"Since shotguns are not good! Then try to change to a big knife and an axe, I can't do it, the equipment on these people can really be invulnerable. ”

The bald man gritted his teeth.

"Throw weapons and smash them."

Hearing the boss's order, the other thugs who were still alive also found the backbone of the main heart, and quickly threw the big knife and axe in their hands towards Li Hao and the others.

However, it is of little use.

Even if these weapons hit Li Hao, they could only slightly hinder their movements at most, and they could not break through the super fiber material on the surface of the new radiation-proof life support suit.

And Li Hao is even less so.

Several clone warriors protect him in the center, and these "gadgets" will not hurt him at all.

On the contrary, the bald man's men counterattacked chaotically, and the moment his figure leaned out of the cover, he was shot and killed by Li Hao and others.

"Withdraw! Take the trolls and sledgehammers from the car and withdraw to the emergency staircase passage, I have a way to deal with them. ”

Seeing Li Hao, they pushed towards this side without any scruples, and the bald man did not hesitate, and immediately turned his head and ran towards the truck.

Although he looks like a reckless man, he can actually be the boss, and his brain will naturally not be inflexible.

After the tentative attack just now, he was not without gains.

He found that the equipment of Li Hao and others was indeed invulnerable, but it would still be affected by some impact.

As long as the impact is strong enough, it can shock and even kill them.

In other words, the use of sledgehammers and trolls as powerful impact weapons is currently the best option.

It's just that the attack range of these weapons is too short, and it is difficult to hit Li Hao and others who are holding rifles.

For example, the emergency staircase is the "battlefield" he chooses.

In such a narrow environment, the role of firearms such as rifles is greatly weakened.

So that he can have a chance to fight back.

"As long as these people are killed, these awesome equipment will be labor-owned."

A hint of greed flashed in the bald man's eyes.

With this batch of powerful and invulnerable equipment, the combat effectiveness of his forces has definitely skyrocketed.

At that time, who in the entire Gyeongsan County can stop him.

At that time, he will be the soil emperor and uncrowned king of Gyeongsan County.

After sacrificing three more people and getting the trolls and hammers on the truck, the bald man fled into the emergency staircase with the remaining ten or so men.

Seeing this, Li Hao's brows frowned slightly.

This narrow terrain was obviously very unfavorable to them.

Suddenly, as if thinking of some good idea, Li Hao smiled lightly, and asked a few clone warriors to take a few corpses on the ground and stride into the emergency staircase.

The turn of the emergency staircase walkway.

The bald man and the remaining younger brother held their breath with earthen trolls and large hammers, staring at the corner below the stairs, weapons ready to strike.

Suddenly, several black shadows came out from around the corner.


Several people pulled the trigger directly.

Several other people also used all their strength to smash the iron hammer in their hands down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shotshots roared, hammers flew.

In an instant, those few black shadows were beaten into a sieve.

Even one head was smashed with a large hammer.

"Grass! Those few were not enemies, but Xiaosang and their corpses. ”

After a round of offensive, several people saw what their attack target looked like.

It was not their imaginary enemy, but the corpse of their companion.


Seeing this, as if thinking of something, the bald man's face changed greatly.

However, late.

Throwing away the "shield" of the corpse that had been beaten in his hand, the bodies of Li Hao and the others were suddenly revealed.

Raise the M19 assault rifle.

Pull the trigger!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tongues of fire spewed and bullets flew wildly.

No need to aim at all.

In such a narrow tunnel, there is simply nowhere to hide.

Several of the front-line thugs were immediately blocked.

The blood on his body was splattered, and he was directly beaten to pieces.

Except for those who fell to the ground and died on the spot, the others lay on the ground wailing and struggling to die.

However, with the buffer of these people, the bald man saw that the opportunity was not good, and immediately ran upstairs with the other subordinates.

Seeing this, Li Hao immediately chased after him with a few clone warriors.

Cutting grass and rooting is his principle all along.

He didn't want to leave himself behind.

However, when Li Hao and the others crossed the corpses, ready to continue the pursuit.

A blood-covered "corpse" suddenly came to life, and the earthen trolls in his hands were aimed at Li Hao and others.

He slowly pulled the trigger, a smug smile on his face.

Just when he thought he was about to succeed in fighting back.


As soon as a gunshot rang out, his expression instantly froze, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

His hands hung weakly, and the earthen trolls in his hands fell to the ground.

"If you want to crash and die in front of a group of clone warriors whose combat skills are comparable to top special forces, you are simply looking for death yourself."

Ignoring the movement behind, Li Hao smiled lightly, took a few clone warriors without looking back, and continued to chase upward.

Including the bald man, there were about six others.

None of these people can be spared.

Get out of the emergency staircase passage.

The bald man and his men had disappeared.

Seeing this, Li Hao did not panic at all, and said to No. 1: "Continue to track and find out the escape route of those people." ”

Those people fled in such a hurry, and the traces left behind were extremely obvious in front of No. 1.

In a matter of seconds, No. 1 easily found the escape route of the group.

The group appeared to have fled to a 15-unit building fifty meters away from the underground parking lot.

"Catch up."

Following the traces left by the thug's escape, Li Hao ran up the stairs of the 15th unit building with a few clone warriors.


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