Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 77 Joint Self-Rescue Action! The Hesitation Of Zhao Xueshi's Three Daughters 【Please Su

Sure enough.

The number of posts in the forum is skyrocketing.

For a moment, it seemed that countless people were posting, venting their uncalm mood.

"It's over! Humanity is completely unsaved!"

"Nima's! The ice age has just passed, the moon has been deflected, God this is playing us to death!"

"Lying trough, the ocean engulfs all continents, this is to return to the rhythm of the ancient ocean era of Blue Star!"

"No one can escape this catastrophe, the destruction of mankind is at hand!!"

"Fart! Didn't you see what the information released by the state said ?! Ten large plateau shelters started construction at the same time, and it is expected to build tens of thousands of sea steel giant ships, and several mobile steel islands of 50 square kilometers to rescue the people, and mankind will not perish..."

"Seven one seven" "That's right! Human civilization lives forever, and human brilliance lives forever!"

"Huh! Too optimistic, too naïve, not to mention whether this big plan can be completed, even if it can be completed, entering those steel giant ships is just a matter of survival! You can't go anywhere, maybe you will have to work like a robot until you die. ”

According to the official warning information, in the face of this global super-catastrophe, the vast majority of people at the Doomsday Forum are pessimistic, as if the end of humanity is imminent.

Only a few remain optimistic.

Of course, the state's announcement of the Ark at Sea plan still has an effect.

Opening the exclusive discussion thread on the Doomsday Forum about the Ark at Sea project, Li Hao found that although many people are pessimistic, there is still a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

"The Ocean Age is coming, brothers, are you ready?"

"It doesn't matter if we are ready or not, we only hope that the plan for the sea ark prepared by the country can go smoothly, otherwise we can only lie down and wait for death."

"Wow! After struggling for so long, my mother will eventually drown in the sea, and I know that it is better to commit suicide directly before the end of the world, and die early and surpass life. ”

"Don't give up, bro! The country hasn't given up on us yet!"

"Our Xia Guo government is the most awesome, and it has preserved such a well-preserved and powerful industrial system so far."

"That's right! Tens of thousands of offshore steel ships and several 50-square-kilometer mobile steel islands are a super big project! Before the end of the world, it can definitely go down in history

Cool world.

"Alas! It's too early to rejoice, who knows how much this so-called Ark at Sea project can accomplish! In case there are not enough ships built and the capacity is limited, there will definitely be a large group of people who will not be able to board the ship!"

"If this is the case, the qualification for boarding must be difficult, the country can only choose elites, at least have a skill, the more useful the skill, the greater the probability that it should be selected, such as scientists, agricultural academicians These high-end talents will be brought 100%."

"I wipe! If this is the case, then labor and management can only repair cars, won't they be 100% unable to get on the ship?!"

"Not necessarily! It depends on how many ships are built, and the more you have, the lower the threshold should be. ”

"Brother upstairs, you can at least repair cars, know a certain amount of mechanical knowledge, and can transform into other mechanical-related jobs, which is much more useful than my skills." I've been a salesman for several years, and I can only sell and buy things, and now I still need fart salesmen in this era!!"

"I can only hope that the ship can be built a little more, labor and management just want to live, why is it so difficult!"

"Don't sit still, saving yourself is king! We all rely on boats to eat, the shelter will build ships and shipbuilding a lot of people, we decided to go to the nearby shipyard to see, see if we can rely on the shipyard machines to make a large ship out, are there any brothers nearby who want to join forces, there are many people and great strength, if there are any, add me to a private chat. ”

"Big brother upstairs! I will shipbuilding, Ph.D. in ship design, take me one. ”

"I'll come too, I'll be"

"There are a lot of talents in the forum! So soon someone thought of recruiting people who were jointly proficient in shipbuilding, and they would work together to build a large ship and survive this catastrophe. ”

"However, it is quite feasible."

"As long as you can get a shipyard with fairly good mechanical facilities, with the combination of these professional shipbuilding talents, it is impossible to really get them a high-quality large ship to produce rice........

Seeing the back, Li Hao found that the post had been crooked to build his own large ship as a refuge at sea....

Many smart people were inspired by the self-help plan announced by the official shelter and planned to join forces with others to launch self-help activities.

There are even many people who have "crooked brains" and are ready to go to ports in coastal areas to look for those pre-apocalyptic ships and cargo ships as their own sea refuge.

It has to be said that in order to survive and save themselves, human beings can always force themselves to their maximum potential.

There really are all kinds of "whimsy".

For a time, the forum was "dancing with demons", and there were posts everywhere about gangs and factions recruiting people to save themselves.

"It seems that in the future, the integration of resources between various private shelters and joint self-help should be the main theme."

Seeing this, Li Hao also knew in his heart and closed the Doomsday Forum.

And right now.

Zhao Xueshi ran in from outside, threw herself into Li Hao's arms with a hesitant expression, and said in a somewhat trembling tone: "Angkor, the official news said that the moon is deflected, and the ocean will engulf all continents, what should we do?!"

Without waiting for Li Hao to speak, Zhao Xueqi and Zhao Xuehua's two daughters also followed in with a panicked expression.

Apparently, they also knew about the shocking news released by the official release and came to Li Hao to discuss this matter, hoping that he would not have an idea.

After all, he is the owner of the shelter and their 5.3 backbone.

"What is there to be afraid of! It's just the era of oceans! The moon deflects, the sea water pours into the world, let's transform the shelter into a closed shelter, and enter the sea to live

As long as we are prepared, it is not difficult to survive the past....."

Touching Zhao Xueshi's little head, Li Hao spoke softly, using as relaxed a tone as possible to calm the three women's uneasy emotions.

He really wasn't lying, though.

Over the years, he has accumulated a large number of points, plus so many black technologies in the vault [his probability of surviving the Ocean Age is greater than that of other sanctuary wives.

Just be prepared to transform the sanctuary into an ocean sanctuary before the ocean age really arrives.

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