Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 208 In A Critical Moment, The Mecha Troops Attack? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Countless violent explosions rang out.

This sea area instantly turned into a fierce battlefield.

Shock waves swept in.

Endless sea water stirring.

One by one, the sea behemoths wailed, covered in blood and flesh, and fell to the bottom of the sea.


Seeing this, the mutated giant seal swimming at the back seemed to know that the dangerous glowing ball had really 'disappeared'.

The movements became more brazen.

Directly rushed towards the undersea base.


This mutant giant seal is still very 'robust'.

In any case, they did not dare to enter within a radius of five kilometers of the base of the seabed, for fear that this would be a trap to lure it.

Within a 'safe distance', mutated giant seals launch a frantic attack on the undersea base.

The frozen air in the mouth spewed wildly, constantly freezing the sea water around the submarine base, in an attempt to freeze the entire submarine base.

At the same time, the group of ocean behemoths under his command was ordered to charge towards the undersea base.

Under such a high-intensity offensive, the existing defense system of the 15 submarine base is also somewhat difficult to resist.

Many fish that slipped through the net directly passed through the fire cover and rushed towards the submarine base.

"Jarvis, except for the attack port in the top weapons area, close the entrance and exit of the entire undersea base, and don't let those ocean behemoths rush into the base!!"

Seeing this situation, Li Hao's heart also sank, and he said decisively.

If the import and exit of the base are not closed, the sea behemoth will definitely rush into the base and cause great damage.

Knowing what Li Hao meant, Jarvis immediately set to action.

Under the control of Jarvis, all the doors of the undersea base to the outside world were closed.

Except for the ceiling of the weapons area at the top of the submarine base, the entire submarine base is now completely closed and isolated from the outside world,

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the moment when the submarine base was closed, those ocean behemoths also rushed to the bottom base and began to attack vigorously.

The power of these thousands of tons of ocean behemoths can be imagined.

Tens of thousands of tons of terrifying force constantly bombarded the shell armor of the submarine base.

Fortunately, the shell armor of the submarine base is made of energy-absorbing alloy, which can greatly absorb the impact force and cushion the attack.

The armor made of ordinary metal has probably been completely torn apart by this huge force.

Under the crazy attacks of these sea behemoths, this whole body made of energy-absorbing alloy is completely immobile.

Don't say, it's torn.

The surface of the armored casing does not even have the slightest trace of a dent.

It really seems indestructible.

However, Li Hao is not too optimistic.

They know their own affairs.

The absorption energy of energy-absorbing alloys is not without an upper limit.

Once the upper limit is reached, although the hardness of the shell armor of the submarine base will also reach the limit, there is no energy absorption bug ability, and there is a risk of being broken.

"Jarvis, according to the current situation, how long will the energy-absorbing alloy of the armor of the submarine base shell reach the upper limit of energy absorption?"

Thinking of this, Li Hao's heart froze, and he immediately asked Jarvis.

Jarvis: "According to the current trend, in about an hour, the energy-absorbing alloy shell armor of the submarine base will reach the maximum absorption limit.

"An hour or so?!"

"The assembly and commissioning of the super light weapon will take more than an hour."

"In this way, it should not be a problem to insist on the completion of super light energy.

After roughly estimating, Li Hao was slightly relieved in his heart.

Of course, he didn't mean to let go.

After all, no one knows if something unexpected will happen.

Staying in the combat command room, Li Hao continuously observed the situation outside through underwater stealth monitors arranged outside.

Under the control of Jarvis, the torpedo missile strikes are very accurate.

In about one round, you can kill more than a dozen sea behemoths.

But there are too many marine behemoths in the outside world.

With the order of the mutated giant seal, these sea behemoths did not dare to retreat even if they were killed or injured, anyway, they launched a more crazy attack on the undersea base.

And as time passed, seeing that no matter how he attacked the undersea base, the small artificial sun never rose, and the actions of the mutated giant seal became more and more unscrupulous.

It was as if he had decided that the terrifying shining orb had completely disappeared.

The submarine base is under increasing pressure to attack.

An hour later.

Most of the sea water around the submarine base is frozen.

Hundreds of meters of ice appear in a U-shape that envelops most of the seabed base.

If it weren't for Jarvis using the defensive weapon system of the undersea base to interfere with the mutated giant seal, I am afraid that the entire undersea base would be frozen in solid ice.

However, even so, the situation of the submarine base at the moment is not optimistic.

Because the energy absorption of the energy-absorbing alloy shell armor has reached the upper limit.

At this moment, there are nearly a hundred mutated giant seals outside that are continuing to attack.

The armor shell of the submarine base has faintly traced cracking.

"Jarvis, how long until the Super Light weapon is completed?"

Seeing this, Li Hao was also a little solemn in his heart and spoke.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before the shells of part of the submarine base will be torn apart.

At that time, these ocean behemoths rush into the undersea base, and the loss will be 823.

Jarvis: "The super light weapon has about sixteen minutes and fifty-two seconds left to complete the commissioning and assembly work."

"According to the current situation, can the armored shell of the submarine base support the completion of the super light weapon?"

Li Hao asked again.

Jarvis: "Can't! According to calculations, at most ten minutes, part of the armored shell of the submarine base will be directly torn ..."

Hearing this, Li Hao's face suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

The brain spins fast.

After a moment of silence, Li Hao directly opened his mouth and ordered: "Jarvis, order the mecha troops to attack and kill the sea behemoths that are restraining and attacking the undersea base."

At present, the number of mechs on the Curry side has reached nearly two hundred.

This power was definitely more than enough to contain those less than a hundred sea behemoths.

It's just that in addition to the sea behemoth, there is also the variable of mutating giant seals, and the risk of mecha troops attacking is not small.

Once the mutated giant seal launches an attack on the mech troops.

Then the mecha troops must suffer heavy losses.

It was precisely because of this that he hesitated for a while.

However, thinking about it, there is no other way.

At present, only this armed force of the submarine base is still idle.

If you want to delay the attack rhythm of those mutated giant seals and sea behemoths, you can obviously only let the mecha troops attack.

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