Global Evolution

Chapter 167: flight

Chapter 167 Flight

Uploaded by a netizen == ”Zhou Kai nodded, without doubting the truth of the other person ’s speech—because in his cognition, his life is precious, and the lives of others are grass-like, and he wants a monster in front He thinks the same way-so he has no doubt that the monster in front of him is just scaring him when he says this. Ha 18m

"Rest assured, I will do my best to find, as long as these people are in the city, I can find you."

"That's good." Liu Chang nodded after hearing Zhou Kai's assurance.

As a result, a secret search campaign in Xingtai City began in the negotiations between the two.

Zhou Kai's work was quite fierce. On the first day Liu Chang was by his side, he began to organize a manpower search across the city. He doesn't have much manpower, but it is definitely a lot, and the largest triad in the city naturally has its own subordinate organizations. After such layers of communication, it naturally has a powerful spokesperson to ask more people to help inquire about this.

When Liu Chang saw all this, as he said, he stayed with Zhou Kai around the clock during the day. At night he changed his form and returned to Li Feng.

"You are back ..." After entering the curtain, Liu Chang returned to the hot pot restaurant and saw Milan, which had been waiting for a long time at mén.

"If you don't come back, they are going to take me away."

"Go away?"

"Well, they won't feed a white eater." Milan said, "It's so easy to find a job that is so well-treated, I don't want to work for only two or three days."

"You don't have to stay with me."

"Let me stay with you, and you haven't lost anything." Milan lù asked God.

"Then you are free." Liu Chang spoke, and walked into the hot pot restaurant-a lot of his stuff is still here, if it is not for this, it is still open for him to return.

After entering the store lobby, Li Feng had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Brother, you're back. I thought you'd leave without saying goodbye?"

"How could it be?" Liu Chang said as he walked in front of him. "Is there anything I can do to hope for my return?"

"Hehe ..." Li Fenggan laughed: "How can I, I just thought, it's not easy to meet someone like you from outside, isn't it kind to you, just want to talk to you more. But I see you running today After a day, I'm tired. If it's okay, just rest first. "

Looking at Li Feng, who was close to him, without talking, he entered the back room of the hot pot restaurant.

For the next few days, he kept repeating his life at two points and one line.

In a few days, he basically knew everything about Xingtai. This is really a lonely forest city. The mí Tibetan forest completely disconnects them from the outside world, making this place a more severely closed world. Almost everyone in the city wants to get out of the city, but almost no one has the courage.

In the past four years, most of the courageous people have died, and a small number of them have no news. No one knows whether anyone has gone out.

Therefore, a completely isolated life, and the pure world outside, make this city look more "authoritarian" than other cities, especially when there is a high degree of centralized rule.

Everything here is up to the army. The army has weapons and manpower, and everything is there.

However, these are not Liu Chang's most concern. The issues he is most concerned about have not been resolved in the past few days. However, he has been living in the underworld for a few days, but it made him inquire about useful information.

"You mean, there is a bird over the army?"

"Well, a bird that can talk to people, I heard the boss." Zhou Kai sat beside Liu Chang, and as the day passed, people became more and more disturbed. Liu Chang did not tell him the time limit for finding someone, but he knew that nothing was indefinite. So, when things are all right, he always likes to talk about topics he thinks are useful to remind the other party of his existence value.

"I heard that not only can I talk to people, but also normal people, IQ is not low."

"Really?" Liu Chang heard the news, his brain suddenly excited. "Do you know how old the bird is?"

"I don't know. I heard the news, but it was just the boss who said he drank too much that day."

"Oh?" Liu Chang narrowed his eyes. "This is good news."

"You want to go and see?"

"Say it again." After saying this, Liu Chang was wondering.

at night.

He lived a busy day and returned to Li Feng's territory again. The other party's attitude towards him over the past few days has become more and more clear-want to pull him into the gang.

Over the past few days, Liu Chang has also learned about the xìng quality of the gang Li Feng, saying what the "civilian self-defense force" is, in fact, a semi-black organization. It's just that they don't all rely on the residents to provide them with their own work. However, it is inevitable to fight and kill the battlefield every day. Therefore, when Li Feng saw that Liu Chang could use such a heavy gun, he would win him again and again.

However, Liu Chang was really not interested in these "little people" competing for the site. Moreover, since Li Feng heard about the big willow tree, he also seems to have lightened the idea of ​​scrambling for things, and never forgets the dangers outside.

On the day Liu Chang came back tonight, he came over again.

"Oh, brother, are you back?"

Nodded smoothly and looked at Li Feng. Every day, he greeted himself with such enthusiasm, and it was delicious and delicious to serve ~ ~ Every day he kept coming back to himself, and every time he asked these words.

"When are you going to leave? Don't forget to take my brother, I don't say anything, I'm still very familiar with this city within 50 kilometers."

"It's not easy to go." Liu Changping was not interested in talking to him, but after hearing about the bird today, he also came to jīng, "Have you heard of a bird over Zheng Fǔ?"

"Do you know this?" Li Feng heard the surprise of Liu Changti.

Chang looked at his expression, "You know what?"

"Well, when I didn't come out before, I worked in the government department for a long time and heard about it." Li Feng took Liu Chang and walked to an unoccupied corner in the middle. "I also hit that The bird's thoughts and thoughts, as long as this bird is present, in fact, it is not impossible to go out of this forest. "

"How old is that bird?"

"I heard that it's not small, I haven't seen it in detail, but I'm sure I'll be fine if I fly alone."

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