Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 230 The Collective Will Of Mutated Sea Plants? ! 【Please Subscribe, Customize】


Strangely, things seemed a little different from what he thought.

After entering this sea, it has been calm until now.

There was no crisis at all.

Very peaceful,

"What's going on?"

While Li Hao was puzzled, he was more wary of his surname.

His premonition of the crisis was always reacting.


But there was no reaction at all, and there was a 'dead silence'.

It doesn't look like there's a crisis.

This situation is really abnormal. Completely counterintuitive.

"I can't go wrong with my crisis response skills!"

"Then it is clear that the 'crisis' in this sea is lurking, and I want to relax my vigilance."

Li Hao's eyes flashed.

This is a very possible thing.

Being able to do this, the 'crisis' hidden in this sea area has obviously acquired wisdom close to human beings.

"Still, it's too tender!"

Playing this trick, human beings are the ancestors!

Thinking of this, Li Hao suddenly showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

He was ready to put the plan in place, Tian Dong.

Give that lurker a lesson.

After controlling the Titan body to walk in these 693 seas for more than ten minutes.

As if confirming that there was no danger in this sea area, Li Hao began to gradually relax his vigilance.

Put the weapon back in place.

Collection of samples of mutated marine plants began.

One minute!

Five minutes!

Ten minutes!


Half an hour passed.

There is still no movement around at all.

As if there really wasn't any danger in this sea.

"That guy is quite patient!"

Li Hao sighed.


Since he wants to play, he will have fun with it!

Anyway, dragging on like this is completely indifferent to him.

Without delaying his collection of mutated marine plant samples, he completed the task.

Twenty minutes!

Thirty minutes!

Forty minutes!

Just when Li Hao came to a mutant marine plant with a giant bud of 300 meters, he was ready to collect it.

Mutations emerge suddenly.


This closed bud suddenly opened, turned into an abyss giant mouth, and tore towards the body driven by Li Hao.

As if to swallow the Titan mech in one gulp.


The surrounding mutated seaweed and kelp also came to life and flew towards the Titan mecha at high speed.

It secretes a strange corrosive slime that can easily turn rock and steel into powder.

Erupting towards the Titan mech.

"Sure enough, I can't resist making a move!"

Seeing this, Li Hao did not panic at all, and a smile appeared on his face.

He had expected this.

The appearance of letting down his guard before was completely acted.

The first time these mutated marine plants attacked.

No need for Li Hao to say more.

Jarvis automatically activated the body's defenses.

A deep purple spherical high shield rises.

Under the defense of this spherical shield, the corrosive substances that can easily turn steel into powder cannot approach the Titan mechs at all.

After all.

No matter how corrosive it is, it can only corrode solid things, and it is impossible to corrode energy as well.


This corrosive slime is blocked.

The crisis has not been completely resolved

The huge predatory bud instantly swallowed the Titan mech.

The next moment to complete this action.

The surrounding mutant marine plants instantly frantically converged towards this side.

Around the predator bud that swallowed the Titan mech, the three circles inside and three circles outside began to frantically entangle.

It's like a giant python that casts death entanglements.

I want to hang the (BFEG) Titan mech completely in this way.

Prey on the inside of the bud.

Li Hao, who controls the Titan body, also feels this.

The energy consumption of the Titan body's defensive stance suddenly began to increase.

Apparently the pressure outside is also starting to increase.


Faced with this situation, Li Hao did not panic at all.

The Titan-type bio-mech comes with a small antimatter bioreactor, which can continuously generate huge amounts of energy.

In a short time, there can simply be any problems with the defensive position.

"Bioenergy particle light cannon is fired at 100% power!"

Complete energy convergence.

Li Hao pressed the trigger.

The furious energy directly tore apart this Titan-swallowing mech, along with other strangled mutant marine plants.

Taking advantage of this open gap, Li Hao instantly controlled the Titan body to take off and break through.


The prey of those mutated marine plants that seemed unwilling to get their hands ran away.

Immediately chased towards Li Hao.

Countless mutated marine plants are heading in the same direction.

It turns into a mighty green torrent.

It looks spectacular.

It can be said that almost all the mutated marine plants in the surrounding area gather here.

Even in the body's radar, mutated marine plants in the farther sea come to 'join in'

The Titan body piloted by Li Hao fell into the 'people's Wang Yang Sea' in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Li Hao was also a little surprised with a tingling scalp.

He also didn't expect that there would be such a big movement in his plan to lure the snake out of the hole!

It's like stabbing a hornet's nest.

"It seems that these mutant marine plants have their own communication networks!"

"Or rather, these mutant marine plants are actually one."

Calm down.

Thinking of the evolutionary route he had seen in the system mall before, Li Hao's heart was also bright.

His speculation is not unfounded.

These mutated marine plants attacked him in such a uniform manner.

To say that there is no single unified conductor.

He did not believe.

Obviously, the evolutionary route of these mutated marine plants is either to take the group route and form a shared neural network.

Or like the Zerg, together to form a cluster consciousness.

There are only these two possibilities!!

"Either way, there will definitely be a core existence, that is, the existence of the conductor."

Thinking of this, Li Hao's eyes flashed, and he also knew what to do!

While controlling the Titan mechs to fend off the crazy attacks of those mutated giant marine plants.

Li Hao used various means to detect the existence of these mutated marine plant commanders.

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