
Perhaps, the requirements of the person who left the legacy were not too strict in that era, but after so many years, people nowadays are far from being the opponents of people of that era.

It can be said that in that era, under the same level, the opponent could easily crush people of this era.

The last level was still easy. Not to mention being struck by lightning ten times, even a hundred times would not cause any damage to Su Mu.


As the last lightning fell,

"Congratulations on passing all the tests!"

"Lucky ones, enter the room in front of you and you can receive the inheritance. There is something I left for you there."

The voice sounded again.

Clearing the level was so easy for Su Mu.

Indeed, this was a test of his basic attributes. It was completely sent to Su Mu.

"I wonder what the inheritance is? I hope it will satisfy me."

Su Mu said lightly, with expectations in his heart.

The inheritance may be very powerful for others, but it may not be useful for Su Mu. After all, his starting point is too high.

At this time, Su Mu didn't know what happened outside.

"The inheritor has appeared. The inheritance dangerous area will be completely closed in one minute, and everyone will be forced to teleport out!!!"

Just when the people in the dangerous area outside were busy with various things, a voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.


"Has anyone triggered the inheritance? Where exactly is it?"

"Who is it? Who has obtained the inheritance?"

Many people were shocked and wanted to guess who it was.

And outside the Fantasy Valley

"Who has obtained the inheritance? There are only a hundred people who entered before, who is it?"

"This is too fast. Is he the first person to go in?"

"Damn, if that's the case, this dangerous place will never be opened again, and the inheritance will be gone."

"It doesn't matter if it's gone. Anyway, most of the things have been looted. What's the point? Most people come here for this so-called inheritance."

"Don’t know what inheritance is?"


At the same time, those who were still in the illusion test were also forcibly sent back to their original place, outside the Illusion Valley.

"Who is it?" someone said angrily.

"Could it be the level 18 guy? I saw him once, climbing the stairs like running, it seems that illusions have no effect on him."

"Yes! I saw it too, the guy on level 18 went up the stairs so fast!"

"In this case, this person has the highest probability of obtaining the inheritance."


The others were all surprised and looked very unhappy.

"Unbelievable, this guy is only level 18, how can he be so strong?"

"That person is from the Longxia Alliance, could he be that person?"

"It is very likely that he is. Given his situation, one cannot help but be suspicious. Moreover, not much time has passed since he entered, and the successor has appeared."

"It must be him, I can't see that person here!"

Many people immediately searched around, but did not find Su Mu, and they were immediately more certain.

And the person they were talking about was naturally the [Longer the name, the stronger the strength] in Dragon City. Although other identities could not be confirmed, the probability was very high.

"The successor appears, this dangerous place will be completely closed"

"This person is so strong. If he gets the inheritance, wouldn't it be even more powerful? Keeping him here will be a big problem."

"There is no way. No one would have thought it was him before. If they knew, they would not have let him inherit."


The people from the Beiyuan United Alliance and the Blood Killing Empire were extremely unwilling, and even had murderous intent flashing across their faces.

Even the people from the Longxia Alliance were furious.

The one-minute time came quickly, and in an instant, all the people still alive in the dangerous area, no matter where they were, were collectively teleported out to the continent outside.

"Huh? How come they came out? It's only been less than three days?"

Outside the continent, there are people from the three major camps guarding it. Suddenly seeing a large number of people appear, they are all stunned.

Moreover, because of the plan of the Beiyuan United Alliance and the Blood Killing Empire, there are more people hiding on this continent, but no one has discovered it.

""What's going on? Why are they all out?"

The people from the three camps waiting outside asked loudly. They naturally had no idea what was going on inside.

"Someone has obtained the inheritance inside, so we were forcibly teleported out, and this dangerous place will be completely closed."

Someone immediately replied

"What? Someone got the inheritance? Who?"

"It was someone from the Longxia Alliance, a person who was only level 18. The details were not clear. This person had a high probability of receiving the inheritance. He should still be inside receiving the inheritance and had not come out yet."

Level 18??

When the people from the Beiyuan United Alliance and the Blood Killing Empire heard this, they were shocked. From the data they had received from inside, there was only one person at level 18, who was also from the Longxia Alliance.

In the past, let alone people at level 18, even people at level 20, no one dared to go in.

Combining all this, the Beiyuan United Alliance and the Blood Killing Empire were sure that this person was the one they wanted to kill. They were definitely not wrong. Even if they were wrong, such a person could not be kept alive.

"Once he comes out after accepting the inheritance, we will kill him immediately with the force of thunder, and we cannot let the Longxia Alliance stop us!"

The top leaders of the Beiyuan United Alliance said sternly.

"This person must not be allowed to stay!!!"

The top leaders of the Blood Killing Empire also directly issued a death order.

All those who came out have been dismissed and returned to their respective camps' spaceships and taken away from here.

In the past, as these people who entered the dangerous inheritance area and came out alive, they would leave quickly and this place would return to peace.

But now, although there is no figure on the surface, it hides the extreme murderous intent, and the atmosphere in the starry sky has become extremely depressing.

Everyone is just waiting for one person to appear......................................................

Su Mu had no idea what was happening outside. After hesitating for a while, he walked into the room.

It was called a room, but it was very large, a huge stone chamber.

Just as Su Mu entered the room, a projection suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a man.

Although it was just a projection, Su Mu felt a strong sense of oppression when the man appeared. The man's aura was too strong.

"Lucky inheritor, congratulations on being able to obtain and accept my inheritance!"

The projection looked at Su Mu and said expressionlessly

"Before you accept the inheritance, you need to meet one last condition. If you fail to meet it, you will not be able to receive my inheritance, and I will send you away at that time."

