Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 43 Dropping Rope Raid, Dead End [New Book Asks For Everything]

There were seven people at the entrance of the stairs on the fifth floor.

Everyone was holding earthen trolls and gathered around the staircase that was aimed at the entrance to and from the 5th floor.

And their boss, the bald man, seemed to be whispering something to the two little brothers beside him.

I saw the two little brothers put the earthen trolls on the ground, took out two "black boxes" tied with tape and connected to red and blue wires from the backpacks behind them, and made a throwing posture at the entrance of the stairs.

"What is that?!"

Li Hao's brows frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

It seems that these "black boxes" are likely to be the bald man's last strength.


What exactly are in those "black boxes"?

After thinking about it, Li Hao quickly "flipped" through his memories, trying to find something corresponding to it.

Tape, red and blue wires, black boxes.......

Suddenly, Li Hao thought of something.

Homemade bombs.

The method of making this bomb is extremely simple.

Even middle school students can learn it.

And the power of the explosion is also quite terrifying.

He had read in the news that a student at a middle school in Xiangjiang had made a remote-controlled earth bomb that bombed the school, causing many casualties.

Understanding the power of homemade bombs, Li Hao made some changes to his original plan.


5th floor.

"This friend, many friends and many paths, why do you have to persecute us so hard, isn't it okay for everyone to watch and help each other?"

Thinking that he was fully prepared, the bald man was also a lot tougher.

However, Li Hao didn't bother with the bald man's meaning at all.

Instead, he turned around and walked into the room on the 6th floor, looking for something.

Look around.

The room was full of "garbage".

Power strips, trash cans, chairs, tables.......

There was no food, apparently the owner of the house took it with him when he left.

However, Li Hao didn't care, and what he was looking for was not food.

Circled this house.


Li Hao stopped in front of a locker.

This locker is stocked with some of the tools needed to deal with a fire.

Such as fire extinguishers, fire escape ropes, etc...

It can be described as very complete.

"Finally found it."

Opening the locker, Li Hao took out the fire escape rope from it.

This is a specially made rope to escape from a height in the event of a fire, and it is extremely tough.

Now it is used for rappelling raids, but it is just right.

Giving the fire escape rope to No. 1, Li Hao spoke out his plan.

Then, another person walked to the 5th floor and led the other clones to the staircase on the 5th floor.

Hearing the footsteps of Li Hao and the others slowly approaching, the bald men all had fierce faces and fierce eyes.

Obviously, Li Hao did not want to agree to their conditions, but chose to eliminate them.

When they come out to mix, they don't even kill and set fire, so naturally it is impossible to tie up and sit still.

As the footsteps of Li Hao and the others got closer and closer, they silently raised their weapons and aimed them all at the staircase.

Just when the bald man and several people were all attracted to the entrance of the 5th staircase.

They did not notice that a figure with an M19 assault rifle slowly descended from a rope hanging from the upper floor.

The process didn't even make the slightest sound.

The next moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of tongues of fire spat out, directly shattering the glass on the fifth floor, and the rain of bullets covered the bald man and the others.

Among them, the two thug brothers with "homemade bombs" in their hands were the two little brothers who were "cared for".

In an instant, there were 8 or 9 more blood holes on those two little brothers, and they fell to the ground with wide eyes in disbelief.

And the others were no better.

The wave of abseiling raids on the 1st completely blinded them.

The rhythm that had been stuck at the entrance of the stairs on the 5th floor was completely disrupted.

Under the fire of No. 1, he retreated behind the concrete fence of the corridor.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Hao quickly rushed out of the stairs with a few clone warriors and entered the corridor.

"Grass! Fire them and force them back into the stairs, or we'll all die when they rush in." ”

Seeing Li Hao and others rushing in so easily, the bald man hiding under the cement fence couldn't help but scold angrily.

Hearing this, several surviving younger brothers also quickly picked up earthen trolls and shot at Li Hao and others.

Crackling, it's a random shot.

However, in this "rain of bullets", Li Hao and others were completely unscathed, and at most took a step back when hit by steel bullets.

The accuracy and power of this homemade trolls are not comparable to real shotguns.

After a random shot, the bullets fired did not know where to fly.

Only a small part hit Li Hao and others.

After air resistance, the power of the steel bullet also decreases greatly.

Unless the range is within 3 meters, these steel bullets hit Li Hao and others' radiation-proof life support suits without breaking the defense.


Seizing the opportunity for the thugs to lean out of the cover, several clone warriors opened fire.

Bang! Bang!

Two more thugs were shot in the head and fell unwillingly to the ground.

"Abin, Ah Kuang!"

The bald man's face was livid, he roared angrily, and fought back with the last two little brothers.

However, the gap in equipment between the two sides is so large.

It is obviously impossible to compete with Li Hao and others with a few slow-loading earthen trolls.

Li Hao and others ignored the bullets fired by the earthen trolls, and opened fire while advancing rapidly, forming a crossfire network, and the bald men who directly hit could only hide behind the cement fence and did not dare to show their heads.

After some bullets poured out, the last two of the bald man's men were also shot.

"I surrender, I promise you the terms, lay down your arms."

Seeing that all his subordinates had been killed, knowing that he had no hope of turning over, the bald man suddenly gave up the struggle and hurriedly shouted.

In order to show his sincerity, he even threw out the earthen trolls in his hand.

"You promised too late! I do not accept your surrender. ”

Li Hao said lightly.

The enemy who dies is undoubtedly the most qualified enemy.

Although the probability that the bald man can pose a big threat to him is very low, he still will not choose to let the tiger return to the mountain and let a "person" who is hostile to him continue to live.


ps: The new book asks for a wave of data

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