Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 69 Heavy Hailstorm, New Crisis【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

March 3, 2021

Had a hearty evening.

At 6 o'clock, Li Hao woke up from sleep on time.

Although he only slept for 4 hours, he was full of energy and energy to the extreme.

"With such a strong body, it seems that it will be difficult to sleep in the future."

Li Hao felt the "surging" energy in his body, and sighed a little "helplessly".

This is the trouble of happiness.

His extremely strong physical functions not only accelerated his self-healing ability, but also made his metabolism much faster.

With just four hours of sleep, his body could easily return to its peak state.

Looking at Zhao Xueshi, who was sleeping sweetly on the side, Li Hao climbed out of the bed lightly and put on clothes.

After washing, Li Hao took the temperature tester and radiation tester and walked towards the outside of the shelter.

The recent unusually strange weather has made him very uneasy.

In order to be able to know the changes in the outside world for the first time, Li Hao is also a lot more diligent in temperature and radiation testing.

Open the shelter doors.

Come to the snowhouse on the surface.


Li Hao looked outside and couldn't help but gasp.


Countless hailstones the size of a millstone, like small meteorites, fell from thousands of meters in the air.

Many houses outside have been smashed into ruins and razed to the ground.

Looking around, within a thousand meters of the surrounding area, it seems that only the complete building of the Snow Protection Room is still standing alone.

If Li Hao hadn't used a large amount of energy-absorbing alloy to reinforce the snow room, I am afraid that the snow room would have been smashed by these large hailstones.

"It's only been one night, hasn't it?! How did this hail rain become so terrifying?!"

After the shock, Li Hao also frowned.

Too weird, too abnormal.

What happened this night?!

It made such a huge change in this hail rain.

The hailstone suddenly increased from the size of a fist to the size of a millstone.

This smash down, I am afraid that the power is much more fierce than a rocket.

One stroke is enough to smash a car into scrap metal.

"This kind of ghost weather, those difficult places built on the surface must be devastated.

So many large hailstones are almost equivalent to the uninterrupted fire coverage of rockets.

If this is the next day, who can withstand it?!

But not everyone has black technology.

"Let's go to the shelter first! Such a strange and abnormal weather, the official should not be unaware. ”

After testing the temperature and radiation, Li Hao hurried back to his bedroom, turned on his computer, and logged into the official forum to search for relevant information.

Subsequently, he discovered that this huge hail rain was not unique to Shanhai City.

Last night, this large hail rain covered nearly half of the Xia Kingdom.

Caught off guard, many places were seriously affected.

Many shelters built on the surface were destroyed by countless large hailstorms, which directly became history.

The country's unforeseen hail rain only explained that it was caused by a large amount of water vapor suddenly entering the atmosphere, and the specific cause is still under investigation.

"Things are getting more and more wrong."

"Why is there suddenly a large amount of water vapor entering the atmosphere, making the hail and rain weather so terrifying, even covering half of the Xia Kingdom?"

Taking out the most recently recorded table of temperature changes and the table of radiation changes, Li Hao kept thinking about it.

However, he is not a meteorologist after all, nor is he a big scientist.

There is no well-established body of relevant knowledge to support it.

Think about it.

He also didn't have the slightest clue.

However, intuitively, he believes that these changes in temperature and radiation are quite related to this sudden strong hail rain.

Just as Li Hao pondered.

Zhao Xueshi also woke up from her sleep in a daze,

Seeing Li Hao sitting in front of the computer frowning and thinking, she hugged the quilt, got into Li Hao's arms, her little head rubbed coquettishly in front of him, and said curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?! I was just wondering why the weather had become so weird and abnormal recently, and I always felt like a thorn in my heart if I didn't figure it out.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart for the time being, Li Hao rubbed Zhao Xueshi's little head dotingly and explained.

Then, check out a post on the Heavy Hail Rain in the Doom Forum to continue checking out.

In the Doomsday Forum, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, although the people involved in the discussion were uneven, there were many useless water stickers, but there were also a lot of dry goods, and there were even a few remarks about the cause of the big hail rain quite reasonable.

Looking at these discussions, Li Hao combined with the information in his current hand, and gradually found his thoughts.

Seeing that Li Hao didn't want to say more, Zhao Xueshi didn't ask much, so she quietly hid in Li Hao's arms, looking at Li Hao's serious thinking, and a trace of fascination flashed in her eyes.

I don't know how long has passed, Zhao Xueshi has unconsciously closed her eyes and fallen asleep.

At this time.

Li Hao closed the Doomsday Forum and looked at the table map of temperature and radiation changes in his hand, with a light expression on his face.

".” This vapor most likely came from the sea! The sea water in the sea has been evaporated by the recently stronger sunlight and entered the atmosphere in large quantities, combined with the still cold temperature outside, which has led to this increasingly ferocious hail rain. ”

"This is evidenced by a table graph of temperature and radiation changes that I recorded. The recent uncharacteristically continuous rise in temperature and radiation should be caused by strong sunlight. ”

"And the reason why the sunlight is getting stronger is probably because the sun has entered an active period, or the atmosphere of Blue Star has thinned, which are the most likely... Force"

Although this is only a rough guess, it is highly likely that Li Hao's previous table of temperature and radiation changes is corroborated.

Of course, Li Hao can guess this information, and it is naturally impossible for countries with more professional talents to guess.

It's just that the state may be investigating deeper factors.

For example, the reason behind the active phase of the Sun, or the thinning of the atmosphere of Blue Star.

That's where the real crisis comes from.

"With the information in my hand, being able to speculate so much is already the limit, and the deeper reason is not enough information to support it, and it is also a waste of thought.

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