valley, it was a place to test a person's mental strength.

Because this is an illusion, if you can resist the illusion inside after entering, then it may be possible to stimulate the inheritance.

However, with so many groups of people coming in, few people can resist. Once they can't resist, they will be lost inside and die.

Ye Hong came in once. He was one of the people who entered the Fantasy Valley and was able to come out alive.

But even if Ye Hong resisted all the illusions, he still couldn't activate the inheritance, so he could get the inheritance.

But in fact, no one knows that in addition to resisting the illusion, there are other things in the Fantasy Valley.

Su Mu also found that the more than a thousand people outside were hesitant about whether to enter the Fantasy Valley. After all, once they entered, if they couldn't resist the illusion, they couldn't get out, so they had to be cautious.

As for how many people had entered before, Su Mu didn't know.




At this time, three people stepped into the Fantasy Valley one after another.

"Three more people went in.、"

Someone immediately said

"Including these three, this is the 98th person to enter the Fantasy Valley. I wonder if anyone can come out?"

"Stop dreaming. In the past, many people went in, but none came out. This dangerous place has been opened so many times, but how many people have come out? You can count them on one hand."

Someone sneered and said

"But there is no other way. This Fantasy Valley is said to be the place that can best inspire inheritance. Naturally, some people are willing to gamble."

"The people before us had completely plundered the resources in the dangerous area, and we couldn't get anything. Now we have no choice but to come here."

"Haha, if you are lucky, you can dig in the soil and maybe find something. After all, it all depends on luck."

"There is nothing left, unless you kill the monsters, but these monsters will only explode a box, and you can only get one thing, if you are unlucky, you will get nothing."

"And it is impossible to play alone, unless you form a team, the remaining monsters are also very powerful."

Many people shook their heads helplessly. The later you come in, the less you can get.

Although there may be many treasures, it is not easy to find them. There are dangers everywhere, and you may be swallowed by monsters in the next second.

There are three major camps here. At the beginning, the people of the Beiyuan United Alliance started to fight when they saw the people of the Longxia Alliance. They also fought here for a long time, but as more and more people from the Blood Killing Empire came, they had no choice but to give up.

"An illusion?"

Su Mu said in a low voice.

"To resist the illusion, it should be related to the spiritual attribute. Although the spiritual attribute only increases the mana value and magic defense, the higher the spiritual attribute, the deeper the spiritual power."

Su Mu pondered, thinking about these things in the academy, the teacher had explained them.

And his own spiritual attribute...

Thinking of this, Su Mu directly passed the crowd and stepped directly into the Fantasy Valley.

"Another one has gone in, this is the 99th one!"

Someone said immediately.

"Huh? What did I see? This guy is level 18? Am I dazzled?"

"It seems to be level 18. I saw it too. This person is really amazing. How can a level 18 person come here alive?!"

"Just pretending, this person will die if he goes in"


Many people said sarcastically.

However, as Su Mu entered the Fantasy Valley, not long after, several more people went in one after another.

As long as there is a place worth taking risks, anytime, anywhere, and if there are people, they will try it, no matter what the result is?

The Fantasy Valley is completely different from the outside.

After Su Mu went in, what appeared in front of him was a series of wide steps, with the top reaching into the sky, and nothing could be seen.

Not far above, Su Mu saw some people standing on different steps, motionless.

Moreover, there were dry bones on each step. These were people who had not walked out of the illusion before, and eventually died of old age or other reasons.

Without thinking too much, Su Mu stepped onto the first step, but he didn't feel anything, and he didn't enter the illusion.

Then there was the second step, the third...

In one go, Su Mu walked to the tenth step, but the other people on the steps couldn't see Su Mu, because they were all in the illusion and didn't know the situation outside.

The people on the first ten steps were the ones who went in before Su Mu.

Soon, Su Mu reached the twentieth step, but still didn't feel anything.

"What the hell? That person……"

The people who followed Su Mu in were shocked to see that Su Mu had reached the 20th step.

They also watched Su Mu quickly walk up the higher steps without any intention of stopping.

"Is it that easy? Isn't it said that illusions are extremely powerful?"

"I don't know. It shouldn't be that easy. Look at the first few people. Where are they still standing?"

"I'll start first!"

One person said, and stepped onto the first step, and then continued to go up.

Relatively speaking, the front is very easy, even if you enter the illusion, you will come out quickly.

The people behind can climb a step in about one or two minutes.

""It's the 40th step. I wonder how many steps there are in total?"

Su Mu said indifferently.

At this time, he had left many people behind, and some people behind him could not see him.

And above, Su Mu also saw quite a few people. At this time, it can be seen that some people are already struggling.

Their faces showed various expressions, happiness, anger, murderous intent... But no matter what expression they showed, as long as they could not get out of the illusion, they might stay in it forever.

The illusion will erode a person's mental strength bit by bit. The longer you stay in the illusion, the harder it is to get out.

For many people, basically one step on the step, one illusion.

But Su Mu still didn't enter a single illusion. It's not that there is no illusion, but that his mental strength is too strong.


Su Mu continued to move forward, passing one person after another.

"How is it possible? Doesn't this person have an illusion?"

A person just came out of the illusion and saw Su Mu going up step by step. He was completely stunned.

"Level 18? ? ?"

After finding out Su Mu's level, the man took a breath.

But he quickly thought of something, and immediately recorded some data here and transmitted it out.....................................................

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