Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 199 The Giant Beast Of The Frozen Sea 【Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe】


Recovering from the shocking picture in front of him, Li Hao ordered without hesitation.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Special torpedo missile launch systems in submarine bases are all activated.

Countless torpedo missiles were fired and poured towards the sea behemoths in the northeast.

In particular, the Sea King Behemoth, which swims in the forefront, is even more focused on taking care of.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Caught off guard, those ocean behemoths didn't react at all.

In an instant, countless mushroom clouds rose from those ocean behemoths.


"Roar! ∼”

In the endless explosions and flames, one by one the sea behemoths howled mournfully, and were torn apart by high-explosive torpedo missiles.

A wave of torpedo missiles covered the blow, and the group of sea behemoths swimming in the front, except for the sea king behemoths, almost all died.

The number of marine behemoths instantly decreased by one-tenth.

And that's not the end of it.

Just when the torpedo missile launch system fired all the torpedoes in the "magazine" and reloaded them.

Under the control of Jarvis, dozens of infrasonic waves that had already been prepared to penetrate the giant cannons in the weapon area of the undersea base. Aim at the sea behemoths with all your might'.

Invisible and shadowless, high-power infrasonic waves quickly hit the marine behemoths.

Within the range of the infrasonic wave penetrating the giant cannon, all the sea behemoths began to struggle wildly, letting out a roar of pain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After lasting for more than ten seconds, the bodies of some low-evolved ocean behemoths burst apart.

Tens of thousands of tons of flesh and blood turned into a blood mist.

Dye the surrounding sea water red.

Under such heavy injuries, another group of marine behemoths fell.

After these two waves of attacks, the group of ocean behemoths that originally crowded the surrounding sea area instantly became a little sparse.

The quantity is lost by at least thirty percent.

The surviving ocean behemoths also had horror in their eyes.

Obviously, they have been blinded by the sudden offensive just now.

If it weren't for the constraints of the Sea King's order, they would have turned around and fled long ago.


Seeing that his subordinates suffered heavy losses, the sea emperor giant beast, the mutant giant seal, which was 'taken care of' by the focus of firepower, was even more furious, and directly rushed towards the undersea base first.

Tens of meters of giant eyes, flashing with anger that wanted to destroy everything.

No need for Li Hao to say more.

Jarvis immediately manipulated all the infrasonic penetrating cannons to aim at the mutated giant seal, wanting to damage it in one fell swoop.


As if sensing the threat, the mutated giant seal swung its tail and suddenly burst out more than twice its original speed, like a bolt of lightning, very agile to avoid most of the infrasonic attacks.

Continue to the undersea base.

At such a super speed, the mutant giant seal soon came to the top of the undersea base.

At this moment, all the special torpedo missile launch system magazines in the submarine base have also been loaded.

Just as Li Hao prepares to let Jarvis launch another torpedo missile to attack the mutant giant sea.

Click! Click!~

I saw the mutated giant seal above the undersea base, which was comparable to a mountain, with a blue cold light flashing in its mouth.

An icy chill greeted us.

In Li Hao's astonished gaze, a blue 'light' tens of meters thick spewed out from his mouth and poured directly towards the undersea base.

Wherever this blue pillar of light passed, the sea water froze rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten seconds, most of the 50,000-square-meter undersea base was frozen.

"This 'Sea King' behemoth has freezing ability?!"

Looking back, Li Hao's face was also a little ugly.

This cold breath is really terrifying!

If it were not for the fact that the entire body of the submarine base is made of energy-absorbing metal [able to absorb and resist low temperature cold.

With this blow just now, the submarine base will suffer heavy losses.

Or even finish it directly.

"Jarvis, using infrasonic penetration cannons to interfere with the actions of that mutated giant seal, you must not let it move!!"

Li Hao ordered with a solemn face.

If this continues, the entire submarine base will be frozen.

In that case, it would be really troublesome.

At that time, the weapons systems of the submarine base will not be able to attack the outside world at all.

Directly lose the ability to fight back.

Understanding what Li Hao meant, Jarvis quickly manipulated all the infrasonic penetrating cannons to aim at the mutated giant seal that was spitting frozen gas overhead.

Infrasonic waves propagate extremely fast [up to 1500m/s.

At such a close distance, high-power infrasonic waves quickly penetrated the ice and attacked the mutant giant seal almost without delay.

Without the defense to isolate the propagating medium, no living thing is immune to high-power infrasonic attacks.

Next second.


The eyes of the mutant giant seal also showed a hint of pain in their human nature.

Under such pain, the frozen air spewed in his mouth could not continue instantly, and stopped directly.


The vitality or physique of the mutated giant seal is too strong.

The attack of dozens of infrasonic waves penetrating the giant cannon was unable to cause fatal damage to it.

Tail flick.

The mutant giant seal instantly accelerated, quickly escaping the attack of dozens of infrasonic penetrating giant cannons.

Continue to spit extremely cold and freezing air against the submarine base.

It's as if you won't freeze it completely.

Under the frozen air spewed by this mutant giant sea (Wang Lihao) leopard, the sea water hundreds of meters around the submarine base gradually turned into a thick layer of ice.

Even if the infrasonic wave penetrates the constant interference of the giant cannon, it cannot really stop the action of the mutated giant seal.

Special torpedo missile launch systems have been temporarily 'scrapped'.

Because of the thick ice outside the submarine base, torpedo missiles cannot be launched at all, or they can only blow themselves up.

It is foreseeable that if this continues, it is only a matter of time before the submarine base is completely frozen.

Although there is an energy-absorbing alloy barrier, the cold of the outside ice will not affect the survival of Li Hao.

But in that case, he can't get out.

You can only be trapped inside the undersea base.

“.” It's a big trouble!"

Faced with this dilemma, Li Hao's face was solemn, and he quickly turned his brain, thinking of a way to solve the situation in front of him.

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