Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 234 Gravitational Wave Detector

"Let's complete the task of [global disaster investigation] first."

"I hope the official data Curry has relevant information."

Thinking so, after leading the two missions down, Li Hao returned to the captain's room.

"Jarvis, hacking into official servers, searching for copies of documents related to recent heavy global rainfall.

Looking at the downpouring rain outside the ship's window, Li Hao ordered while leisurely sipping hot coffee.

With the master's order, Jarvis was familiar with connecting the ship's communication system to the small integrated signal base station inside the submarine base.

Use it as a springboard to secretly hack into official internal communications satellites.

Long drive straight in.

Go to the official internal server.

Ten seconds later.

Jarvis: "The search has been completed!" In this search, 21 relevant documents were reproduced. ”

The voice fell.

Folders appear on the display of the computer in front of Li Hao.

Carefully scan these folder names.

Li Hao's attention was immediately attracted by a document called "Global Rainfall Causes Analysis Report".

Click in.

"The cause of global rainfall turned out to be a massive eruption of submarine volcanoes?!"

After reading all this analysis report, Li Hao's face could not help but show a dignified look.

According to the above report, the recent large-scale collective eruption of submarine volcanic groups all over the world, a large amount of water vapor was ejected by the lava evaporated to the sky, which formed the global super rainfall.

As for why the submarine volcanic complex erupted on a large scale, the specific reasons are unknown.

According to the information transmitted by the probe, there has been strange geographical activity in the submarine volcanic zone recently.

This kind of geographical activity had never been seen before the end times.

Without a comparison of data, it is impossible to speculate about the specific cause.

"This submarine volcanic eruption is very wrong!"

Somehow, Li Hao always felt a hint of bad premonition.

As if this disaster was just a prelude to some kind of super natural disaster.

Li Hao still believes in his dangerous intuition through genetic evolution.

Therefore, a sense of urgency also rose in his heart.

"At present, the defense of the submarine base has an energy stance generator, attacks have fusion light energy cannons, energy also has artificial suns, and internal food can be self-sufficient, and there are almost no obvious shortcomings."

"As long as that coming natural disaster is not a cosmic catastrophe that can destroy the earth.

"At least it's no problem to carry it."

Thinking of this, Li Hao was immediately relieved.


He didn't mean to be careless.

Although he doesn't know what the possible super disaster is, he will still strengthen the underwater shelter as much as possible.

There was only one life, and he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

"The task of [Global Disaster Investigation] should be completed!"

Confirm the policy for the next period of time, Li Hao opens the system panel.

Sure enough.

20,000 points have arrived.

"Then complete the rest of the task as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, such a point of points, it will be difficult to have any big effect."

The remaining mission is to kill at least 10 Sea King Behemoths over 1,000 meters in size.

Although this task is difficult, it is not impossible.

With the combat power of his ocean war fortress, it is not a problem to deal with the sea emperor behemoths, the difficult thing is how to find them in the vast sea.

"It seems that we have to open a more advanced detection device first."

Thinking so, Li Hao opened the system mall.

After some selection and comparison, Li Hao chose a small gravitational wave detector.

Such detectors detect through gravitational waves and do not decay like electromagnetic detection.

Therefore, the detection range is very long and accurate.

Can be used for interstellar exploration.

Used to search for the Sea King Behemoth, it can be said that the chicken is killed with a cow knife.

Of course, this is also Li Hao's one-step process.

After all, the real-time detection system in his hands now is indeed somewhat lacking.

If you buy a gravitational wave detector, it can not only be used to complete the mission, but also complement the aiming detection system of the weapon system.

Kill two birds with one stone.

【Gravitational wave detector (small)】

【Introduction】: The detection technology derived from gravity can detect anything within 100 million square kilometers in real time.

【Price】: 50200 points

In the system division, this should be regarded as the space exploration technology owned by the second-level civilization (interstellar civilization), although it is only the smallest and least powerful, "it is also the black technology of black technology."

"Both the detection range and the accuracy are terrifying."

"At present, a detection range of 100 million square kilometers is very sufficient."

"And it won't be left behind for a long time to come."

Thinking of this, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy it.


Next second.

The (small) manufacturing technology for gravitational wave detectors appears in Li Hao's system inventory.

Return to the undersea base.

Enter the technical drawings into the super 3D printer.

Then click Manufacture.

I have to say that this thing is worthy of the technology that only interstellar civilizations can have.

The manufacturing precision required is terrible.

Although super 3D printers can manufacture related, the manufacturing speed is not fast.

According to Jarvis's calculations, it would take at least 10 months to get one at full production.

To this end, Li Hao can only upgrade a wave of manufacturing.

Especially the 'artifact' of the super 3D printer that has been working for a long time, he specially bought relevant components from the system to transform and upgrade.

After the transformation, the production efficiency and production accuracy of the super 3D printer have been instantly increased by dozens of times, which is comparable to the peak manufacturing technology of the second-level civilization.

It only takes about a week to produce a small gravitational wave detector.

A week later.

The gravitational wave detector is complete.

Li Hao loads it on top of the Super War Fortress and sets out in search of the Sea King Behemoth.

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