Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 49 Completion Of Agricultural Plantations [New Book Seeking Everything]

Walking to the mechanical storage room, Li Hao took out all the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopuses and small automatic excavators stored inside.

Starting the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus, Li Hao entered all the parameters and requirements of his own construction.

Click to deduce construction drawings.

In less than thirty seconds, a construction drawing for an 8,000-square-meter automated agricultural plantation came out.

After taking a look, Li Hao revised several more requirements, so that the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus deduced again, and the final construction drawings took shape.

No ink.

Li Hao opened a door directly on the southern alloy wall of the chicken and duck farm.

Subsequently, a small automated excavator is activated to excavate the soil layer behind.

This time, 8,000 square meters needed to be excavated.

Even if the small automatic excavator is the black technology of the future, the excavation efficiency is extremely fast.

You can't dig it for a while.

While the small automated excavator was working, Li Hao was not idle.

Let the Clone Warriors act as movers, moving cement and steel stored in underground shelters and serving as raw materials for underground load-bearing columns.

Subsequently, the working mode of the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building octopus is turned on.

With the work indicator light on, the sixteen mechanical tentacles of the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus started in unison, processing cement, steel bars and other raw materials into building materials.

Several underground load-bearing columns were constructed simultaneously.

For a time, the construction site was "busy".

All the work for the construction of agricultural plantations was "contracted" by these two machines.

In this process, Li Hao only needs to stand aside to prevent possible accidents during the construction process, and adjust the work project of the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus.

After all, the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building octopus has no real intelligence.

Although the skills related to construction are full, the resilience is not as good as that of humans.

Various accidents that may occur during the construction process cannot be dealt with in a timely manner.

11 hours later.

An underground space of 8,000 square meters took shape.

The outermost perimeter is also like a shelter, wrapped in a cold layer made of memory alloy walls and cold alloy.

Guaranteed protection from harsh climates.

However, this underground space has just been opened, and there are only about fifty load-bearing columns inside.

The construction of the agricultural plantation is still a long way off.

It's just a prototype.

Compared to the chicken and duck farm, which was completed in half a day, the construction of this agricultural plantation is obviously much slower.

After all, the area is 8 times larger than the chicken and duck farm, and the workload naturally increases a lot.

One day is obviously not good to build.

"Let's continue tomorrow! There is no hurry for these days or two. ”

Knowing this, Li Hao does not mean to work all night.

There is currently no shortage of food in the shelters, and it makes no difference at all how it makes a difference in the morning or two that a new agricultural plantation will be built in a day or two.

Construction was suspended, and Li Hao walked out of the "construction site" and returned to the shelter for a late-night snack.

After eating supper, I played a game with Zhao Xueqi and the three of them to relax for a while.

By 10 o'clock at night, Li Hao returned to his bedroom on time to wash up and go to bed.

At the end of the day, life is very fulfilling.


January 20, 2021

After breakfast, Li Hao rested for a while and continued to improve the newly opened agricultural plantation.

According to the construction drawings deduced by the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus, Li Hao began to install and lay electrical and water pipes to divide the planting area.

After doing all this, the agricultural plantation was gradually improved.

Now everything is ready, only the "automated farming system" is owed.

As soon as the automated farming system is installed in the plantation, the agricultural plantation is completely completed.

Didn't say it.

Li Hao immediately spent 2,000 points to buy the drawings of the automated farming system that he had previously eyed.

Drawings of this automated farming system are entered into the drawing library of the super 3D printer bed.


Click Manufacturing Automated Farming System Parts.

Soon, standard parts came off the machine.

However, an automated farming system for an 8,000-square-meter agricultural plantation requires too many components.

Obviously, it will not be finished printing for a while.

Print while installing.

Fully automatic multi-functional mechanical construction octopusAlthough the construction skills are full, it obviously does not know anything about parts assembly.

It also does not have the relevant information program in its chip.

Therefore, the task of assembling automated farming systems can only be achieved manually.

At the end of the day, even with the help of Zhao Xueqi's three sisters, Li Hao only completed the erection of 3,000 square meters of automated agricultural farming system.

There is still 5,000 square meters of area that has not been completed.


January 21, 2021

Li Hao got up and started the unfinished work of yesterday.

Today, however, only about 2,500 square meters of automated farming systems have been set up.

Because there was no steel in the shelter halfway.

Without raw materials, it is naturally impossible for super 3D printer beds to create things out of thin air and print parts of automated agricultural farming systems.

To solve this problem, Li Hao takes a few clone warriors and drives a nuclear battery heavy-duty truck to the ground to collect the discarded car.

Bring back dozens of tons of abandoned cars.

An automated metal furnace is used to melt it into memory alloy steel plates.

The super 3D printer bed is just getting back in motion.


January 22, 2021

After waking up early for most of the day, Li Hao finally completed the combination of all the automated farming systems.

After starting the automated farming system and confirming that it is working properly, the newly opened agricultural plantation is officially completed.

Li Hao puts the vegetable seeds to be planted and the genetically modified quick-ripening rice seeds into the sowing trough.

Click Seeding.

Soon, the farming system completed a series of seeding tasks on its own, planting seeds on the 8,000 square meters of land.

The whole process takes less than 30 minutes.

Extremely fast efficiency.

"You get what you pay for, and this automated farming system bought by 2,000 points is really very useful."

"After the grain in the original vegetable planting room is harvested, such a farming system is also installed, and the yield will definitely increase a lot again..."

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