Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 59 The "Disadvantage" Of Fire Bombing

A minute later.

The thirty special rockets that Li Hao purchased later were also all fired.

The explosions stopped.

However, the flames caused by the explosion were still burning in the five-story building, no, it was a four-story building, without the slightest intention of extinguishing it.

Another half hour passed.

The sky-rushing fire gradually extinguished.

In the end, everything returned to calm.

"Go! Go clean up the battlefield and collect the loot. ”

Looking at the small building not far away that was almost blown up into the sky, Li Hao had a relaxed smile on his face.

He didn't believe anyone could survive such ferocious fire.

Take the clone warrior into this charred building.

Clone warriors spontaneously disperse, searching for possible surviving thugs in the building to replenish knives and collect loot.

Li Hao, on the other hand, took several clone warriors No. 1 and walked straight towards the fourth floor.

Come to the fourth floor.

The twenty or so thugs inside had all turned into charred corpses.

After all, it was an explosion caused by fifty special rockets and a large number of liquid bombs detonated.

Unless these thugs are all super liquid robots like the Terminator, it is impossible to survive.

Even if you are lucky enough not to be killed, you will be completely burned by the flames that cover the entire small building.

The scorched corpses in the entire fourth-floor living room looked extremely tragic.

After making sure that there was no living person in the living room, Li Hao walked straight towards the room where the tough middle-aged man was.

The tough middle-aged man was the leader of this gang of thugs.

Its rooms are centrally located on the 4th floor.

Although it was also affected by the explosion, it was obviously cushioned by reinforced concrete on the outside of the building, and the power was much less.

Moreover, as the leader of the mob, his room must not have been specially reinforced.

In order to prevent it from dying, Li Hao decided to go inside and take a look.

If he is not dead, he will give him a ride with his own hands.

Walking into the room with No. 1 and the others, Li Hao found that the situation inside was not much better than outside the living room.

The walls with alloy iron plates were fragmented and covered with scorched black marks.

The tough middle-aged man was even more miserable, and his body was directly exploded, blowing it apart.

Not even a single corpse remained, only the head and a few arms were still intact.

The dead can't die anymore.

"It seems that I still somewhat underestimate the power of fifty special rockets, even the walls that have been modified by explosion-proof cannot withstand it!"

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but smack his tongue a little in his heart.

After making sure that all the thugs have been wiped out, Li Hao and the clone warriors raid the entire building.

In the end, only a hundred pounds of food and nearly a hundred kilograms of salt were scavenged.

Of course, these thugs naturally can't have only so many families.

The reason why only such a few materials were found was because the previous crazy fire bombardment affected the material storage room, and most of the materials were destroyed.

Even if it weren't for the fact that the thugs were quite attentive to their material storage room and made it very strong, I am afraid that Li Hao would not even be able to search for these hundred catties of food and nearly 100 catties of salt.

"It seems that if it is not necessary in the future, it is better not to be so reckless!"

"Although the fire bombing is very refreshing, the cost of points is a bit large, and the loot harvested after the war is also lost to my grandmother's family."

If he had not used fire bombardment, he would have been able to harvest at least nearly two thousand catties of grain and more than three hundred catties of salt in this battle, as well as capture the weapons and equipment on those thugs.

Among them, food and weapons and equipment, he did not care, there were many shelters, and if they were gone, they were gone.

But table salt is related to his system tasks, and the loss of him is naturally a little heartache.

The day when the system task is completed is much delayed.

Of course, there are pros and cons to everything.

If it were not for the use of fire bombing, this annihilation battle would not have gone so smoothly, and the battle would have ended in one minute.

Those thugs are well-equipped and comprehensive, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely amazing, and they can't let those people run away from a few of them, leaving behind trouble.

It was with this consideration that Li Hao had previously adopted the tactic of fire bombing and won a quick victory.

Li Hao is now "complaining", but only because his loot has been blown up by himself, and he is a little unhappy in his heart.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

For the hundred pounds of food and nearly a hundred pounds of salt, Li Hao naturally smiled unceremoniously.

"Since the purpose of this operation has been successfully completed, it is almost time to go back."

After clearing the battlefield, Li Hao did not delay much longer, and took all the clone warriors and loot he had looted, and set out on the road to the shelter.

Perhaps because of the violent explosion, the bandits who often appear at night in the surrounding area also seem to know what is happening around them and dare not go out.

On the way back, Li Hao did not see half a figure.

It went very smoothly.

But even so, because the thug's lair was quite far away from the shelter, by the time Li Hao and the others returned to the shelter, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

Back to the shelter.

Have the clone warriors drop the loot in the food compartment Curry.

Li Hao walked into the living room, but unexpectedly found that Zhao Xueqi's three daughters were not sleeping, and seemed to be waiting for him.

Seeing Li Hao come back, Zhao Xueshi ran over as soon as possible, looking nervous and worried and asked, "Brother Hao, you're not injured, are you?!" ”

"No, don't worry! The operation was very easy and ended in a minute. ”

"It's just that there was a little delay on the road, and I came back a little late."

Touching Zhao Xueshi's head and feeling her concern, Li Hao smiled and comforted.

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xueshi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

Seeing that Li Hao didn't look injured at all, Zhao Xueqi and Zhao Xuehua, who were not far away, also completely let go of their worries.

They chatted with Zhao Xueshi for a while.

"It's not early! Go back to your bedroom! ”

Li Hao, who was sleepy in his heart, said hello to the three daughters and went back to his bedroom to sleep.

This sleep, Li Hao slept directly until four o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

When he got up from the warm bed.

Li Hao found that his stomach was growling with hunger.

"It seems that this sleep is a bit long."

Standing up and stretching his somewhat stiff hands and feet, Li Hao silently said in his heart: "System, open the task log!" ”


The following is a testimonial, please come and take a look

This book is going to be on the shelves (there is a explosion on the shelves).

The time is tonight at 24:00

Originally, the author was expected to write the prelude to the opening of the next global natural disaster.

Unexpectedly, writing here, the number of words in this book has exceeded 120,000.

Since that's the case, there's no way around it.

The author here roughly foreshadows the disasters to be written later: Ocean Age (foreshadowing set up earlier), solar radiation, the disaster of the Ocean Titan (Note: the Ocean Titan here is not those mythical creatures, which means huge and powerful mutant sea creatures, somewhat similar to the Leviathan in the Beautiful Water World game), infinite hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc.......

The follow-up content will definitely be even more exciting.

If you have any ideas and suggestions for other global disasters, you can also put them forward in the comment section.

However, tonight's 24:00 is the key time to test the results of this book.

Please also see that the officials here can try to subscribe and support it.

This is at stake for the author's job.

If the grades are too poor and the author relies on emotions, it will be difficult for this book to continue writing.

After all, that's going to starve to death.

So even if you want to keep a book, please give a book a first order.

The author is grateful.


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