Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 109 People Are Greedy, Just Reaping The Benefits Of The Fisherman? 【Please Subscribe, Please

June 6, 2021

After completing the two collection tasks, Li Hao is also not going out.

I have been practicing rifle shooting skills repeatedly in the shooting range of the cruise ship.

It's as if those eyeing cruise ships have been completely forgotten.

June 7, 2021

After a day of practice yesterday, Li Hao has been able to maintain a stable hit rate of more than 90% within 300 meters.

It is not far from the mission requirement of achieving a 95% hit rate in [Shooting Exercise].

For his rapid progress, Li Hao is not much surprised.

After all, rifle shooting skills are ultimately relying on eyesight, physical fitness, physical coordination, plus some experience to make shooting more accurate.

Some people are gifted, and their eyesight, physical fitness, and physical coordination are far beyond ordinary people.

This kind of person can easily become a "marksman" after a period of training

And he has taken low-level genetic drugs, and all his physical qualities have been strengthened to the limits of human genes, which naturally includes eyesight, physical fitness, and physical coordination.

It can be said that his shooting talent surpasses those so-called gifted people in all aspects, surpassing any human being.

Therefore, it is also a very normal thing to have this seemingly incredible rate of progress.

After another hour of practice, Li Hao successfully improved his rifle shooting accuracy to the level of "maintaining a stable 100% hit rate within 100 meters of Wang."

"The mission should be accomplished."

Putting down the rifle in his hand, Li Hao opened the system panel and checked his point balance.

12500 points.

The points he has accumulated in the past few days are about more than seven thousand.

Now it has soared to more than 10,000, apparently the [Shooting Exercise] mission has been completed, and the five thousand points rewarded have arrived.

"Today is June 7th, and if we remember correctly, today seems to be Monday, and the mission should be refreshed again."

Looking at the points he added in vain, Li Hao had a satisfied smile on his face.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, look at the taskbar of the system panel.

Sure enough.

There is an extra red dot on the taskbar, and apparently the task refresh sample has refreshed a new task.

Click in.

Entering the task refresh bar, Li Hao found that only one task was refreshed inside.

"Bad luck! The last two refreshes turned out to be only one task. ”

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but shake his head.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Although I am a little speechless about the number of task refreshes, the task is still essential.

Click on the details screen of this task.

【Edible oil collection (collection task)】

【Mission Description】: Edible oil can provide various fatty acids for the human body, ensure the healthy operation of the human body, and is an indispensable material for survival. Ask the host to collect 1,000 pounds of cooking oil. (Note: animal fat, vegetable oil can be used)

[Mission Reward]: High fat peanut seeds

"It's a very simple task."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also took this task without hesitation.

After all, the reward for this task is almost equivalent to "picking up for nothing".

You only need to go to the Steel Island Trading Market to buy a thousand pounds of cooking oil, and you can easily complete this task.

After taking over the mission, Li Hao sends several clone warriors to the trading market to buy cooking oil.

Just half an hour.

Those clones returned with a thousand pounds of cooking oil.

After completing the mission requirements, the task reward will be credited.

Those high-fat peanut seeds are planted on agricultural plantations.

After having a hearty lunch with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters, Li Hao was also ready to do "business".

"Jarvis, start the cruise ship and leave the port of the Steel Island Trading Area."

Coming to the captain's room on the top floor of the cruise ship, Li Hao opened his mouth and ordered.

He is ready to start "fishing".

As long as the cruise ship leaves the port, those sea ark shelters that are staring at the cruise ship will definitely start to move like sharks that smell blood.

He wants those people to pay their fair share for their greed.

On command, Jarvis steered the cruise ship and began heading out of the harbor.

"I don't know how many sea arks will come to ransack my sanctuary."

"I hope that there will be more people with clear heads, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be a little more people who will die."

Looking at the steel island trading area port that was gradually moving away from the rear, Li Hao's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

And just as Li Hao's cruise ship began to depart.

"Finally starting to go!"

"Hurry up, hurry up! Go and inform the boss, don't let this big fat sheep run. "

"The other shelter people are staring at it too! Don't let them get a head start. ”

Several groups of young people on the dock who were always staring at the cruise ship also lit up, and ran into their sea ark shelter to report the situation to their leader.


Five or six sea ark shelters of more than 1,000 tons were activated, and began to leave the port of the Steel Island trading area one after another, chasing in the direction where the cruise ship left.

In the beginning, these sea ark shelters were simply hanging from far behind Li Hao's cruise ship.

It's as if it's just a ship that happens to be on the same route.

But after Li Hao's cruise ship left the steel island for hundreds of nautical miles, the six sea ark shelters also began to accelerate in vain.

'.” The tacit agreement began to outflank the cruise ship where Li Hao was located.

"Six sea arks? No, it's not right! It should be seven. ”

"There is a sea ark shelter hanging silently behind those six sea arks, this is to reap the benefits of the fisherman?!"

Looking at the display of the super pulse array detection radar, Li Hao's face also showed a hint of surprise.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

"Doesn't (Mo Nuo Zhao) know what kind of cards the sea ark refuge hanging at the back has, and actually has the confidence to sit in the hands of the six sea ark shelters to reap the benefits of fishermen?"

Li Hao's face also flashed with curiosity.

However, there was no worry in his heart.

After all, no matter how powerful the hole card of the Ark Refuge at the back is, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the cruise ship shelter he built with various black technologies.

The result of this "fishing" was doomed from the very beginning.

"Let's wait! It's still too close to official territory. ”

"If you solve those people here, maybe it will attract the attention of the authorities, or it is better to stay away."

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to start speeding up the cruise ship, creating the illusion that he found danger and wanted to escape.

At the same time, let it control the speed within a certain range.

Prevent those behind you from following you.

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