Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 172 The Pirate Queen As A Maid? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

“...... All of them are currently in a coma, and the clone warriors who are cleaning the battlefield send a message asking what to do with these survivors?"

"Twenty-five survived? That Sakura Country Island Empress is not dead?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao, who was about to go back to the bedroom to sleep, also stopped, and his face showed a hint of surprise.

You know, that's tens of millions of volts of high-voltage current.

Under such an attack, someone was able to survive!!

How could he not be surprised?!


As if knowing the doubts in Li Hao's heart, Jarvis quickly gave an answer: "According to the information feedback from the clone warriors, the reason why the other party can survive is because the steel flagship positions where these survivors are located are on the edge of the high-voltage current attack range."

"Coupled with the fact that the high-voltage current output by the burst mode of the electromagnetic stance generator is divided among dozens of steel giant ships in the surrounding area, this allowed those people to survive.........."

"In that case, it means that there may be other survivors on those steel ships?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao's eyes flashed, grasped the key to it, and asked again.

Faced with Li Hao's question, Jarvis's emotionless voice sounded again, and he spoke: "This possibility is not ruled out!" Do you order the clone warriors to mend the survivors of those steel ships?"

"Nope! Let the clone warriors continue their search for survivors and bring all the unconscious survivors back to the cruise ship.

After a moment of silence, Li Hao seemed to think of something and spoke.

After receiving clear instructions, Jarvis immediately delivered Li Hao's orders to the ears of every clone warrior through a military walkie-talkie.

After receiving the order, all the clone warriors immediately began to act,

About five minutes later.

All the steel ships were searched by the clone warriors.

However, with the exception of the flagship, the other steel ships seem to have survived because they are too close to the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form).

In other words, those who survived were so badly injured that they only had one breath left.

It can be dead at almost any time.

For these dying survivors, Li Hao naturally could not spend a lot of effort to rescue them.

It was already his greatest mercy to let them die a little faster.

After clearing the battlefield, the clone warriors brought all twenty-five survivors back to the deck of the cruise ship.

"Are they all women?!"

Looking at these twenty or so survivors, Li Hao was also a little surprised.

It stands to reason that men's physical endurance is much higher than that of women.

How did all the women who survive?!

This is obviously counterintuitive.

As if knowing Li Hao's doubts, Jarvis explained: "There is not a single man on that flagship named Empress, all of them are women, and these twenty or so women are all the survivors on that flagship..."

"No man?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao's heart was stunned, but he was also speechless.

I can't see that this Miki Nishizono is still a feminist supremacist.

That Empress turned out to be full of women!

In this way, it is naturally impossible for there to be male survivors on the Empress.

"But it doesn't matter!"

"It's better to be all women, just to use as slave maids."

After all, in a huge undersea base, only he and Zhao Xueshi triplets are natural people, and the others are clones with no emotional consciousness, which is really too cold.

He is ready to bring all these surviving women back to the undersea base to fill up with popularity.

By the way, deal with some trivial matters that cannot be solved by clones in the daily operation of the submarine base.

As for whether the other party is willing, will he pretend to surrender and wait for the opportunity to harm him.

Li Hao said that in the face of low-level gene chips, everything is Tucson broken.

With low-level gene chip control, as long as these people have this idea, they will immediately lose control of their bodies.

There is no need to worry about these problems at all.

Thinking of the arrogant 'arrogant' pirate queen of the cherry blossom country before acting as a maid for herself, Li Hao couldn't help but show a wicked smile on her face.

From a pirate empress who controls the steel fleet to a maid who can't help but die, he is looking forward to what kind of expression the other party will show at that time...

It must be very 'wonderful'!

"It's still a little early to think about it!"

"I don't know how many of these twenty-odd women can wake up."

"That Pirate Empress of the Sakura Country may directly become a vegetative person, and she may never wake up.

You know, the power of high-voltage current is definitely not so easy to bear.

Even if the power is distributed among dozens of steel giants and seawater, even if the Empress is on the verge of the high-voltage current attack from the electromagnetic position generator, the high-voltage current that rages out is enough to cause great damage to people.

It can be said that it is fortunate that these more than 20 people have survived intact.

As for whether it is possible to wake up from a deep coma caused by a powerful electric shock.

That's a complete unknown.

It's all about their own willpower.

Touched the heart.

It was determined that none of the women's heartbeats showed signs of exhaustion, and their vital signs were steady.

Li Hao then asked the clone warriors to use a large cart to throw all the surviving women into the infirmary and locked them up.

Subsequently, there was no more attention.

Whether they are dead or alive, whether they can wake up, is up to their own creation.

He couldn't have spent too much energy for these original enemies.

More than an hour later.

Wait until all the loot on Steel Tour 4.3 is emptied by the Clone Warriors.

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, Li Hao began to clean the battlefield and sweep away the traces of the battle.

Under the bombardment of high-explosive torpedo missiles, the dozens of completely scrapped steel ships were all blown out of huge loopholes.

Countless seawater quickly poured into the hull from these holes.

Under the moonlight.

Dozens of steel ships sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared forever above the sea.

"Time to go back."

After cleaning up the traces of the battlefield, Li Hao did not stay in this sea area longer, and immediately let Jarvis drive the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and continue to drive back to the submarine base


The submarine-type mobile marine shelter returned to its original form, like a ghost in the sea, quickly sinking and disappearing on the surface.

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