Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 80 Construction Of The Refuge's Shell Armor 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

Come to the industrial workshop.

"At present, the limit capacity of automated metal furnaces to produce energy-absorbing alloys is 5 tons (one day), but the current output cannot reach the maximum, only about 1.5 tons a day."

Calculating the current capacity of energy-absorbing alloys, Li Hao thought about it and roughly understood the reason why automated metal furnaces could not reach the maximum capacity.

Metal raw materials!

Automated metal furnaces produce metal raw materials for energy-absorbing alloys supplied by metal manufacturing furnaces.

Metal manufacturing furnaces currently produce about 1.8 tons of metal raw materials per day.

The automatic metal furnace uses 1.8 tons of metal raw materials, synthetic energy-absorbing alloys, and only 1.5 tons can be produced after deducting the loss in the manufacturing process.

Therefore, in order to maximize the capacity of automated metal furnaces, it is necessary to first provide more metal raw materials for metal manufacturing furnaces.

"If I'm not mistaken, this small, automated metal-making furnace has a maximum capacity of 2.5 tonnes a day, and it should be able to use its maximum capacity if more soil is supplied.

"However, even so, if 510 does not count the losses in the process of manufacturing energy-absorbing alloys in automated metal furnaces, 2.5 tons of metal raw materials are still 2.5 tons away from 5 tons, and in fact, there will only be more."

"If you want to solve this metal raw material gap, you need to buy a metal manufacturing furnace. y

Knowing the solution, Li Hao did not hesitate to open the Doomsday Technology Mall and buy a metal manufacturing furnace again.

Points - 14000 points.

Although this metal furnace is small like the previous one, the price is two thousand points more expensive.

You get what you pay for, though.

The output of this one is much larger than the one bought before, and the limit production reaches four tons a day.

It is 1.5 tons higher than the previous one.

Together, the two metal-fabrication furnaces have a limit of 6.5 tonnes.

The metal raw materials supplied are sufficient to keep the automated metal furnace running at full capacity to the maximum capacity (5 tons).

"It takes only 24 days to produce 5 tons of energy-absorbing alloys in one day, based on the current estimated 120 tons of shelters."

Calculating this time, Li Hao nodded with satisfaction.

This production speed is enough to keep up with the renovation of the shelter.

After all, building shell armor for an entire shelter is quite a huge amount of work.

Obviously not something that can be done in a day or two.

Take the newly purchased metal-forging furnace out of the system inventory.

Li Hao bought several professional excavation robots to dig the soil, because two metal-making furnaces provided the raw materials needed to make the metal.

As the supply of dirt increased, the two metal-making furnaces also began to operate at full power.

A steady stream of metal materials is produced.

It is then processed into pieces of energy-absorbing alloys by automated metal furnaces.

After working on the building materials needed for the renovation of the shelter, Li Hao also began to do it.

Looking at the construction drawings designed by the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building Octopus, Li Hao decided to start the renovation from under the shelter.

From bottom to top, create enclosed shell armor for the shelter.

In this way, it can not only avoid too much impact on the shelter, but also reduce the difficulty of construction.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately let the small automatic excavator and several newly purchased excavation robots excavate together.

It was about to hollow out the dirt under the shelter.

However, the amount of earth to be dug under the shelter is nearly 100,000 cubic meters.

Even small automated excavators and excavators are extremely efficient, they cannot be dug in a short time.

And while small automated excavators and (bfcf) excavators worked, Li Hao was not idle.

Let the clone warriors carry the cement and steel stored in the shelter.

Subsequently, the working mode of the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building octopus is turned on.

Let the fully automatic multi-purpose mechanical building octopus enter the underground space that the small excavator has just excavated, and start building load-bearing columns to prevent the shelter from tilting due to the lack of support below.

For a time, the entire construction site was "busy".

"Today's days should be mainly to open up the underground space under the shelter, otherwise it would be impossible to build shell armor for the underground shelter."

Estimating the current construction schedule, Li Hao muttered.

In the blink of an eye, the day passed.

On this day, Li Hao completed the opening of one-fifth of the underground space below the shelter, excavating nearly 20,000 cubic meters of earth.

With an ample supply of soil, the metal fabrication furnace is operating at full capacity, producing 6.5 tonnes of metal feedstock.

At the same time, automated metal furnaces turn these metal raw materials into 5 tons of energy-absorbing alloy reserves.

March 28, 2021

The Doomsday Forum is still bustling, and many people are struggling to prepare for the arrival of the Ocean Age and fight for their future survival.

In the face of the death threat that does not know when it will come, many people are decadent and collapse, but many more choose to rise to their own rescue and fight for survival.

United shipbuilding naturally became the hottest topic on the forum.

Without time to pay attention to the disturbances from the outside world, Li Hao continued to work hard, busy preparing for the construction of the large project of the shelter's enclosed shell armor.

At the end of the day, a fifth of the dirt beneath the shelter was dug up again.

An additional five tons of energy-absorbing alloy reserves were added to the shelter's metal warehouse.


With the rapid expansion of underground space, the efficiency of the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus is somewhat unable to keep up.

In order not to affect the progress of the project, Li Hao bought a fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus from the Doomsday Black Technology Mall.

March 30, 2021


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed since Li Hao began busy building the shelter closed shell armor.

During these five days, Li Hao managed to dig up all the soil under the shelter to open up a rather huge underground space.

The reserve of energy-absorbing alloys in the shelter also reached 25 tons.

With enough space dug up for renovation construction, the reserve of energy-absorbing alloys was also quite sufficient, all preparations were completed, and Li Hao also officially put the manufacturing of the shelter's closed-shell armor on the agenda.

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