Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 73 Transformation Technology Of Fast-Growing Oxygen Algae【For Subscription, For Full Order】

"I need a more efficient way to produce oxygen."

Li Hao's eyes flashed.

The amount of oxygen that is enough to support the breathing of more than twenty people in the entire vault (including the clone warriors) is not a small number.

Relying on those green algae oxygen production methods and bacterial oxygen production methods on the Internet alone is obviously a drop in the bucket.

After all, it is difficult for him to cultivate a large number of green algae or specific strains needed for oxygen production on a large scale in a short period of time.

Of course, the two plantations in the shelter combined can produce oxygen with more than 10,000 square meters of crops per day.

However, the oxygen production efficiency of crops is much lower than that of green algae oxygen production method and bacterial oxygen production method.

More than 10,000 square meters of crops produced oxygen is simply not enough for more than twenty people in the entire shelter.

"It seems that I can only go to the Doomsday Technology Mall to find out if there is any related technology."

Thinking of this, Li Hao suddenly had a decision in his heart.

Open the Doomsday Tech Store.

Li Hao began screening technologies that could produce oxygen in large quantities.

After some screening, Li Hao is finally in the biotechnology area. Found the technology you need.

【Fast-growing oxygen algae transformation technology】

[Growth rate 15]: every ten square meters / day

【Oxygen production (one day)】: 1000 liters / per square

【Introduction】: This technology modifies a special algae through biological genetic engineering, so that its growth rate and oxygen production capacity have been greatly improved. (Note: After transformation, the algae species have some biological characteristics, and one algae species can only grow up to 100 square meters)

"This technology should be the best cost performance."

"The price is not expensive, and the oxygen production efficiency is also very high."

According to the above introduction, an algae species of oxygen algae can grow to a complete body after ten days of growth, that is, covering a hundred square meters.

One hundred square meters of oxygen algae can produce 1,000 liters of oxygen per square meter (one day), and one hundred square meters (one day) is 100,000 liters.

An adult needs about 500 liters of oxygen a day.

100,000 liters is enough for 200 adults to breathe in a day.

There are now just over twenty people in the shelter.

Totally more than enough.

Didn't say it.

Li Hao bought the technology directly.

Then, walk towards the biological laboratory.

Step into a biology lab.

Come to the biogene editing table.

Li Hao takes the fast-growing oxygen algae modification technology out of the system inventory.

Next second.

A piece of information printed with various genetic maps and a glass bottle containing unknown purple algae suddenly appeared in Li Hao's hand.

The car entered the information into the bioengineering drawing library of the biogene editing table.

Then, the unknown purple algae inside the glass bottle were poured into the modified vessel on the right.

Click Parse.

A minute later, there was an algae-like selection marker on the display screen of the biogene editing table.

That's the retrofit option for fast-growing oxygen algae.

Click Transform.

A subtle electric current suddenly flashed in the transformation vessel on the right

It took about five minutes.

A glass tube containing a dark blue seed-like item is exported from the product of the biogene editing table.

Pick it up.

After Li Hao took a closer look, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After the transformation, this algae has completely changed.

Not only did the color change from purple to dark blue, but its structure also changed from loose [to compact, seed-like structure].

"This direct and rapid biomodification technology is really magical."

After sighing, Li Hao walked out of the biological laboratory with this tube of oxygen algae species.

He now wants to find a place to transform a large pool for the growth of this tube of oxygen algae species.

Walked around the shelter.

Soon, Li Hao chose the location to build the oxygen chamber.

"It's right in the center of the ventilation duct network."

The benefits of choosing here are many.

The main advantage is that the oxygen produced by the oxygen algae in the oxygen room can be pumped into the ventilation duct through some technical modifications, so that these oxygen transport can be circulated to every corner of the shelter through the ventilation duct network to ensure the normal supply of oxygen in the entire shelter.

And there was a fairly empty room just below the center of the ventilation duct network, which he had intended to reserve for the expansion of the power room.

Not needed now.

Just transformed into an oxygen chamber.

After determining the construction location of the oxygen production room, Li Hao went to the mechanical warehouse, started the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus, and began the renovation project of the room.

Agricultural LED light installation, digging dirt, strengthening the pond...

Under a series of operations, a pool of more than 100 square meters quickly took shape.

Connect the pool to the pre-buried water pipe.


This large pond of more than 100 square meters is filled with water.

Do it all.

Only then did Li Hao open the glass tube in his hand and pour the oxygen algae species inside into the pool.

Just come into contact with water.

Oxygen algae species begin to grow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"According to the instructions on those materials, only microorganisms are needed in the growth process of oxygen algae species, which is very easy to feed."

To get the living environment of oxygen algae species, Li Hao began the renovation of the ventilation duct.

Use the fully automatic 887 multifunctional mechanical building octopus to make an opening above the oxygen chamber.

Two ventilation ducts are then installed and connected to the ventilation duct network.

Finally, a suction machine and oxygen detection device are installed on this ventilation duct belonging to the oxygen production room.

The renovation is complete.

As soon as the oxygen algae start producing oxygen in large quantities, the suction machine activates and transports the oxygen to every corner of the shelter through a network of ventilation ducts.

"It's all done! After a day of growth, the oxygen algae can cover an area of 10 square meters, and the oxygen produced will be enough for twenty people.

"Over time, oxygen algae will also provide more and more oxygen until it grows to the growth limit. 27

Looking at the "freshly baked" oxygen room, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

With it, the oxygen crisis in the shelter can be regarded as completely lifted.

"That's right! When the oxygen algae are completely grown, the ventilation duct leading to the outside world needs to be closed, otherwise oxygen will escape to the outside world along the ventilation duct.

Run to the control console and set the ventilation duct to the outside to automatically close after five days.

After doing all this, Li Hao walked leisurely to the living room.

It's almost 11 o'clock.

It's almost time for lunch.

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