Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 232 Artificial Intelligence Upgrade Equation 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

"Now those mutated marine plants should not be so entangled."

"In that case, it's time to hurry up and complete the task!!"

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not delay at all and immediately began to act.

There is no interference from those aggressive mutating marine plants.

Li Hao's work efficiency is naturally amazingly fast.

About four hours later.

Li Hao successfully completed the collection of all mutated marine plants.

"It's time to turn back!"

After confirming that there were no omissions, Li Hao drove all the Titan-type biological mechs towards the direction of the undersea base.

At a speed of almost three thousand kilometers per hour.

In just over two hours, Li Hao crossed a distance of more than 7,000 kilometers and returned to the undersea base.

Wait until Li Hao returns to the undersea base.

The time "193" has reached 3 o'clock in the evening.

The three sisters of Zhao Xueshi have all slept.

Driving the Titan-type biomech into the standalone machine Curry Surface, Li Hao lets Jarvis start directing the mecha construction octopus to 'unload'

The collected mutated marine plants are sent to the laboratory to specimen these mutated marine plants.


Due to the large number of them, it is impossible to complete them quickly.

Asking Jarvis to carry out this work, Li Hao was also very relieved to go back to the bedroom to rest.


After a warm breakfast with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters, Li Hao walked towards the laboratory.

Check the progress of those mutated marine plant specimens.

Come to the lab.

Li Hao found that a small number of mutated marine plants were not taxidermized.

"Jarvis, how long until it is finished?"

Li Hao asked.

Jarvis: "It's about five hours away!"

"Five hours?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao also knew it in his heart.

There is no meaning of waiting stupidly here.

Li Hao immediately walked towards the entertainment area on the second floor of the submarine base.

Enjoying the service of the maids, Li Hao eats snacks while playing games.

In such a leisurely time, time flies by.

Soon, five hours passed!

Stuck at the point of time.

Li Hao walked out of the recreation room and towards the lab.

Enter the lab again.

Sure enough. The taxidermy of all mutated marine plants has been completed.

All specimens of these mutated marine plants are placed in a glass case.

Refrigerate the specimens in the previously made specimen refrigerator.

Li Hao opens the taskbar.

【Marine Herbarium Research】

【Mission Description】: You accidentally entered an unknown sea area and found the peculiar ecology of this sea area, which contains countless mutated and evolved marine plants, which are surprisingly diverse and of great research value. Ask the host to collect marine plants from this area and build a herbarium.

Task Progress: Completed (can be submitted)

[Mission Reward]: Unknown (Note: The number of specimens and the richness of the specimen library will determine the richness of the reward for the mission.) )

"Submit task!"

Looking at this system task, Li Hao chose to submit without hesitation.

"Ding! 【Marine Biospecimen Bank Research】The task was successfully submitted and the task completion degree was settled.

"Settlement..... The number of marine organism specimens collected by the host was detected: 3102 species, including mutated deep-sea south, mutated eroded corals:

"The settlement is completed, and the degree of completion of this task is evaluated as: S–."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level task completion reward———— artificial intelligence upgrade equation*1, the reward has been put into the system inventory, please pay attention to the host!"

"S-level mission completion reward———— artificial intelligence upgrade equation?!"

Listening to the system prompt ringing in his ears, Li Hao immediately couldn't wait to open the system inventory to check the mission reward.

【Artificial Intelligence Upgrade Equation (One-time Consumable)】

【Introduction】: The technology derived from the science of digital life engineering can upgrade the artificial intelligence rated below the intermediate level, so that its capabilities can be improved in an all-round way. (Note: AI cannot continue to work during the upgrade process.) )

"Good stuff!"

Seeing the introduction of the artificial intelligence upgrade equation, Li Hao is also bright.

This task reward can be said to be exceptionally practical.......

After all, for him, artificial intelligence ———— Jarvis has become an indispensable help for him.

It greatly facilitates him in various ways.

Without Jarvis' help, and among other things, just keeping the undersea base running would have wasted a lot of his time.

Not to mention, let him enjoy life so leisurely every day.

It can be said that Jarvis is the brain that maintains the submarine base!

This reward allows Jarvis to level up again.

This will undoubtedly make Jarvis more helpful and useful to him in the future.

"Jarvis is a low-level artificial intelligence, which is just within the scope of this artificial intelligence upgrade equation!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately couldn't wait to get lost to the central control room where Jarvis' main engine was stored.

Come to the central control room.

Li Hao took out the AI upgrade equation from the system inventory.

It was a futuristic metal hard drive.

Obviously, the AI upgrade equation is in this hard drive.

Didn't say it.

Ask Jarvis to open the hard drive access of the small superbiocomputer.

Li Hao didn't hesitate to plug this hard drive carrying the artificial intelligence upgrade equation into it.

The next moment.

The large screen in the central control room instantly turned black.

Countless streams of data flow flicker on it.

At the same time, Jarvis's emotionless voice sounded.

"Detected the human 0.9 intelligent upgrade equation and started to enter the program upgrade mode..............."

"This upgrade is expected to take three hours and six minutes, is it authorized immediately to carry out the program upgrade work?"

"Start leveling up now!"

Hearing this, Li Hao did not hesitate to speak and gave authorization.

Although Jarvis cannot control the submarine base during the upgrade process, for now, there is nothing important about the submarine base.

Those production tasks Jarvis had already been arranged.

Jarvis: "Get the authorization of the master, start absorbing the artificial intelligence upgrade equation, enter the program upgrade iteration..."

After confirming that Jarvis began to upgrade, Li Hao did not stay here much.

Immediately head to the top 'balcony' and get ready to sunbathe.

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