Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 150 The Intractable Mutant Giant Jellyfish? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

"90% of the body is seawater, and the two germ layers inside and outside make up the body, and this strange body structure allows it to replenish the seawater in the body at will..."

"According to the frame-by-frame analysis of the previous screen, when the high-voltage current cluster cannon attacked, this mutant giant jellyfish continuously sprayed seawater to replenish the body, directly discharging the high-voltage current, so it was not affected by the high-voltage current cluster cannon at all..."

"There is also a 20% probability that it has a transformation organ in the body, and the seawater is purified into extremely pure pure water, which is almost non-conductive, so that it does not suffer from the damage caused by high-voltage current."

"Freely replenish the special body structure of jet sea?!"

Listening to Jarvis's explanation, Li Hao's eyes were thoughtful.

In this way, it makes sense.

In this case, the high-voltage current cluster cannon attacking the mutant giant jellyfish is almost equivalent to attacking the sea water in the sea, and it is strange that it can inflict damage.

"Jarvis, use infrasound waves to penetrate the cannon."

Looking at the mutated giant jellyfish that was using its tentacles to 'strangle' the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, Li Hao ordered again.

Since the high-voltage current cluster cannon is ineffective, it is better to directly change the attack method.

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

The two infrasonic 250 penetrating cannons were immediately activated.

The extremely powerful infrasound waves silently diffracted towards the mutated giant jellyfish.

However, incredibly, the mutant giant jellyfish seemed to sense the danger in advance and did not hesitate to let go of the tentacles that grabbed the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

Quickly spray out the seawater in the body, push the body, dodge and dodge.

Incredibly flexible.

Seeing this, Li Hao also frowned, and had a hint of bad premonition in his heart.

This mutant giant jellyfish can't even penetrate the giant cannon with infrasonic waves!

"Jarvis, calculate the target bearing, continue the attack."

In order to test the details of this mutant giant jellyfish, Li Hao ordered Jarvis again.

Receiving the command, Jarvis controls two infrasonic penetrating cannons to constantly adjust their orientation and launch an attack on the mutant giant jellyfish.

However, it was still dodged.

It is as if this mutant giant jellyfish can directly 'see' these two high-power infrasonic waves.

"Jarvis, can you figure out the reason?"

Seeing this scene, Li Hao's heart was suddenly full of doubts.

"Simulation is in progress: ....”

"Import pre-evolution jellyfish data for simulation..."

"Calculation complete! According to the information obtained so far, this mutant giant jellyfish is very likely to have a strong 'hearing' of infrasound waves, and can easily detect the existence of infrasonic waves, which should be evolved from its prototype jellyfish!"

"Normal jellyfish in peacetime also have this ability, and there is something called a 'hearing stone' inside the resonance cavity of its ear, which can sense the presence of infrasonic waves...

"Listen to the stone?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao seemed to remember something, and his heart was also light.

Isn't this thing the prototype of a storm forecaster?!

The infrasound waves on the ocean, caused by the friction of air and waves, are mostly a prelude to storms.

Normal common jellyfish have the ability to predict and avoid storms through special ear structures.

Before he crossed the earth, biomimetics studied the ear structure of jellyfish and created a jellyfish earstorm predictor.

This forecaster can forecast storms up to 15 hours in advance, which is of considerable importance for navigation and fisheries.

And this mutant giant jellyfish apparently has this ability as well.

And due to the influence of evolutionary radiation, its own sensitivity to infrasound waves has been greatly enhanced compared to ordinary jellyfish.

"It's really difficult!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao is also a little helpless.

He couldn't have imagined that this mutant giant jellyfish could be so difficult!!

Sure enough, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is.

The high-voltage current cannon is ineffective.

And the infrasonic wave penetrates the giant cannon.

Unless there were enough to completely seal the dodging space of the mutated giant jellyfish, it would be impossible to hit with its flexible movement of high-pressure water currents.

There are only two infrasonic penetrating cannons on the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, which is obviously completely unproductive.

In an instant, the two most powerful killer tools all failed.

Then only the special torpedo missile launch system and the long gun angle weapon system remained.

"Jarvis, change to armor-piercing torpedo missiles and deliver a covered strike against mutated giant jellyfish."

Li Hao's eyes flashed and ordered.

Ordinary torpedo missiles are too slow, and with the speed and dodging ability of this mutated giant jellyfish in the seawater, I am afraid it will be difficult to hit.

Then an armor-piercing torpedo missile capable of traveling in water at supersonic speeds is clearly the best option at the moment.

Receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

The wings and fore decks of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter cracked, revealing the densely packed torpedo barrels inside.

One by one, the warhead was sharp, like a needle-like strange torpedo, lying quietly in the barrel.

The over-range sight part of the special torpedo missile launcher flashes a terrifying red light, quickly aiming at the mutated jellyfish.

Next second.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Six special torpedo missile launch systems began to erupt at the same time.

One by one, armor-piercing torpedo missiles were launched as if they did not need money.

In less than 10 seconds, six special torpedo missile launch system "magazines" were completely knocked out.

180 armor-piercing torpedo missiles, swaying with orange-red flame tails, directly broke through the resistance of the sea water with incredible underwater supersonic speed, with huge cavity pressure, like an off-string arrow, towards the mutated giant jellyfish.

The distance between the submarine-type mobile marine shelter and the mutant giant jellyfish is less than two kilometers.

At a supersonic speed of 450 meters per second for an armor-piercing torpedo missile, it takes less than four seconds or so to successfully arrive.

In such a short period of time, even if the mutated giant jellyfish sensed the danger of these supersonic torpedoes, and quickly ejected the seawater in the body to push forward, it could not completely dodge.

In addition to dozens of dodged, more than a hundred armor-piercing torpedoes were all hit on the mutant giant jellyfish.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Countless explosions and flames rose from the mutated giant jellyfish.

Wait until the fire clears.

I saw that the mutated giant jellyfish that was like the finest sapphire before, but now it is miserable.

The whole body was covered with scorched black explosion marks.

Most of the tentacles and small body were directly 'vaporized' by the strong explosion.

With such a heavy injury, an ordinary ocean behemoth would have died long ago and could no longer die.

However, because more than 90% of the mutant giant jellyfish are special body structures composed of water, they only have the core part of the brain.

Therefore, this fatal injury can only be regarded as a minor injury to him at best.

It has not even had a big impact on its ability to act.

"Jarvis, limit the movement of the mutated giant jellyfish with an infrasonic penetrating cannon attack, and order the clone warriors to load the armor-piercing torpedo missiles into the 'magazines' of the six special torpedo firing systems as soon as possible

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