Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 228 Mutated Marine Plants? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"What is this place?!"

Seeing this magnificent scene, Li Hao did not indulge in it, but frowned slightly.

This sea gave him a not very good feeling.

You know, he himself has the extraordinary ability of crisis foreboding.

He naturally does not ignore his feelings.

"Jarvis, locate my location!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao said without hesitation.

After receiving the instruction, Jarvis gave an answer.

Jarvis: "According to satellite positioning, the current location of Sir is under the sea area more than 7,600 kilometers southeast of the submarine base..............."

"More than 7600 km!"

"No wonder, this sea is so strange."

Knowing this, Li Hao was also shocked.

Before patronizing 'drag racing', driving the Titan body around.

He didn't expect to run so far away!

Enter this unfamiliar sea that has never been to the future.

Such unfamiliar seas often represent a crisis.

Thinking of this, Li Hao's vigilance in his heart was higher.

15 However, this strange sea did not give me a strong sense of crisis.

"Obviously, the things in this sea area should not be a big threat to me.

Thinking like this, Li Hao was also relieved.

Only then did he 'leisurely' begin to wander around this strange sea.

Not to mention, in this fairy tale dreamy sea, the peculiar marine ecology also amazes him.

The surrounding area is occupied by various marine plants for thousands of kilometers.

'Food' is plentiful.

But strangely, almost no sea behemoth more than a hundred meters inhabits here.

All you can see is the 'small spot' below 100 meters.

"It's kind of weird!!"

Seeing this situation, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to start calculating why this strange phenomenon occurred.


In the absence of more intelligence data, Jarvis was unable to deduce valuable and reliable answers.

Seeing this, Li Hao does not force it.

After all, he asked Jarvis to calculate the problem, just to satisfy his curiosity.

The calculus can't be calculated, and it's nothing.

Putting this question to the back of his mind, Li Hao prepares to go home.


At this moment, the system released a new system task.

【Marine Herbarium Research】

【Mission Description】: You accidentally entered an unknown sea area and found the peculiar ecology of this sea area, which contains countless mutated and evolved marine plants, which are surprisingly diverse and of great research value. Ask the host to collect marine plants from this area and build a herbarium.

[Mission Reward]: Unknown (Note: The number of specimens and the richness of the specimen library will determine the richness of the reward for the mission.) )

"Reward unknown temporary tasks?!"

Listening to the system prompt ringing in his ears, Li Hao was surprised and his face also showed a hint of surprise.

You know, a similar mission before allowed him to get a small artificial sun, a 'unlimited energy' black technology creation.

With this previous experience, he is naturally full of anticipation for this newly released task.

Compared to the previous mission that allowed him to get a small artificial sun, the requirements of this task seemed to be much simpler.

All you need to do is collect marine plant specimens.

Easy + simple.

It looks like a reward for nothing!

Without saying anything, Li Hao did not hesitate to take this task down.

After receiving the task.

Piloting a Titan-type biomech, Li Hao heads to the nearest marine plant and prepares to begin collecting them.

Used to complete tasks.


The early collection was very smooth.


When he uprooted a giant tree-like marine plant and prepared it for storage as a specimen.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The surrounding marine plants seem to be 'alive'.

Countless thick green sea vines swept towards the titan-type biological mecha piloted by Li Hao like giant pythons.


As if to strangle him completely.

"What the hell is this?"

Faced with this shock, Li Hao's face could not help but show a hint of shock.

This year, plants have evolved the ability to move?!

Shock to shock, though.

Li Hao did not sit in place, tied up.

After uprooting the giant tree-type marine plants in the mech's internal storage vault.

Next second.

Li Hao backhanded controls the mech and draws the Titan Hammer behind the mech.

This Titan Hammer is made of ultra-high-density alloys and has millions of tons.

The weight is comparable to a mountain.

Lifting this terrifying hammer, Li Hao controlled the body and slammed it down on the sea vines that were close at hand.


The weight like Mount Tai crushing the top instantly burst the sea water ahead.

Under such a majestic pressure, the water pressure in front suddenly rose to an extremely terrifying point.

In just a moment, it shattered the sea that came from the siege.


Compared with the countless number of marine plants around 020, these crushed sea vines are completely a drop in the bucket.

And these sea vines also seem to have some kind of high-speed regeneration ability.

After the front end part was completely broken and shattered, more 'green tentacles' grew from the roots again, unaffected, and continued to frantically entangle towards the titan-type biological mech.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Seeing this, Li Hao frantically wields the Titan's Hammer to stop these crazy plants from approaching.


Over time, the sea vines around Li Hao have not decreased, but have gradually increased.

"It's really difficult!"

"It seems that the reason why there are no marine behemoths living more than 100 meters in this sea area is caused by these mutated marine plants!!"

"They are the top predators and controllers of this sea!"

Realizing this, Li Hao's eyes froze.

At the same time, he also understands the difficulty of the newly released task of the system.

"I thought I would pick up a mission reward for nothing."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a hidden pit.

"According to the current situation, if you want to continue to collect marine plants in this sea, you can only kill these extremely aggressive marine plants first.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Li Hao's eyes.

Start switching tactics immediately.

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