Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 205 The Movement Of The Giant Sea Emperor 【Please Subscribe, Please Order In Full】

5:06 p.m.

Just after dinner, Li Hao is preparing to go to the multi-purpose exercise room to exercise his muscles.


Right now.

"Sir, according to the feedback of the underwater stealth monitor, the traces of the mutated giant seal were found about 3,000 kilometers west of the submarine base."

Jarvis's mechanical voice sounded without mood swings.

"Found it?!"

Li Hao was also stunned.

Immediately, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

Jarvis: "Yes, sir! According to the analysis of the video footage feedback, the injury of the mutant giant seal has been completely healed, and there are dozens of more marine behemoths around it, which are suspected to have been recently subdued..."

Hearing this, Li Hao's heart was also tight.

Obviously, the mutant giant seal did not attack the submarine base as soon as possible after recovering from its injuries, in order to subdue other ocean behemoths and accumulate strength.

As time goes by, the strength of this mutant giant seal will become stronger and stronger.

"Closely monitor the movements of this mutated giant seal, stop other unnecessary manufacturing work in the industrial manufacturing area, and prioritize the manufacture of super light weapons with all resources...

At 567 moments, Li Hao spoke quickly.

He needs to complete the manufacturing of super light weapons as soon as possible before the mutated giant seal leads the sea behemoth swarm!!

Otherwise, this mutant giant seal is really difficult to handle.

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to carry it out.

Under Jarvis's adjustment, all other manufacturing tasks in the industrial manufacturing zone were temporarily suspended, and all resources were invested in the manufacture of super light weapons.

Under such circumstances, the manufacturing efficiency of super light weapons is more than twice as fast as before.

At the end of the day, 26% of the super light weapon drawings were directly completed.


After locking on the mutant giant seal, Jarvis mobilized hundreds of underwater stealth monitors to keep a close watch.

However, due to the mutated giant seal and its marine behemoths, the swimming speed is extremely fast.

The movement speed of underwater stealth monitors simply cannot keep up.


Li Hao soon lost the whereabouts of the marine behemoth group led by mutated giant seals again.

For this result, Li Hao (bfaj) also expected it.

After letting Jarvis raise his guard and continue to control the underwater stealth monitor to search around, he didn't put much energy into it.

Anyway, that mutant giant seal will always appear.

What he needs most now is to complete the manufacturing of super light weapons as quickly as possible.

Only if the light energy weapon can be completed, he can have the means to kill the mutated giant seal.

Due to the high difficulty of producing high-temperature mirror alloys, the output of a single automated metal furnace can be described as quite low.

In order to speed up the manufacturing of super light weapons, Li Hao began to strengthen the industrial system of the industrial manufacturing zone.

Mass production of automated metal furnaces for the synthesis of high temperature resistant mirror alloys.

With sufficient raw materials, the manufacturing progress of the super 3D printer bed has suddenly accelerated a lot.

At the end of the day, counting the progress of the previous work, the design drawing of the super light weapon has been completed by sixty-five percent.

In less than two days, the manufacture of the weapon will be completed.

August 20, 2021

3:26 a.m.

Li Hao, who had already got up, was conducting real combat training in a 100% combat virtual cabin.

Suddenly, the 100% combat virtual capsule stopped functioning.

"Jarvis, what's going on?"

Seeing this, Li Hao's face froze and he asked.

Previously, he authorized Jarvis to notify him immediately of any emergency.

Now Jarvis abruptly suspended the combat virtual capsule.

It is clear that there is an emergency.

Jarvis: "According to the feedback from the Skynet monitoring system, mutant seals are leading thousands of oceans towards the undersea base..."

"Mutant giant seal attack?!"

Li Hao's face was startled, and he quickly opened the hatch of the 100% combat virtual cabin and walked quickly towards the combat command room.

Come to the war room.

On the large radar screen ahead, the southwest direction is densely packed with red dots.

Apparently these red dots are the mutated giant seal and the sea behemoth group it leads.

At the speed of these red dots, it will take at most two hours to reach the location of the submarine base.

"Jarvis, where is the progress of the manufacturing of super light weapons?!"

Seeing this, Li Hao's face changed slightly, and he asked Jarvis.

Jarvis: "The current progress is 71% complete, and the remaining 29% will take about twenty-eight hours and five minutes..."

"Super light weapons can't be counted on for the time being!"

"It seems that these mutant giant seals can only be scared away first."

After thinking for a moment, Li Hao also had a plan in his heart.

He plans to use a small artificial sun to intimidate mutant giant seals.

With the small artificial sun, the 'big killer', the mutated giant seal should not dare to approach the undersea base.

Thinking of this, Li Hao's heart was also a lot calmer, and he began to release the combat readiness status.

In an instant, the undersea base seemed to 'come to life'.

The clone warriors began to move intensively.

The weapon defense system is rapidly charged.

Ready to go.

Two hours later.


A huge black and blue seal as big as a mountain, leading a large group of sea behemoths, appeared in Li Hao's field of vision.

Compared with before, today's mutant giant seals seem to be much larger.

Obviously, the degree of evolution is higher.

"Jarvis, let's enhance the brightness of the small artificial sun!!"

Looking at this mutant giant seal that seemed to become stronger, Li Hao naturally did not want to fight with the other party.

After all, it is difficult for weapons from undersea bases to inflict fatal injuries on them now.

If you can't kill, then the battle is obviously pointless.


At Li Hao's command, the light of the small artificial sun suddenly became extremely dazzling.

The dark sea area within hundreds of kilometers of the surrounding area is all illuminated.

Seeing this dazzling light, the mutant giant seal suddenly stopped moving forward, and the tens of meters large pupils revealed a trace of human jealousy.

After all, it had been seriously injured by this strange thing that was blind before.

If it hadn't been for its speed, it would have died a long time ago.

Therefore, it is naturally extremely impressive.

Now I see once again how it dares to risk its life and move on.

However, it is also extremely unwilling to leave and give up revenge on that iron pimple (undersea base).

Anxious, the mutant giant seal decided to drive his men to test it.

Under the order of the mutated giant seal, hundreds of sea behemoths in the group of marine behemoths launched an attack towards the underwater base.

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