Chapter 330

Just then, the room door was knocked.

The powerhouses of the Blood Flower Order were taken aback, then turned their heads and looked at the room.

A haze flashed in Shi Zhesheng’s eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: “It should be our ally here, go open the door.”

A senior official of the Blood Flower Order hurriedly walked over and opened the door. After that, he saw several Lin Yu clones standing outside.

The senior officials of the Blood Flower Order were taken aback, and then quickly stepped aside: “My lord, please come in!”

Hearing the words of the senior officials of the Blood Flower Cult, Shi Zhe Sheng and his colleagues all looked over in a daze.

Lin Yu walked in with a smile on his face.

After seeing a few people, all the high-level officials including the deputy pope were stunned, and then quickly stood up and greeted Lin Yu’s avatar.

“My lord! Hello!”

Only Zero Three Seven Master Zhe Sheng was in a trance first, and then came back to his senses.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead, he quickly stood up and looked at Lin Yu’s avatar vigilantly: “Who are you…Who are you!? Just wanted to control me?!”

He glanced at the several senior officials of the Blood Flower Order nearby, and felt a little chill in his heart.

Are all these people controlled? !

Lin Yu’s avatar looked at Shi Zhesheng in surprise: “As expected, he is a sage, I didn’t expect it to have no effect on you.”

Hearing this, Shi Zhesheng not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but was even more vigilant than before: “Who are you anyway?!”

However, his vigilance had no effect.

A sea of ​​blood began to spread, enveloping the entire room.

The next moment, Shi Zhesheng’s body stiffened and suddenly turned into blood mist and exploded.

And the other high-level Blood Flower Cultists didn’t even have a chance to resist, and they also turned into blood fog.

Lin Yu took back the blood domain, glanced at the messy room, and showed a smile.

“It’s done, you can go.”

The crazy Lin Yu clone is a little eager to try: “Don’t go and destroy the headquarters here?”

“No, if it attracts the attention of the gods again, it will be troublesome.”

While talking, several Lin Yu clones turned into a cloud of blood and dissipated.


After the meeting, Bach Er, the commander of the Blood Moon Army, walked over with a few senior Blood Moon Army leaders.

“Master Bach, how long are we going to keep these members of the Blood Flower Order here?”

Deputy Commander Kate Carey frowned slightly and spoke.

“Yes, our cooperation with them requires them to respond within Blue Star. Now they are hard to protect themselves. If they cooperate with us? What use is there to keep useless waste?”

Kitty Jaais, the leader of the mage regiment, was also dissatisfied.

Bach Er scanned the two and said: “This is not my attention. If you have any comments, you should go to the God of Blood Moon. Are you willing to go to the oracle he issued?”

Upon hearing this, the two dared not speak.

Kate Carey asked with some doubts: “Why does the God of Blood Moon want to take in these wastes that are of little use to us?”

“It is said that the God of Blood Moon and the Mother of Blood have cooperated. I don’t know exactly how it is. After all, things at that level are too far away from us.”

The others also nodded.

“Anyway, forgive them for so long, see you first, maybe they can return to Blue Star after some time.”

Bach Er knocked on the door as he spoke.

However, there was no response from inside the door.

Several people looked at each other and frowned slightly.

“What? Do you dare to have a temper with us?”

Kate Carey squinted her eyes, a cold stern flashing in her eyes.

The next moment, he didn’t care, and kicked the door open.

However, the messy scene inside the door made everyone stunned.

“This…what’s going on?! What about them??”

Bach Er’s face changed slightly and he entered the room.

The next moment, his pupils shrank, and he whispered in surprise.

“what happened?!”

Other people also felt something, their expressions kept changing.

“This…this is…?!”

“The breath of the law? The law of blood?!”

“Is it the handwriting of Shi Zhesheng?!”

“Impossible! Shizhesheng’s law is very weak! By no means is it so strong!”

“Who the hell is it?”

“Wait… Could it be… the Scarlet Blood City thing! Do you remember!”

Bach Er’s face changed drastically, and he exclaimed…

When the others heard this, their hearts felt cold and their goose bumps started to rise.

“No…impossible?! How could the strong man be alive if the gods shot?!”

Kate Carey looked around in surprise, as if the strong man who destroyed Scarlet City would suddenly emerge from somewhere.

Others were also terrified.

“In such a tightly guarded military camp, it is possible to kill a saint without our discovery. This level of strength is definitely not something ordinary people can do. I am afraid that even if it is not the strong man who destroyed the Scarlet City, Also his accomplice.”

“Then what shall we do?”

Everyone looked at each other.

Bach Er’s face changed, then gritted his teeth and said: “Go and inform Saint Bamsi! Let him make plans.”

The others also nodded.


The city of blood slaughter war, in the hotel room.

Lin Yu opened his eyes and smiled: “It’s done.”

Two bloody crystals appeared in his hand.

The law of blood is crystallized.

Shi Zhesheng and Samson Hogan are both saints who have the law of blood.

Their death is also the crystal of the law of blood.

In addition to the crystallization of the law, there are also some equipment and skill books, Lin Yu plans to wait for 4.8 to read.

For him, the most important thing now is the law.

Put the blood law crystal in the equipment slot to increase the amplitude.

Soon, the two blood laws crystallized into two blood hearts.

Heart of Blood (one-star artifact)

Special items

After using it, you will be able to comprehend the law of blood. There is an 80% chance to comprehend the law of blood to the weaker level, 60% chance to comprehend the law of blood to the elementary level, 40% chance to comprehend the law of blood to the intermediate level, and 20% to comprehend the law of blood. Advanced, there is a 1% chance of perceiving the law of blood to the top level, and a 1 in 10,000 chance of perceiving the law of blood to the perfect level.

Conditions of use: little divine.

Lin Yu used a heart of the law of blood.

A series of system prompts sounded. .

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