Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 88 Great Evolution Of Marine Life? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

A minute later.

Jarvis: "The invasion was successful, and after retrieval, there was no file with the keyword name evolution or evolutionary radiation in the target networked server."

"Didn't you?!"

Li Hao's brows furrowed slightly.

Even if there are no research results, there should be research progress information.

"Could it be that the key word for unknown radiation in the official server is not evolution or evolutionary radiation?"

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao directly asked Jarvis to retrieve all the folders related to meteorite radiation in the official server.

However, there is still none.

Although he got a lot of research reports on meteorite radiation, the content information of these research reports was similar to the research report he had seen before, and no new information appeared at all.

Not to mention the specific research results and research progress documents on meteorite radiation.

It simply doesn't exist.

"It seems that the specific research results and research progress documents of those meteorite radiation are very important, and they are not stored in networked servers at all, but in closed servers that are physically disconnected."

Seeing this, Li Hao had to give up his intention to "white" meteorite radiation research results from the official.

After all, the 15 closed servers that are physically disconnected are an island of information, with no equipment parts that link to external networks.

Even if Jarvis is awesome in the online world, it is impossible to create something out of thin air and directly forcibly access a closed server without network connection equipment.

Knowing this, Li Hao will naturally not continue to waste his efforts.

Let Jarvis copy all the valuable files from the official networked server.

Li Hao also ended the hack to the official server.

"Although there is no more valuable information, from the information currently in hand, the giant meteorite is a huge radiation source, and it is an undoubted fact that the radiation attached to it has an evolutionary effect, and the lower the gene, the faster the biological evolution..............."

"And if I'm not mistaken, the information stolen from the official server shows that after this giant meteorite was shattered, countless fragments fell into the blue star, only a very small part of it was officially recovered, and most of the remaining meteorite fragments all entered the blue star ocean!"

"In other words, a great biological evolution may have begun in the Blue Star Ocean!"

Sitting on the leather chair, Li Hao carefully pondered the possible impact of the information obtained this time, and a trace of solemnity flashed on his face.

Although this is only his guess, it is most likely a fact.

After all, meteorite debris fell into the ocean in large quantities, and it is impossible for the accompanying evolutionary radiation not to affect the organisms in the ocean.

According to the theory that the lower the gene, the faster the evolution of organisms, the speed of evolution of those marine organisms is probably also terrifying.

Now that more than half a year has passed, perhaps a group of marine self-blamers have evolved in the depths of the ocean similar to those often seen in science fiction movies.

"Shhh! ∼”

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao couldn't help but gasp.

This giant meteorite is really a super catastrophe star!

I thought that the ice age, solar radiation, global lack of oxygen, and the upcoming ocean age were all the effects of giant meteorites.

Unexpectedly, there was such a big pit in its subsequent impact.

After entering the ocean era, humans will not only have to deal with the vagaries of weather and supplies on the sea, but may also face the attack of a group of deep-sea monsters that are rapidly evolving

"! It's outrageous, this is simply a step-by-step crisis, hellish difficulty!"

"But for now, that's just my guess."

"Maybe the evolution of marine life is not so fast at all, or the evolutionary effect of meteorite radiation is not as strong as I thought."

"After all, I don't have official research results on meteorite radiation in my hands, and I don't know how strong the evolutionary effect of meteorite radiation is

It's just a waste of time.

"I just need to know about this possible source of disaster."

"Soldiers come to block, water to cover, I have a black technology system, even if those deep-sea monsters really appear, I can live well."

Thinking of this, Li Hao is also full of confidence in his heart.

He's a man with goldfingers.

Only with enough points, let alone the deep-sea troll, even if it is a starry sky giant [he used black technology to bombard him to death.

Keeping this catastrophic speculation about the evolution of marine life in mind, Li Hao got up and stretched, leaving and walking towards the living room.

It's time to eat.

The day flies by.


Six o'clock in the morning.

Li Hao opened his eyes on time and opened the system log for the first time.

In the next second, a translucent virtual screen appeared in vain in front of his eyes.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You complete the inspection of the armor of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter shell for +500 points

You complete the power system of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter with +8000 points

You use the carrier-based primary AI group as the operating system to complete the control of the entire submarine-type mobile ocean shelter with +9000 points

You use artificial intelligence Jarvis to hack into official servers, steal specific information about the recent deflection of the moon, and roughly estimate the speed of ocean rewinding, +1000 points

You use artificial intelligence Jarvis to obtain giant meteorite information, but accidentally discover a big secret, the radiation attached to giant meteorites has the role of evolving biological genes, with a score of +1000

Through the analysis of the stolen official server data, you guess that a biological evolution may be taking place in the ocean, 680 This is likely to evolve into a future catastrophe


You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 22,580 points.] 】

"22580 points."

Looking at this number, Li Hao also showed a smile of surprise on his face.

Completing the operating system and power system of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter earned two thousand more survival points than he expected.

In addition, he used Jarvis' data ability to hack into the official server yesterday to obtain a lot of information and secrets about the catastrophe.

The number of points he got today was much more than he estimated yesterday.

"Together with the remaining 2,560 points yesterday, I now have more than 25,000 points in my hands, which is only more than 10,000 points away from purchasing the Super Pulse Array detection radar."

"This early 10,000-odd points, with the weekday point accumulation rate, can be accumulated in only seven or eight days."

"It seems that soon the radar system of the shelter will be completed."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As long as the radar system is in place, the renovation of the shelter is basically completed.

A submarine-type mobile ocean shelter with potential is enough to keep him alive and well in the coming ocean era.

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