The high temperature lasted for a whole week.

During this week.

The large number of corpses caused by the zombie siege began to rot rapidly, and plague and disease raged in Tokyo.

In addition, the high temperature caused many survivors to die.

The factory where Gongsun Gang worked had relatively complete equipment, and Longguo itself had the gene of preparing for a rainy day.

Shortly after the zombie siege ended.

Gongsun Gang organized people to clean up the corpses around the base.

Therefore, although the high temperature tortured them severely, it did not develop into a catastrophic plague.

The entire disaster space was full of wailing.

"Are you crazy? After the zombies attacked the city, the high temperature followed. They want us to die!"

"Doomsday, this doomsday is not for human beings. I am about to be dehydrated. It's so hot!"

"Who has antibiotics? The zombies didn't kill me, but I don't want to be killed by an inexplicable disease!"

Many people asked for help in the disaster space.

For the survivors of Tokyo.

If the zombies before were like being stared at by wild beasts, they were life-threatening and frightening.

Then the current heat is like cutting meat with a blunt knife.

The sun is like a fireball, steaming the whole world, and the surging heat is evaporating the water in the human body all the time.

In the case of excessive sweating, the balance in the human body is broken, and various complications occur.

And then death!

It can be said that this situation is happening all the time in various areas of Tokyo.

Of course.

Most of these symptoms appear in those who do not hunt zombies.

People who have hunted zombies can earn points to enhance their own attributes and gain physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people.

As long as you have killed zombies, this kind of heat is just torture, not fatal.

As for Su Chen, he is not sensitive to this heat.

The star-level shelter has its own temperature control system, and the temperature outside has basically nothing to do with him.

At this time, Su Chen stayed in the shelter, and the temperature around him was constant at the optimal body temperature, which was very comfortable.

Compared with the heat outside, it is simply a hell and a paradise!

"I wonder how long this heat disaster will last?"

Su Chen looked at the post in the disaster space and felt fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, he had drawn such a heaven-defying treasure as the star-level shelter at the beginning of the doomsday.

With this shelter, Su Chen has a safe haven after all, and he can rest peacefully without worrying about other things when he is tired.

Even though it is hot like a steamer outside now.

Su Chen is still warm in winter and cool in summer, and he is very comfortable.

If other survivors knew, they would probably be so jealous that their teeth would break.

But Su Chen was not sure how long the heat disaster would last.

Because it was so hot, even the zombies hid.

The mutant beasts disappeared without a trace.

Without anything to hunt and sacrifice, Su Chen's growth also stagnated, which was not good news for Su Chen.

If the heat continued for a long time.

It was time for Su Chen to find a way to leave Tokyo.

Of course.

This was definitely not a good idea for Su Chen.

After all, the Star-level shelter could not be moved.

If you plan to go somewhere else, you must give up this shelter.

Su Chen would never make this choice unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Observe for a while."

Su Chen lay on the bed, with Lilith and Rania leaning on his chest, the three of them leaning on each other and being warm.

What made Su Chen happy was that the heat did not continue.

The eighth day after the zombie siege ended.

The sunny days that lasted for a week finally ended.

The rolling dark clouds were everywhere, and the whole world finally became gloomy.

Boom! !

Thunder flashed in the sky.

I don’t know how many survivors walked out of their residences and looked up at the sky in surprise.

“It’s going to rain! The extreme heat is over!”

“Hahaha… I’m still alive, I’m still alive!”

“Fuck the doomsday, you can’t kill me, let the storm come harder!”

The storm came as expected.

And then they stayed in Tokyo.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

This rainstorm lasted for ten days!

Tokyo’s sewage system completely collapsed!

Most areas suffered from severe waterlogging.

The first floor, and even the second floor, have been flooded!

What made the survivors even more desperate was.

The previous continuous high temperature caused a large number of corpses to rot.

But the high temperature

In the environment, it is relatively dry, and the area affected by the rotting corpses is not actually too large.

Now the flood is raging, the city is flooded, and the rotting corpses are washed by the water, carrying countless germs, flowing in all directions of the city.

The humid, warm, and dense survivors are simply a paradise for the virus to breed.

Many survivor bases were completely breached by the plague.

Batches of survivors died tragically!

The shelter where Su Chen was located was okay.

The location of the crematorium was chosen to be higher and was not affected by the flooding.

During these ten days, Su Chen went out once, mainly to help Gongsun Gang and others.

Lilith's frozen fruit and Rania's sandy fruit played a very good effect.

Successfully helped Gongsun Gang and others build a dam.

It can be said that they survived this flood disaster.

As for after helping Gongsun Gang and others, Su Chen never left the shelter during the ten days of heavy rain.

The main reason is the heavy rain outside, and there is really no target to hunt.

"First the high temperature, then the heavy rain, this is going to kill these survivors."

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

High temperature + heavy rain, it is no different from a disaster like boiling water, and its destructive power is enough to be compared to the zombie disaster in the early days of the doomsday.

It directly gave the current survivors a critical blow.

I'm afraid that those survivors who don't have the courage to kill zombies and haven't embarked on the road to becoming stronger can't bear it and become corpses.

It can also be seen from this that the disaster space is actually a disguised screening.

Those who are cowardly, timid, and unsuitable for the doomsday are being eliminated at an alarming rate.

In the end, only the strong can survive in this world!

Such a doomsday disaster is simply forcing all mankind to evolve!

Some people in the disaster space have also realized this.

"Try to find zombies to kill as much as possible. If you don't become stronger, you are not qualified to survive the doomsday."

"Zombies are so scary. If possible, I really don't want to face them!"

"Doomsday, this damn doomsday!"

Various posts flew by in the disaster space.

But none of these had anything to do with Su Chen.

Su Chen was discussing the harmony of life with Lilith and Rania.

The heavy rain lasted for ten days and still didn't stop.

It rained for another five days.

That's fifteen days in total!

Most of Tokyo was soaked in water.

It was a natural disaster!


The fifteenth day.

The rain that seemed to never stop finally stopped!

On this day, Su Chen walked out of the shelter.

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