Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 177 Transformation Of The Body, The Body Of A Fairy? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order

August 5, 2021

The first floor of the submarine base, in the biological laboratory.

I don't know how long it took.

Li Hao, who had been sleeping on a medical bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

From confused to sober.

Sitting up from his medical bed, Li Hao found that his breathing became almost inaudible.

The lungs seem to have undergone some kind of metamorphosis.

Not only can it absorb oxygen, but also constantly draw some special energy from the outside air.

This energy is transformed by other organs that have also undergone evolutionary metamorphosis and are used to provide the body with the energy necessary for survival.

Under these energy supplements, Li Hao, who has been sleeping for so long, now does not even feel hunger at all.

Energies and physical energy are all filled to the extreme.

"It seems that the intermediate gene potion has completed the transformation and evolution of my "four three zero" body, allowing my body to truly surpass human limits and reach another realm.

"After all, it is impossible for normal humans not to eat, and they can obtain enough energy to sustain themselves by breathing alone."

"This is what only immortals who do not eat grains, suck the wind and drink dew, and soar through the clouds and ride the mist can do in ancient legends."

"Although I don't have the spells of immortals and can't soar through the clouds and mist, I can already do it without eating grains, sucking wind and drinking dew, how can I say that I can be regarded as half an immortal..."

Feeling the information feedback from his body, Li Hao looked refreshed and complained to himself with some excitement.

Of course.

Although Cheng Xian is just his casual joke, it is enough to prove how huge the transformation of his body is.

In the perception of body feedback, Li Hao can clearly feel every part of his body, and every cell has completed the evolution of 'cocoon into a butterfly'.

It has undergone a transformation of life levels like a worm butterfly.

Genetic evolutionaries who have changed from human to non-human, or beyond human limits.

After becoming a genetic evolutionary, the most intuitive manifestation is the so-called food and body control.

Needless to say, it is born of anger.

It is through the evolved body organs to absorb a special energy in the outside air to maintain the basic survival of the body.

The second body control is Li Hao's name for his current extremely detailed state of body feedback perception.

In this state of perception, he can easily observe every 'corner' of his body, and even accurately mobilize every muscle tissue of his body.

Easily burst out every line of power in your body.

"Although this ability does not seem to be good, it is actually strong!"

"If ordinary people have this level of physical control and exert all their muscle potential, they can easily burst out more than twenty-five tons of strength, not to mention my current transformed and evolved body.

"The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one, but geometrically multiplied."

"My strength to burst out at full strength now is at least two hundred tons, and it is not a problem to easily blast a main battle tank with one punch.

Feeling the 'inhuman' power in his body, Li Hao couldn't help but show a satisfied smile on his face.

Although he does not need to personally go into battle to deal with the enemy on weekdays, this extraordinary strength must not be refused by anyone.

"The transformation effect of intermediate gene potions should be more than that!"

"The current performance should even be the most outerly intuitive part of this physical transformation.

"To know more about the changes in this metamorphosis, I needed to do a detailed physical test of my body.

Thinking of this, Li Hao couldn't wait to start acting.

Get out of the biology lab.

Li Hao went straight to the fitness area on the second floor of the submarine base.

This fitness area is where he exercises on weekdays.

The area is quite large, with nearly 500 square meters.

There is also a variety of heavy-duty workout equipment made of high-density alloys.

It is very suitable for Li Hao to understand and test his body after transformation.

Let Jarvis assist with the record.

Li Hao started with a simple strength test.


For his transformed body, the barbell used for exercise has completely lost its original meaning.

A few tons, tens of tons of barbells, in his hands as light as nothing.

Even superimposing these barbell pieces to nearly a hundred tons, Li Hao has a slight feeling...

In this case, it is obviously difficult to test the effect.

This is true of the strength test, and the basic test in other aspects is almost the same.

In front of him, a non-human who surpasses the limits of human beings, these exercise equipment that ordinary people can only use as monsters are almost no different from toys.

Seeing this situation, Li Hao was also helpless.

Obviously, these conventional equipment have been completely useless to him.

"It seems that if you want to get accurate body test data, you can only buy some related black technology from the system mall."

"There are also technology props for weekday physical exercise that also need to be purchased."

"After all, with my current superhuman body, the simple and regular exercise props I made have basically all lost their original exercise effect....

Thinking like this, Li Hao opened the mall panel and began to filter what he needed.

Setting the price below 30,000, Li Hao also found a lot of 'good things'.

10x gravity exercise room, 100% virtual fighting compartment, multifunctional exercise room

After some screening and comparison, Li Hao decided to buy two technology products, a 100% virtual fighting cabin and a multi-functional training room.

【100% Virtual Fighting Module 3.8】

[Introduction]: The simulated fighting capsule manufactured by a certain virtual reality technology can reach 100% realism and conduct simulated battles, which can be used for combat training and combat testing

Price: 29,900

【Multi-function exercise room】

【Introduction】: A multifunctional exercise room made of morphing technology that can simulate up to dozens of high-tech exercise props, including a 3x gravimeter, a sonic runway.

Price: 22,300

"These two props should be enough."

"One hundred percent virtual fighting compartment is used for combat training and combat testing, and the multi-purpose exercise room can also be used for testing physical data and daily physical exercise..."

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