Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 46 Injury, Medicinal Wine Massage [New Book For Everything]

After making a decision, Li Hao closed the system store.

At present, the points in his hand are still a little short of the points needed to buy low-level gene chip drawings.

You also need to wait a day or two before you can buy it.

Holding back the urgency, Li Hao sat down on the sofa in the living room to rest.


This one sits down.

He suddenly found that there was a sharp pain in many places all over his body.

Hands, lower abdomen, back...

Pulling his clothes away, Li Hao saw bruises on the part where he felt severe pain.

"It seems that the power of the soil-made trolls used by those thugs before is still somewhat powerful."

"Although I failed to break the dual defense of the new version of radiation protection life support suit and special body armor, some of the impact force was still transmitted to me..."

Li Hao smiled wryly.

However, there are a few clone warriors guarding him, and there are not many steel bullets that hit him.

There are only a few.

At a rough glance, Li Hao only found four bruises.

However, these four bruises were quite painful at every moment, as if the muscle tissue had been torn apart.

The reason why he didn't feel it before was obviously because he had been preoccupied with other things, and his brain automatically ignored these injuries.

It wasn't until he was now free and sat down on the sofa to touch the wound that he suddenly realized that he was injured.

"Fortunately, they are all some skin trauma, just massage it well with blood-revitalizing medicinal wine, and it should be eliminated in a few days."

Thinking so, Li Hao got up from the sofa and walked towards the medical room.

Of course, the medical room is actually a small room for storing medicines and medical supplies.

It was stocked with some of the regular medicines he had purchased before the end of the world.

Finding out what he needed, Li Hao returned to the living room and sat down, ready to rub himself with the medicinal wine.

Open the cap of the liquor bottle.

Li Hao poured the medicinal wine into his hand and rubbed it on the bruised area.

"Hiss! ~”

The moment the medicinal wine was rubbed down, Li Hao couldn't help but gasp.

It hurts too much!

It's so exciting!

The blood revitalizing liquor is rubbed on the bruised area, making people feel like they are being burned by fire.

Slow down.

Slowly adapt to the feeling.

Just as Li Hao was about to continue massaging the bruised area with blood revitalizing liquor.

"What's wrong with you? How did you get so hurt?! ”

At this moment, Zhao Xueshi came from the corridor in her pajamas and said.

Looking at Li Hao's gaze, there was a hint of worry and distress.

Obviously, Zhao Xueshi was attracted by Li Hao's inhalation just now.

"It's okay! When I went to trade with netizens, I met a group of thugs and had a fight. ”

"I've 'disposed of' them all. ”

Li Hao said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhao Xueshi didn't say anything more, she knew that things would definitely not be as easy as Li Hao said.

But since Li Hao didn't want to explain more, she didn't ask.

It's just that the worry in her eyes when she looks at Li Hao is stronger.

Can't help but stretch out a green white finger and touch Li Hao's bruised wound.

"Shhh! ~Don't move! ”

Li Hao gasped and quickly reached out to take Zhao Xueshi's little green onion hand away.

"It's so late, you better hurry back to your room and sleep!"

Saying that, Li Hao continued to pour medicinal wine and wipe his wounds.

However, the front hands, lower abdomen and other parts are good to say, but the bruise on the back is really difficult to wipe.

There is no force at all.

"Let me help you!"

At this moment, Zhao Xueshi, who had been standing by and quietly watching Li Hao, walked over and sat on the sofa next to Li Hao.

A faint fragrance came to the nose.

"Thank you!"

With a warm heart, Li Hao handed over the medicinal wine in his hand.

"You're welcome! After all, if you hadn't taken us in, my two sisters and I would have died outside!" ”

Taking the blood revitalizing medicinal wine, Zhao Xueshi poured it on her hand and carefully massaged Li Hao's back.

"Shhh! ~ Tap, tap again. ”

Li Hao suddenly couldn't stand it.

The bruises on the back of this place were particularly large, and the pain of the medicinal wine wiped was at least several times more than the previous three wounds.

Even if he was mentally prepared in advance, he still couldn't help but gasp.


Five minutes later.

After some tossing, I finally massaged all the bruised areas.

Putting the cap on the bottle of Blood Vitalizing Medicinal Wine, Zhao Xueshi spoke: "The bruises on your body are a little serious, it will take at least a week to disappear, and you should pay attention to rest recently." ”

"Got it! Unexpectedly, you are still a doctor?! ”

Feeling Zhao Xueshi's concern, Li Hao couldn't help but quip.

"I don't go to the doctor! When I was in middle school, Big Sister was very active, and she often twisted her feet and bruises, and I helped her massage with blood revitalizing medicinal wine, and over time, she had a little experience in dealing with bruises and scars..."

Hearing Li Hao's joke, Zhao Xueshi's face turned slightly red and she explained.

After experiencing the "skin kiss" just now, the relationship between the two sides seems to have become a lot closer.

Another small talk.

"It's not early, you go back to sleep early!"


Seeing Zhao Xueshi leave, Li Hao took the Blood Vitality Medicinal Wine back to the medical room and put it away.

Afterwards, he did not stop in the living room, went straight to his bedroom, washed and slept

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