The projection ignored Su Mu's words and continued.

"The last condition is that you must be a non-professional!"

Su Mu:...

He was a little nervous when he heard the projection's words. After all, no one knew what the final condition was.

What if it was the level?

Then I was level 18, which should be too low in the eyes of the other party.

But now, when he heard that he needed to be non-professional, it was not simple. Su Mu was a non-professional.

When he awakened, he also awakened the unlimited attribute improvement. With this talent, what profession should he choose?

Any profession can be chosen, and non-professional is the most suitable for Su Mu.

Because you can learn the skills of any profession and wear the equipment of any profession without restrictions.

If you want to play a mage, play a mage, if you want to play a knight, play a knight, assassin, etc.

"I am, a non-professional!"

Su Mu looked at the projection and answered for the first time.

"Very good, then congratulations!"

The projection showed a slight smile on its face at this time.

Su Mu had an illusion that although this was just a projection, it looked as if the other party was still alive.

"In fact, what you are about to inherit is also a profession, and this is a kind of inheritance I received a long time ago."

"Rumor has it that in ancient times, there was an extremely powerful profession, a profession that was condemned by heaven. Once discovered, it would be surrounded and killed by countless people."

"Because this kind of profession affects the balance too much and cannot be allowed to exist. Everyone wants it, but they cannot accept that others have it."

"Therefore, once someone obtains this inheritance, he will inevitably be hunted down endlessly!"


The projection narrated slowly, he was talking about the origin of the inheritance.

Su Mu was also very interested in listening to this.

A profession that was condemned by heaven?

Being hunted down by countless people?

Hearing these two sentences, Su Mu's heart was shocked. How strong must this profession be to be condemned by heaven? Being hunted down endlessly?

"My talent is already amazing, and I haven't been punished by God, right?"

Su Mu thought to himself.

He felt that his talent was already extremely amazing, and he hadn't been punished by God. So what other professions could be punished by God?

Isn't that a bit too exaggerated?

To say that he would be hunted down endlessly, that is indeed very likely.

Although Su Mu has not enjoyed such a"treatment" yet, it is almost the same, and as his identity is constantly exposed in the future, he will indeed be hunted down endlessly.

To be punished by God, that would be a bit too much.

But Su Mu was naturally looking forward to it. What kind of profession could be punished by God?

"Lucky inheritor, you have to think carefully. Once you accept this inheritance, it will have a great impact on yourself. At the same time, once your profession is discovered, you will never have peace!"

The projection continued

"What will be affected?"

Su Mu couldn't help asking

"You will know this after you accept the inheritance."

Damn it!"

Su Mu cursed.

Just talking about how awesome this profession is, but not saying how awesome it is, and not saying what other side effects there are?

Isn't this cheating?

You can only know after accepting the inheritance. What if you don't want it? What should I do?

For Su Mu, this is true. After all, his talent is strong enough.

If other people come here to inherit, they will definitely not think too much. How awesome is a profession that is condemned by heaven?!

"What if I don't accept the inheritance?"

Su Mu couldn't help asking

"If you give up, it would be a pity, because in addition to the inheritance, I have also prepared a lot of resources for you. If you give up, it also means giving up those resources."

The projection said lightly.

What the hell?

This is really too much. Su Mu can be sure that the other party did it on purpose at the beginning.

At this moment, Su Mu pondered for a long time, and finally he was sure that the profession and talent would not conflict, and his talent would not disappear because of this, that was enough.

""Okay! I accept the inheritance!"

Su Mu gritted his teeth and said with certainty.

"You sit on the stone platform, and then you can start the inheritance. Remember, once you start, you can't interrupt it, otherwise, you will be wiped out directly!"

The projection said coldly.


Su Mu didn't waste words. Since he chose to accept it, he didn't think about it anymore.

After that, Su Mu sat cross-legged on the stone platform. The next moment, a beam of light shone on him, and the inheritance began!

At this time, Su Mu didn't know what state he was in. The surrounding environment seemed to have changed, but he wanted to see clearly, but he couldn't see it clearly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon a day passed!

The second day!

The third day!


This inheritance lasted for three days.

"Why hasn't it come out yet? Why does it take so long to pass on the legacy?"

"Could it be that it was teleported to some other place and did not appear on this continent?"

"It's hard to say. If this person is teleported to another place, then everything we have done this time will be in vain."

"Don't worry, just wait. Even if it doesn't come out in a month, you have to wait."

In the outside world, the top leaders of the Beiyuan United Alliance were a little anxious. They were afraid that Su Mu would not appear on the mainland. Inside the stone chamber!


At this moment, Su Mu, who had remained motionless for three days, suddenly shook all over.

"Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the inherited profession, the Condemner!"


Su Mu was a little confused. The man in the projection had said that he was being punished by God. Could it be that this profession was called the Condemner because of this?

Then this was... a bit of a pit. Su Mu immediately felt that this was a big pit.

"Haha! Congratulations, lucky guy, you have accepted the inheritance, and I can rest in peace. Fortunately, this professional inheritance is in my hands and has not been broken!"At this time, the projection appeared again, but the man on the projection this time had a completely different mood from before.

Looking at the laughing projection man, Su Mu felt like he was being fooled.

This bastard is really good at pretending!

"You, sir, are you trying to trick me?"

Su Mu's facial muscles were twitching, and he looked at the projection man and said angrily

"Don't get excited, I didn't cheat you, it was your own choice"

"As I said just now, it will affect you, but the impact will not be great. This profession still has more advantages than disadvantages."

"You will know if you look at your own attributes."

The projection man put away his smile and signaled Su Mu to do as he said.

Su Mu pulled out his attribute panel in doubt. His eyes widened immediately after seeing it...............................................................

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