Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 170 Each Has Its Own Calculations, Please Enter The Urn [Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe]

“... Fifteen minutes later, these ships will completely surround us.

"Dispatching dozens of ships at once, this strength is really amazing."

Hearing this, Li Hao was also a little surprised.

No wonder, knowing that the armed forces in his hands are very strong, the pirate empress of the Sakura Country still has the confidence to eat him.

After all, according to normal terms, such a large fleet could not lose to a single ship.

Even if the weapons of the ships used are the same.

As long as the gap between the weapons of the two sides is not large enough to crush, then the quantity is extremely important.

It's normal for ants to bite dead elephants.

"However, it's a pity to meet me.

Facing the siege of dozens of ships, Li Hao did not panic at all.

Although ants are able to bite elephants to death.

But if the target of the attack is changed to a dragon, no amount of ant siege is useless.

And the gap between the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) he created with various black technologies and the opponent's ship is like a dragon and an ant.

The outcome of this battle was doomed from the very beginning.

There is not the slightest suspense at all about 893.

"Sir, whether to turn on the special torpedo missile launch system to strike at the ships surrounded by the perimeter.

Jarvis's emotionless voice sounded again.

As artificial intelligence, protecting Li Hao, the absolute authority, is already written into its lowest core algorithm guidelines.

Therefore, after discovering the threat, Jarvis immediately applied for authorization to attack.

"Can the use of special torpedo missile launch systems now destroy all incoming ships?"

Unhurriedly went to the bathroom to wash his face, Li Hao did not give the authorization immediately, but asked again.

Faced with Li Hao's problem.

After a few seconds of calculation, Jarvis also gave an answer: "Because the attack distance is too far, the attack accuracy of the special torpedo missile launch system is difficult to guarantee, and it can only ensure that it can sink half of the ships and tear the encirclement of these ships..."

"If you can't completely annihilate, then keep it in its original state, continue to sail, and pretend that nothing has been found."

Hearing this, Li Hao did not hesitate to deny.

Anyway, with the technological weapons of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, he can crush the opposite side at any time, and he has the confidence to sit firmly on the fishing platform.

What he needs is to be able to completely annihilate the enemy.

It's not just about breaking out or defeating these invading ships.

Since it is impossible to achieve complete annihilation, then first press the troops and do not move.

So as not to startle the snake, causing the other party to abandon the action and withdraw directly.

Hearing Li Hao's order, Jarvis immediately shut down the upcoming special torpedo missile launch system.

Continue to control the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) and sail forward according to the original route.

It was as if nothing had happened.

And the other side.

The sea fleet that is quickly approaching the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form).

The largest of them was on a steel ship.

"Aiko, how far is it from that Mr. Li's ship? Is there any sign of us being noticed?"

Miki Nishizono stood on the top deck and said lightly to the henchmen beside her.

"It's about four hundred kilometers away."

"At present, it seems that the target still maintains the original speed and course, and there is a high probability that our surprise encirclement operation has not been detected."

Aiko Feng Yuan immediately replied respectfully.

"In that case, let's start the plan and action you made before!"

A light flashed in Xiyuan's eyes, and she said lightly.

"Yes, Lord Chief!"

Aiko Toyogen immediately retreated and went to give the order.

As the ships began to accelerate, they also quickly reloaded the long-range weapons on board with shells.

An entire steel fleet methodically began to enter combat readiness.

About twenty-five minutes later.

The steel fleet led by Miki Nishizono is already within 50 kilometers of Li Hao's mobile ocean shelter of the submarine type (BFCB).

Subsequently, several steel giant ships of nearly a thousand meters scattered on their own with dozens of second-class ships at sea.


After confirming that all his fleet had arrived at the designated place, Miki Nishizono ordered without hesitation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dozen ships opened fire at the same time.

Hundreds of high-explosive torpedo missiles and small anti-ship missiles shot from all directions in the ocean and sky towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter where Li Hao was located.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

At the moment when the fleet under Miki Nishien opened fire, the radar system alarm of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter sounded in vain.

Jarvis: "Sir, hundreds of high-explosive torpedo missiles and small anti-ship missiles have been detected fifty kilometers away, and it is expected that hundreds of missiles will hit submarine-type mobile ocean shelters in 20 seconds..."

"Can these missiles penetrate energy-absorbing alloy shell armor?"

In the face of hundreds of missile attacks, Li Hao's face remained unchanged and he spoke unhurriedly.

Jarvis: "According to calculators, these missiles would need about 1,000 or more to reach the current upper limit of absorption of energy-absorbing alloy shell armor.

"Since there is no threat, a symbolic interception with a special torpedo missile launch system is sufficient.

Hearing this, Li Hao ordered without hesitation.

Since you decided to shoot, you can't let any of them go.

He was ready to invite Jun into the urn and gather the other party to annihilate him.

If the other party did not have the illusion that the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter had lost its combat effectiveness, how could the cunning and cautious Pirate Empress of the Sakura Country take the bait.

In fact.

If it was too fake to respond without resistance, but might have aroused the vigilance of the pirate queen, he was ready to directly let the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter resist.

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately began to carry it out.

The bottom deck of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter (cruise ship form) has cracked.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Special torpedo missile launch system launched.

Under the control of Jarvis, 180 high-explosive torpedo missiles were extremely accurate towards those incoming torpedo missiles.


The two collide and separate from each other.

Crimson flames rose above the sea with a violent explosion.

With the exception of a few that slipped through the net, the vast majority of other high-explosive torpedoes were successfully intercepted.

And those small anti-ship missiles flying in the sky were undamaged.

Removing those that missed, dozens fell on submarine-type mobile ocean shelters (cruise ship forms).

Accompanied by a huge explosion.

Li Hao immediately stopped the engine from Jarvis, creating the illusion that a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) was completely paralyzed by a small anti-ship missile.


ps: Today Kavin, the update is a little less, sorry

The author bacteria will see if it can be added tomorrow.

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