Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 115 Undersea Refuge Base? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

June 14, 2021


"Today seems like Monday, and the taskbar should be refreshed again."

After lunch, Li Hao lay on the sofa and opened the system refresh bar to check the new tasks refreshed inside.

This time he was lucky and refreshed three tasks at once.

【Find the construction site of the new base (survival mission)】

[Mission Statement]: You find that the submarine-type mobile marine shelter has limited development potential and intend to build a new fixed shelter base. Please take the first step as soon as possible to find the fixed shelter base construction site of your choice.

[Mission Reward]: Advanced Life Support Wetsuit drawings

【Construction of a new evacuation base (survival mission)】

[Mission Statement]: You find that the submarine-type mobile marine shelter has limited development potential and intend to build a new fixed shelter base. Ask the host to build a new shelter base with an area of no less than 10,000 square meters within a month and improve it.

[Mission Reward]: Unknown (depending on mission completion)

【Cleaning up threats (survival mission)】

【Mission Description】: Disaster always comes quietly. Ask the host to arrive at the new shelter base construction site and clean up all threats in the surrounding area

[Mission Reward]: 5000 points

.. 570....

"Both missions are related to fixed shelter bases?!"

Looking at these two tasks, Li Hao's face showed a hint of surprise.

This is clearly not a coincidence!

"Maybe weekly task refreshes are regular."

"Based on what I've been doing recently for survival, weekly task refreshes will appear related tasks..."

After thinking about it, Li Hao also had an inference in his heart.

There should be only one possibility.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence.

With a conjecture in mind, Li Hao did not waste much effort on such side matters. Directly received all the two tasks that had just been refreshed in the task refresh sample.

After receiving the task, Li Hao found through observation that the thunderstorm weather at sea that had been raging outside for a day and a night had finally completely dissipated.

The electromagnetic interference in the air is also weakened a lot.

The radar system returned to normal operation.

Regaining his "vision", Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis to restart the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and continue to sail in the direction of Qingbei City (bfai) according to the set goal.

About six or seven hours later.

The submarine-type mobile marine shelter successfully reached the new sea area formed after the submersion of the former Qingbei City area.

"It's finally here! Then it's time to get to work. "

As for how to deal with the new fixed shelter base, Li Hao also has a belly case in his heart.

He was going to build an undersea shelter base.

After all, if a fixed shelter is built on a sea full of seawater, then what is the difference from the current submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

The same difficult to expand, the same limited potential.

It's not even as good as a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

At least submarine-type mobile ocean shelters are much more flexible than they are.

Able to move at will, dive to the bottom of the sea, and avoid natural disasters at sea.

And the construction of submarine shelter bases is different.

With the presence of undersea land, it is much easier to expand and expand.

At the same time, it can also combine some of the advantages of submarine-type mobile marine shelters, and can use the ocean as a "barrier" to avoid most natural disasters at sea.

Simply perfect!

"However, although this scheme has many advantages and perfectly meets my needs, the difficulty of construction is also skyrocketing!"

"With the current level of technology in the shelter, it is difficult to build a perfect underwater shelter in a short period of time."

You know, underwater construction and land construction are completely two concepts.

Difficulty is not a level at all.

Under the same amount of work, seabed construction is at least a hundred times more difficult than land construction.

Without the help of black technology tools, it is obviously impossible to quickly build an undersea shelter base from scratch in a short period of time.

"Good thing I have a plugin!"

"I remember that there are many things in the Doomsday Black Technology Mall that can isolate the seawater!"

"As long as the seawater in the area where the base area for building the submarine shelter can be isolated, isn't the seabed construction no different from the land construction?!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao also couldn't wait to open the mall panel and start looking for what he needed.

After some screening and comparison, Li Hao finally chose a device with high quality and low price.

【Small submarine water film generator】

[Conversion speed]: 100 square meters / hour

【Introduction】: This is a machine specially designed to isolate seawater and build submarine buildings, through special water film generation technology, the surrounding seawater is converted into a special water film, which is used to isolate seawater intrusion. (Note: This special water film is extremely strong and can directly resist the huge water pressure of 5 kilometers below the sea.) )

【Price】:13420 points

"This area is a new sea area formed after the submersion of the original Qingbei City area, and the depth of the sea water is definitely not more than 2,000 meters, and the strength of the water film created by this device is completely sufficient."

"The most important thing is that the price is not expensive, only 13420 points.

You know, he now has less than 40,000 points in his hand.

There are many places where points are needed to build an undersea shelter base.

It is obviously impossible for him to spend all his points on this one aspect.

Thinking of this, Li Hao no longer hesitated and directly chose to buy.


This small subsea water film generator appears in the system inventory.

Remove it from your inventory.

The next moment.

A boxy, black-box-like instrument appeared in front of Ji Hao's eyes.

Looking at the instruction manual that came with the instrument, Li Hao found that the use of this thing was very simple.

Just set how many square meters of seawater to isolate on its display panel, and then throw it directly to the bottom of the sea.

At that time, the device will automatically start working.

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed! Now that the equipment and instruments for isolating the seawater are available, it is time to find a good place and start building an undersea refuge base.

Understanding how to use this thing, Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis to maneuver the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter around the area.

Find the best locations around the area to build an undersea refuge base.


ps: Today's explosion of Kavenka, tomorrow see if the state can be better.

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