Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 5 Combat Clones, Super 3D Printer Bed [New Book For All Data]

Sure enough.

A clone pod that often appears in science fiction movies appears in the inventory.

【Clone Crafting Pod】

Owner: Li Hao

【Limit production】: 3 pcs (one day)

[Introduction]: Biotechnology creation, can be used to make combat clones (Note: combat clones do not have emotions, nor the ability to learn and fertile, but they are absolutely loyal to the owner, proficient in various fighting and firearms skills, and extremely strong physically).

"Good stuff!!"

Li Hao's eyes lit up immediately.

He is now lacking in combat effectiveness.

You know, when a global catastrophe comes, the old order has almost collapsed, and chaos has begun to appear.

Without sufficient force, in the event of danger, it can only be slaughtered.

In particular, he also has a well-equipped underground shelter in his hands.

Once discovered, it will definitely be targeted.

He needs more force to keep himself safe.

This clone manufacturing capsule came at the right time.

Entering an empty room adjacent to the industrial workshop, Li Hao decides to use this as a cloning manufacturing site.

After finding a place, Li Hao takes the clone crafting pod out of the system inventory.

In the next second, a rectangular manufacturing cabin made of some unknown alloy appeared in front of him.

The interior of the manufacturing cabin is filled with a blue nutrient solution.

"Let's make one first."

Walk to the console of the clone manufacturing pod, Li Hao set its manufacturing quantity to 1, and click Start directly.

I saw a protein-like embryo appear in the blue liquid inside the cloning chamber.

And this embryo is growing rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten minutes, a humanoid silhouette faintly appeared.

"There are still 8 hours left before cloning is completed."

Looking at the countdown numbers displayed on the manufacturing cabin, Li Hao temporarily exited the room.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Li Hao opened the system and looked for the mall panel.

If he remembers correctly, the Doomsday Technology Mall that the system said before was also opened after the meteorite hit the earth.

As soon as he turned on the system, Li Hao found his goal.

This Doomsday Tech Mall has a separate icon on the system panel, which is extremely conspicuous.

Opening the Doomsday Tech Mall, Li Hao began to tour the products inside.

"It's really scary."

Li Hao also couldn't help but sigh with some emotion.

The products in this mall are so complete.

As big as star destroyers, space shuttle spacecraft, neutron battle stars.......

From vending machines, remote-controlled cars...

All kinds of scientific and technological products, black technology technology, everything.

"There seems to be a chance of a 0.1% discount on the first purchase."

"However, it needs to be used within 12 hours after the mall is opened, and it will be obsolete."

Looking at the prompt at the bottom of the mall interface, Li Hao immediately began to buy his favorite products.

These days, he has probably accumulated more than three thousand points.

If you use 0.1% off, you can buy products within 300,000 points.

Filtering out the products at this price, Li Hao's eyes immediately lit up when he saw a certain product.

He already knew what he was buying.

【Super 3D printer bed】

Description: As long as drawings and enough raw materials are provided, it can manufacture most industrial items

Price: 298,000 points


This super 3D printer bed has an extremely wide range of applications.

As long as there are drawings and materials, whether it is weapons or living objects such as toothbrushes, they can be made by themselves and self-sufficient.

Simply the "heart" of industry.

The importance is self-evident.

Without hesitation, Li Hao directly used 0.1 discount to buy this super 3D printer bed.

Walking to the industrial workshop where the automated metal furnace is placed, Luan takes the super 3D printer bed out of the system inventory.

The next second, a futuristic sci-fi style machine appeared in front of Li Hao.

【Super 3D printer bed】

Owner: Li Hao

[Currently has drawings]: None

【Introduction】: Industrial technology creation, containing extremely efficient 3D printing technology, extremely high precision, only need to provide drawings and raw materials, can directly manufacture most of the industrial items

"The diesel generator that was damaged in the earthquake before can be repaired with this super 3D printer bed."

Li Hao was a little excited.

He checked it before.

The broken diesel generator, only the controller part was broken.

As long as a new controller part is printed with this super 3D printer bed, it can be repaired.

Without hesitation, Li Hao used his remaining points to buy a drawing on some parts of the diesel controller in the system store.

Since it is only a drawing of the diesel generator controller part, the price is also very low, only 20 points are required.

Buying this drawing, Li Hao has 153 points left.

Enter the controller drawings into the super 3D printer bed.

Subsequently, Li Hao put the iron smelted by the automated metal melting furnace into the material box of the machine tool and started the super 3D printer bed.

In the next second, countless robotic arms and nozzles stretched out from the super 3D printer bed and began to print the controller.

In less than five seconds, the controller part of a diesel generator is "printed" out of thin air.

"Bull fork!"

Li Hao couldn't help but marvel.

This machine is too worth it.

What industrial creations are needed in the future, just "print" directly with this machine tool.

It can also save a lot of points expenditure.

You must know that in the doomsday technology mall of the system, the price of the drawing is only half of the real thing.

Taking the controller parts off the machine, Li Hao walked to the bin where the damaged diesel generator was stored, Curry.

Referring to the maintenance manual sent by the diesel generator he bought before, Li Hao quickly replaced the broken controller parts, successfully repaired the diesel generator, and started it to connect to the shelter's power supply system.

Put away the repair tools, Li Hao starts his daily work.

Go to the vegetable planting room to fertilize and water, and check the growth of rice seedlings and vegetable seedlings.

Go to the water purification room to replace the filtration unit.


After a busy call, it was almost afternoon.

"It's been 8 hours, the first clone should be finished!"

After completing today's daily work, Li Hao walked towards the room where the clone manufacturing capsule was located with anticipation.

Step into the cloning room.

Li Hao discovers that the door of the clone manufacturing capsule has opened automatically.

A muscular Chiluo big man walked out of the manufacturing cabin, his eyes were extremely calm, without any human emotions, like a robot.

"Is this a clone?"

Li Hao couldn't wait to click on the data panel of the red man in front of him.


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