Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 17 Transformation Of Nuclear Battery Heavy-Duty Trucks [New Book For Everything]

Underground shelters, industrial workshops.

Li Hao came to the super 3D printer, opened the Doomsday Tech Mall attached to the system, and began to screen his required transportation vehicles.

Skipping the high-end cargo of the anti-gravity truck, Li Hao locked his eyes on a large black and white truck.

【Nuclear battery heavy truck truck】

【Capacity】: 60 tons

[Speed]: up to 180 kilometers per hour

【Introduction】: This is a heavy-duty truck with nuclear batteries as energy, no need to charge, the internal power supply can drive heavy-duty trucks for hundreds of years.

"Good stuff! Buy it and use it for hundreds of years. ”

"But now that there is ice and snow on the ground and high-intensity radiation, this car has a large load and does not need to be charged, but it is somewhat unsuitable."

Li Hao frowned slightly, a little depressed.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he silently said in his heart: "System, can you transform this nuclear battery heavy-duty truck to increase the anti-radiation and cold-proof functions?" ”

System: "Yes!" However, more additional points are required to purchase, or metals with such functional properties may need to be provided, reducing the points required for the material part of the modified vehicle. ”

"Very good! How many points does a modified nuclear battery heavy-duty van cost? ”

System: "2800 points." ”

"What about providing radiation-proof alloys?"

System: "500 points are reduced for 3 tons of radiation-resistant alloys that provide the modification of nuclear battery heavy-duty trucks. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

The low-temperature defense alloy with cold insulation function is not currently available.

But there is no need for a radiation-proof alloy synthesized by metal titanium, but he has a lot of reserves.

Even if it is less than 3 tons, the automated metal furnace can be turned on to continue manufacturing.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately began to act.

Enter the metal warehouse and count all the radiation-resistant alloys, only 1.5 tons.

3 tons away, half short.

After confirming the difference, Li Hao immediately turned on the automated metal furnace, selected the [radiation-proof alloy] option, and entered 1.5 tons on the production volume.

Click OK!

The automated metal furnace hummed and began to run at breakneck speed.

Pieces of black-purple radiation-proof alloy plates were manufactured.

After about 3 hours, all 1.5 tons of radiation-resistant alloy were manufactured.

These newly baked radiation-resistant alloys are stacked with the 1.5 tons of radiation-resistant alloys previously stocked.

"System, purchase of a nuclear battery heavy-duty van with radiation and cold protection functions."

Li Hao spoke.

"Ding! Is it submitted that the material that meets the requirements for the functional modification of nuclear battery heavy-duty trucks - radiation protection alloy - is detected? ”


Li Hao said without hesitation.

"Ding! After deducting 2300 points, the Nuclear Battery Heavy Duty Truck (Modified Version) has been placed in the host inventory. ”

"Now that the delivery vehicle is available, it's almost time to go."

Li Hao called the four clones, including No. 1, and turned and walked towards the outside of the shelter.

Opening the double gate of the shelter, Li Hao and the others came to the ground.

Remove the nuclear battery heavy truck (modified version) from the system inventory.

The next moment, a huge heavy-duty truck appeared in front of Li Hao's eyes.

Number 1 took the driver's seat and started the behemoth-like van.

Follow the address given by Li Hao and head southeast.

The metal factory owner's shelter is located 5 kilometers away on Tianshan Road.

Drive from here to there, it's not far away.

Even if the road conditions are poor, it only takes about ten or twenty minutes.

"It's 13 o'clock, and it should be three days before the sun shines."

"However, the sky was always gray and dusty, and only a few areas had sunlight reaching the ground."

Sitting in the passenger seat of the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck, Li Hao looked at the sky outside, and his face was slightly startled.

The volcanic dust pollution that was previously speculated in the news seems to have appeared.

And the number of erupting volcanoes is not small.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to affect the sky above Shanhai City.

You know, there are no large volcanoes around Shanhai City.

"The rate at which the weather is getting colder has accelerated."

"The cold barrier of the shelter must be completed as soon as possible."

This situation had been anticipated before, and Li Hao did not bother too much.

Anyway, as long as the trip goes well, the cold protection layer of the shelter will be completed soon.

There is no fear of such weather changes.

At best, it becomes more inconvenient to travel.

Driving to the end of Anbei Road, the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck drove towards Tianshan Road.

Along the way, Li Hao also saw some survivors.

Enter the Tianshan Road Industrial Zone.

This area is the cradle of industry, roads are built in all directions, and there are many vehicles coming and going in the past.

After the apocalypse, there are naturally no fewer abandoned vehicles on this road.

For the sake of stability, No. 1 also reduced the speed of the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck.

However, right now.

At the turn of the intersection ahead, a dozen abandoned cars blocked the intersection.


Seeing this, No. 1 braked sharply, so that the nuclear battery heavy truck stopped.

"What's going on?"

Li Hao frowned.

Turn your head and look in the rearview mirror.

At some point, the road behind the truck with heavy nuclear batteries has been blocked by five cars.

Eight or nine young men were carrying fire axes and Tang knives towards this side.

"Robbery?! After the global disaster, all the cows, ghosts, snakes and gods really came out. ”

Seeing this, Li Hao showed a sneer on his face.

Opening the storage compartment, Li Hao took out four M19 assault rifles that emitted a cold metallic glow.


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