Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 30 The All-Killing Flood Dragon Meeting, Obstacles On The Way Back [New Book Seeking Everyth

"Mr. Li, thank you for your action."

"If it weren't for you, all my chickens and ducks would have been taken away by this group of scoundrels."

Watching Xu Feng and the others leave in embarrassment, Xu Qianya gratefully said to Li Hao.

"It's nothing, it's a trifle, keep trading!"

Li Hao smiled.

Later, Li Hao chatted with Xu Qianya for a while, and also got a lot of specific information about this dragon society from her.

This organization called the Dragon Society was started by a person named Wang Yan about twenty days ago.

This person is a famous scoundrel in the green tree community, surrounded by a group of fox friends with similar smells.

After the global disaster struck, I learned from the news that the official power of Shanhai City was severely damaged by meteorite fragments, and this person and those fox friends established this organization called the Dragon Society, and bullied other residents of the Green Tree Community and robbed a lot of things.

And seeing that it was profitable, many people also joined one after another, and the organization expanded rapidly.

Until now, most of the green tree community has become the territory of these guys.

And those in the community who did not want to join the Dragon Society also began to unite to survive and resist the Dragon Society's pressing step by step.

Xu Qianya's family naturally joined this joint organization to resist the Dragon Society.

"If it weren't for me, I would have come down alone, then Xu Feng wouldn't have dared to come so blatantly..."

Xu Qianya said with a palpitation.

The situation just now was too dangerous.

She didn't think that after Xu Feng succeeded, he only snatched her chicken and duck seedlings.

If it weren't for Li Hao's move, she would probably have been forcibly taken away by Xu Feng.

That end...

"Don't worry! This bandit organization will not last long. ”

Li Hao said with a hint of meaning.

Another minute passed.

After counting the number of chicken and duck seedlings and confirming that the number is correct, the transaction was officially completed.

Money and goods clear.

"That's right! Mr. Li, you should be careful when you go back. ”

"These days, this area is somewhat unsafe, and I heard that a group of people with guns recently came from outside, wantonly looting shelters and supplies..."

As if remembering something, Xu Qianya reminded Li Hao.

"A group of people who came over recently, still carrying guns?!"

Li Hao's eyes were thoughtful.

No, these people are the culprits in the big car accident on the highway.

"Thanks for the reminder!"

Guessing in his heart, Li Hao said thanks.

Seeing Li Hao listening to his words, Xu Qianya did not stop much, and drove the van towards the green tree community.

Seeing Xu Qianya leave, Li Hao did not mean to drive away.

Get back to the car and wait quietly for something.

Ten minutes later.

A blood-stained figure strode out from the green tree community.

It looks like No. 1.

At some point, No. 1 disappeared.

Apparently to carry out Li Hao's orders.

"Is it all done?"

Li Hao asked.

"All the members of the Dragon Society have been killed!"

Removing all the blood stains from the radiation protection suit, No. 1 entered the driver's seat and reported to Li Hao.

"That's good!"

Li Hao nodded.

From the very beginning, he did not think of letting Xu Feng and the others go.

The reason why they didn't take their lives immediately was just to facilitate No. 1 to follow them to the base camp of the Dragon Society and eliminate all the future troubles.

The Dragon Exterminator Society is such a domineering bandit organization, and he has no psychological burden at all.

Wait until No. 1 takes a few clone warriors and moves all the materials of the Dragon Society back.

"Let's go!"

After sweeping away all the troubles and taking the loot, the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck drove and returned along the road where it came.


And just when Li Hao and others drove and prepared to leave the suburbs of the North District of Shanhai City.

In a room on a small building a hundred meters away from them, a group of people were staring at them with binoculars.

"That outsider and the people from the Green Tree Community completed the deal and seemed to be ready to go."

The man with the telescope reported the information he saw.

There are quite a few people in this room.

There were more than twenty people, each with a fierce face, and a variety of firearms in his hands, obviously not a good person.

"This big fat sheep, we must not let go."

"Don't let them run! They entered the North District from the high-speed intersection, and they must leave from the high-speed intersection, so that Ah Bing first took people to set up roadblocks on the highway..."

Hearing the intelligence reported by his subordinates, a one-eyed fierce man took out a submachine gun from his backpack and gave orders.

It was clear that this man was the leader of this gang of evildoers.

"Yes! Top dog. ”

With the one-eyed man's order, everyone began to act.

Prepare to eat the "fatty meat" of Li Hao directly in one bite.


And the other side.

Li Hao and others did not know that the crisis was approaching, and still drove back step by step.

It didn't take long for you to enter the highway outside the city through the entrance of the expressway located on the outskirts of Kitaku.

After entering the highway, there are many fewer obstacles than in the urban area.

Nuclear battery heavy-duty trucks began to speed up.

A heavy-duty truck that can be called a giant gallops on this deserted highway.


It wasn't long before the nuclear-powered trucks were forced to stop.

I saw that the vehicles at the scene of the major car accident that Li Hao and others had cleaned up before were piled up again and blocked the middle of the road.

It seems that there are a lot more.

"What's going on? Could it be that the previous group of roadblock robbers who caused this major car accident are back? ”

Li Hao frowned.

This is clearly artificial.

It's not a good comer!


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