Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 55 Stealth Suspended Drone 【New Book Asks For Everything】

I don't know the calculations of the leader of that group of monitors.

Of course, even if he knew, Li Hao would only applaud.

After all, this coincided with his plan.

Then it's up to who's got the best at it.

Shanhai City, a suburb of the South District.

At this moment, Li Hao completed the deal with the private shelter that contacted him, and set out on his way home with 10 kilograms of edible salt.

The journey was also very smooth.

Li Hao and several clone warriors soon return to the shelter.

Drive the car into the underground garage.

Li Hao asked the clone warrior to put the ten pounds of edible salt in the storage warehouse Curry put it away, and walked all the way to the control console of the shelter.

Come to the control console.

Li Hao immediately turned on the surveillance system composed of face recognition cameras.

Push the camera's monitoring range to the limit.

Since today's weather is not bad, four facial recognition cameras can capture the situation within a radius of half a kilometer.

Under such all-round surveillance, Li Hao soon discovered traces of those people.

Three lookout points.

One left, one right, one back.

One in a supermarket about 300 meters to the left in front of the shelter.

One is on a small three-story building about 250 meters to the right of the shelter.

The last one is on a commercial building about 240 meters behind the shelter.

According to the face recognition function of the four cameras, there are a total of 8 people on these four small buildings.

"It's really tight!"

Li Hao had a sneer on his face.

These three extremely hidden surveillance points "surrounded" his shelter.

If it weren't for the face recognition camera produced by his system, I am afraid that he would really not be able to find it all without alarming these people.

Pulling up previous surveillance footage, Li Hao discovered that the men had been monitoring the shelter five days earlier.

It's just that because they never approached the shelter within two hundred meters of the shelter, the cordon was not triggered, and the face recognition camera did not sound the alarm.

"It seems that these people are very cautious!"

"But now that you find their horse's feet, it's easy to do."

Li Hao's face showed a fierce color.

He wants to follow these people to find the real lair of this gang, take the initiative to attack, and kill them all.

However, if you want to do this, you can't do anything to make this group of people alert and escape.

With the caution and vigilance of this group, once they hit the grass and startled the snakes, they may immediately flee without a trace.

And if you want to find the nest of this group of people silently, I am afraid that it will be difficult to send battle clones to complete this task with 100% certainty.

After all, the battle clones are still in the human category, and in the process of finding these people's nests, it is very likely that they accidentally alarmed this group of people.

"It seems that if you want to complete this task 100%, I am afraid that you can only buy a tracking and reconnaissance technology prop in the system mall."

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately opened the Doomsday Technology Mall.

After some searching, Li Hao found a satisfactory technology prop.

【Stealth suspension drone】

[Function]: optical stealth, anti-gravity flight, 360-degree automatic tracking...

[Introduction]: This is a drone with optical stealth, relying on anti-gravity propulsion when flying, there will be no sound, and it can be completely invisible.

"This stealth hovering drone can be completely invisible and cannot be detected unless touched by hand."

"The nest used to find those who are watching is absolutely foolproof."

Li Hao's eyes lit up.

And this stealth suspension drone is not expensive.

Only 3200 points are required.

In recent days, he has saved a lot of points.

This point payout is a piece of cake for him.

No hesitation.

Li Hao bought it directly.

Points - 3200.

In the next second, the stealth hovering drone appeared in his inventory.

Take the stealth hovering drone out of your inventory.

Li Hao found the shape of this stealth hovering drone very strange.

There is absolutely nothing in common with the drone produced by Bluestar, like a round black sphere.

"But yes, the application of anti-gravity technology naturally does not need to install propellers."

"The reason why it is made into a spherical shape is obviously for a wider monitoring angle, and the 360-degree automatic tracking should be based on this shape..."

After fiddling with it, Li Hao also had some understanding of this stealth hovering drone in his heart.

Pick up the remote control, Li Hao click the anti-gravity button above.

I saw that the black sphere on the ground suddenly flew out of thin air.

There was no sound at all during the whole process.

"Next is invisibility."

Li Hao pressed the invisible button next to anti-gravity.

In the next second, the black sphere magically "disappeared" in Li Hao's sight.

Touching the place where the black ball disappeared, Li Hao confirmed that the black ball did not disappear out of thin air.

"This stealth technology is really terrifying! As long as you don't touch it with your own hands, you can't see it even in front of you. ”

Li Hao had a look of amazement on his face.

Seeing the power of this stealth suspension drone, he suddenly had 100% confidence in his plan to silently find the lair of that group.

With such a powerful black technology, those people can guard against it.

Thinking of this, a smile also appeared on Li Hao's face.

Get moving.

As if he had gone out to take temperature routinely, Li Hao walked out of the shelter gate and silently released the stealth levitating drone that had been completely invisible.

Later, after completing the temperature measurement and returning to the shelter, Li Hao watched the screen on the remote control while controlling the stealth hovering drone to fly towards the supermarket surveillance point about 300 meters in front of the left side of the shelter.

Eventually stopped by the window of the supermarket.

Under the close-up shooting of the stealth suspension drone camera, the picture inside the supermarket is very clear into Li Hao's eyes.

There were three people inside, all in their twenties.

It seems to be led by the young man who looks like a thin monkey.

The three rotated to ensure that people were staring at the shelter at every moment.

Waited for a while.

Li Hao found that the three were eating and drinking Lasa in this room.

It seems that there is no intention of returning to the old nest at all.

"It seems that it is necessary to get some movement out and let these people go back and report."

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