Loki looked at the sky.

Immediately, he turned around and prepared to leave.

“Huh?” Loki suddenly stopped, and he looked into the distance.

The sea water was pouring towards the huge abyss and ravines of the four countries, and the roar was like countless missile explosions, forming a huge whirlpool.

And in the center of that vortex, a touch of emerald green is clearly visible.

A vigorous ancient tree stands at the bottom of the abyss.

It changes one second at a time, growing bigger and bigger, like clicking some projector acceleration button.

Loki stared at the ancient tree and raised his eyebrows.

He stared for a moment.

After turning around and walking a few steps, he turned into a petrel and flew into the distant sky.

There is a sound in place.

“The branch of the old world tree, I thought it was the second seedling, it was really disappointing.”

After he disappeared.

That ancient tree is constantly getting bigger, and the trend is unstoppable, just like the previous world tree.

“How come there is still a giant tree!”

The high-level of the Sakura Country was supposed to breathe a sigh of relief, but they soon discovered that the ancient tree had reappeared.

The Prime Minister’s right eyelid jumped wildly.

Then the cherry blossom country jumped for a while, and they were blocking the ancient tree.

It’s just that they failed.

However, they soon discovered that the ancient tree had not grown larger after covering Shikoku, as if that was its limit.

Look at the huge ancient tree on the satellite screen.

The top of Sakura Country trembled, cried, was angry… Shikoku is over!!

Another ancient tree came out, their country was originally small, and now another tree occupies one of their four islands, making people cry in despair.

Very few people escaped from the four countries, not even 10,000, not even thousands.

And what was the original population of Shikoku?

Nearly five million people.

At the same time, Shikoku is also one of the important economic pillars of the cherry blossom country, and its beautiful environment is a major tourism industry, contributing to many tourism economies every year.

Now none of that is gone.

And the cherry blossom country is also responsible for the people who come here, more or less responsible, which is another lot of money.

The major powers were the first to know the follow-up of the four countries.

The 18,000 square kilometers of land were destroyed in an hour, which once again explained that in the face of demons, human beings were so futile.

“Invention of weapons of war, nuclear bombs, nuclear research for me to increase.”

The Great Elder of the Star Empire shot on the spot.

Hearing this, the surrounding officials were stunned, “Still increasing?” The amount of nuclear research we secretly have is already the largest, and then increase it…”

“I know that if we increase it any more, the whole world will find out our movements, but so what.”

The Great Elder of the Star Empire snorted coldly, “If I let you increase it, it will be fine, and it will be okay to turn darkness into light!” ”

He looked at the female secretary beside him.

“You go to prepare for the press conference, I also want to announce.”

“Huh? What are we going to announce? ”

“Withdraw from the nuclear deal.”

Hearing this, everyone froze.

“To find an excuse in the border area between East and West Africa, those nuclear states have violated the agreement, we do not need to abide by the agreement, the contract is invalidated.”

The voice of the Great Elder of the Star Empire sounded, and he said, tearing and pulling off a blank piece of paper on the table.

Everyone looked at each other.

Then silently began to do his own thing, preparation.

The Star Empire Grand Elder sat down.

He sat in a black office leather chair and turned to look at the floor-to-ceiling window behind him and looked at the sky.

“The nuclear agreement should be annulled, this is the trend of the times, and the situation is forcing it.”

Justice sounded in the office.


The whole world knows about the cherry blossom country.

As the world’s third-largest economy, the destruction of the four countries is significant, and there will be a butterfly effect that will trigger many chain reactions, such as some fluctuations in global stocks.

High-level and multinational corporations from various countries began to operate to cope with this incident.

Cosmic Kingdom.

The high-level of his country was shaken by the events of the cherry blossom country, and it was also gloating.

The first person sent a deep message of condolences to the Sakura Country, expressing their sadness over this, and vaguely mentioning in passing what to do with the death of a tourist in their country.

The historical legacy of the Cosmic Country and the Sakura Country has always existed to this day, and the Sakura Country is now traumatized, and they can’t wait for it.

“Sakura Country is now losing the Shikoku region, and the economy is bound to be hit hard, and this is our opportunity.”

The Prime Minister spoke up again.

Immediately, he called a meeting to prepare for more benefits in this ‘giant tree’ demon incident.

Its domestic chaebols have also taken action.


A city in the southeast of the Cosmic Kingdom, Axe Mountain City.

It is the number one port in their country and the second largest city.

Park Chang-ho is a senior in high school.

He and his friends were playing in a milk tea shop, constantly talking about smecta.

“Sakura Country is going to die.”

“Inhyuk, you’re joking, it’s not that exaggerated.”

Park Chang-ho raised his eyebrows.

He took his mobile phone and looked at the news report, “But they are really miserable, but they are very happy…”

The others laughed and nodded in agreement.

However, there are also one or two people who said that this kind of thing should not be ridiculed, after all, so many people died.

“Cut.” Park Chang-ho rolled his eyes.

He hooked his arm around the other’s neck and clamped it under his armpit, and his other hand ruffled the other’s hair.

“Oh yo oh yo, our housekeeper is a little angel.”

Park Chang-ho praised with a smile.

After making a big fuss, he laughed and picked up his mobile phone and someone called.

“Okay, I’ll go back now.”

Park Chang-ho picked up his coat, and he looked at his friends, “My sister told me to go back and say that I wanted to eat barbecue, I will go back first.” ”

Everyone nodded.

Park Chang-ho walked out of the milk tea shop, he put one hand in his pocket, the other hand held his mobile phone to swipe the message and walked home.

On the walk.

He was typing with both hands in a post about the ‘Sakura Country Giant Tree Incident’ and commenting on it.

“Sakura Country has suffered retribution, let me say…”

He muttered and typed in his mouth.

Oh, Park Chang-ho heard some movement.

It seems to be a woman’s wheezing.

Somewhat surprised, he walked towards a small alley, murmuring something in his mouth.

Park Chang-ho walked slowly.

After making a detour, he looked at the back alley of a restaurant in front of him.

There was a man in a white shirt with his back to him, and from behind he could vaguely see the man holding a woman.

There were also shredded pieces of clothing behind the man’s back.


Park Chang-ho made a silent exaggerated expression, and his eyes were full of men who knew how to look colored.

… It’s so exciting, which brother is this?

In an instant, Park Chang-ho picked up his mobile phone and hid behind the trash can next to him, and clicked on the shooting function to carefully shoot the picture.

He could already think that sending this video out later would definitely stun his friends.

The phone screen reflects the scene over there.

The man was shaking the woman frantically, and from time to time a low roar could be heard…


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