Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 3 The Wall Replacement Is Completed, And The Meteorite Accelerates

"Finally arrived!"

Li Hao's face showed a hint of excitement.

The problem of insufficient strength of the walls of the shelter can finally be solved.

Without hesitation, Li Hao walked directly into an empty room with thousands of square meters.

This is the industrial workshop where he specially prepared to place the metal furnace.

In the future, when he obtains black technology related to industrial manufacturing, he will concentrate it here.

After finding a place, Li Hao takes the automated metal furnace out of the system inventory.

In the next second, a silver furnace full of futuristic sci-fi style appeared in front of him.

【Automated Metal Furnace】

Owner: Li Hao

[Currently has an alloy formula]: Memory alloy steel.

【Current production】: 5 tons (one day)

【Introduction】: Industrial technology creation, can automatically melt and synthesize most metals.

"Only one alloy formula comes with, I don't know if it meets my requirements."

Li Hao muttered, clicking on the information about the alloy formula.

【Memory alloy steel】

【Synthetic materials】: steel, copper, carbon, titanium, zinc...

[Strength]: 10

[Toughness]: 13

【Introduction】: The strength and toughness of this memory alloy are more than five times that of ordinary steel alloys, and it has a metal memory function, which can automatically "heal" metal damage within ten centimeters.


Looking at the introduction of this alloy formula, Li Hao suddenly looked happy.

The automated metal furnace comes with an alloy formula that perfectly meets his needs.

The strength and toughness are more than five times that of steel alloys, and it has a metal memory function, which is simply the best material for manufacturing underground seismic walls.

"There are still about 13 days before the meteorite hits the blue star, so hurry up."

Looking at the countdown on the system panel, Li Hao also had a sense of urgency in his heart.

He needs to replace all the wall materials in his shelter before disaster strikes.

Driving a forklift, Li Hao puts all the metal ingots needed to synthesize memory alloy steel into an automated metal furnace.

Subsequently, the memory alloy steel was selected for production and the automated metal furnace was turned on.

In the next second, I saw countless robotic arms stretching out from the automated metal, sorting those metal ingots into different areas for smelting and processing.

About ten minutes later, pieces of silver-white memory alloy steel plates were continuously produced from the furnace.

The whole process is efficient and sharp, full of industrial beauty.

Getting the required wall steel, Li Hao started the shelter's wall replacement work non-stop.

However, replacing a shelter wall with 4,300 square meters is obviously not so simple.

It's a lot of work.

It's impossible to do it in a day.

After a busy day, Li Hao has only replaced less than one-tenth of the wall.

November 12, 2020.

With only nine days left before the meteorite struck, prices everywhere skyrocketed to the limit, almost on the verge of collapse, and society gradually began to unrest.

November 15, 2020.

With only 6 days left before the meteorite fell, the original social order collapsed, except for a few state-owned factories that were still operating, everyone was unemployed and had no intention of working at home, and a small number began to enter the officially established doomsday shelter under the guidance of official personnel.

November 16, 2020.

The streets were deserted, and the bustling scene of the past was gone, and officials began to organize people in large numbers to enter the completed doomsday shelter.

November 17, 2020 at 19:13.

Li Hao holds an electric welding tool and replaces the last memory alloy steel plate on the wall of the shelter.

"Finally able to get a good night's sleep."

Looking at the rejuvenated shelter wall, Li Hao's heart suddenly relaxed a lot at this moment.

These days, he rushed to replace the wall, and finally completed the wall replacement work of the entire shelter.

At this moment, the biggest flaw of the shelter finally disappeared.

Even if a meteorite falls in the next moment, he can hide inside with peace of mind, and no longer have to be afraid of being buried alive by an earthquake.

"Counting the days, there are only 4 days left before the meteorite hits the blue star."

With all the welding tools in place, Li Hao turned on the TV, found the national news channel, and prepared to check out the latest situation.

On TV, the two news presenters are solemnly reporting the latest doomsday news.

"A large-scale parade and riot occurred in a bald eagle country, nearly ten nuclear power plants were attacked by terrorists, nuclear explosions occurred, countless nuclear wastewater flowed into the ocean, nuclear dust entered the atmosphere, citizens please try not to go out, do a good job of relevant protection, do not drink raw water..."


"A large-scale nuclear leak in the country of bald eagles?!"

Seeing this amazing news, Li Hao was also stunned.

Immediately, he hurriedly went to the water purification room of the shelter to check the situation.

After all, a nuclear leak is no joke.

Once you drink radiant water and get radiation sickness, without extremely professional treatment, you can only die in endless pain.

The end was terrifying.

After checking and making sure that the groundwater pumped in his water purification room was not polluted, Li Hao relaxed.

"Nuclear dust disperses into the atmosphere and flows to the world, and the radiation in the air is pervasive, and it is better to go out less in recent times,"

Turning on the camera placed on the ground, Li Hao looked at the gray sky and sighed.

Fortunately, his materials are very well prepared, otherwise this period of time would be difficult.

November 18, 2020

The sky is getting darker, and the nuclear leak seems to be getting worse.

The radiation index of the external environment began to rise, and the vegetation began to show some signs of decay.

November 19, 2020

Waking up in the morning, Li Hao turned on the system and suddenly found an extremely terrifying thing.

The countdown to the meteorite impact on the system panel is less than a day left.

Meteorites seem to have been influenced by some factor and began to accelerate.

"Two days ahead of schedule?!"

Li Hao was surprised and happy.

Fortunately, he had previously spent all his energy on replacing the walls of the shelter.

It was completed early.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will really be caught off guard by this suddenly accelerating meteorite.

After a hasty wash, Li Hao logged in to the Internet for the first time to check meteorite related information.

In his mind, such heavy news as meteorite acceleration, there will definitely not be no movement on the Internet.

Sure enough.

As soon as he got on the Internet, Li Hao found a red warning banner that could not be ignored.

"Red alert! The meteorite began to gradually accelerate at 11:05 on November 18, 2020, and at the current rate it is expected that the meteorite will hit Blue Star within a day. ”

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