Global Evolution

Chapter 221: New medicine

"So, when you come in contact with him in the future, you have to be cautious and careful, and don't let him see any clues," said Ren Ying. "This is difficult for others, but it should not be difficult for you."

"You can rest assured, although I don't have as much computing power as him, but it's okay to disguise," Lane said, frowning. "But teacher, how do you plan next?"

"Well, first stabilize that monster. Go and start the nuclear device of the institute to be ready to launch at any time, so that he will have some fear." Hei Ying said, and waved his hand, "Go, don't Don't tell anyone about it, he will know. "

"Know, teacher, you can rest assured." After speaking, Lane left this closet.


"Do you say that this dry powder medicine can be useful?" He Zhizhi braved the snow and asked the voice of the side with the spray uniformly distributed by the government-because the two have been together during Liu Chang's departure, they are relatively other than For those who joined, the feeling was close. At this time, the two walked on the return road of the government-issued dry powder medicine vehicle, stepping on the foot of the snow that had fallen for several hours today, step by step, "creak" sound

“I do n’t know, but did n’t I hear others say the effect is good? Anyway, since it ’s free, go back and try it out.” Qingyin took the spray and looked at it left and right, after watching the spray shape, he looked at the government seal. , It's a bit like the housewife who went to the market to buy things

"Honestly, you look so attractive," He Zhizhi saw the voice of Qingyin, and picked her chin with a hook and laughed: "Pure young woman, um, many men should like this mouth"

"You are not serious" The voiceless voice shook his head, avoiding the hook of He Zhizhi, and then shook the dry powder spray in his hand while studying how to use it, while walking back to the place where everyone is now hiding.

"Following the instructions above, this dry powder spray should be able to kill several cubic meters of space and the residues will be kept for a long time, so that all cockroaches and flies passing here will die ..." Back to the current hiding place He Zhizhi looked at the "instructions for use" of the spray and then sprayed the dry powder along his house in accordance with what was taught above.

Then after a while, she saw a group of cockroaches passing by. Just after spraying, she could see a large group of cockroaches passing by. Not because of the luck of He Zhizhi, but now the streets or the entire Beijing city, regardless of the sky and ground. It ’s still underground, it ’s full of this kind of stuff. If it was n’t for his nose that he had deliberately avoided, it would n’t have been so easy to avoid.

But standing right now and waiting for them to come over, it's naturally a wait

The experiment of dry powder works well-He Zhizhi and Qingyin hid around the corner of the room. When they saw the cockroaches passing through this area, they suddenly stopped moving and then moved fiercely for a while-but intense During the movement, they did not scurry, but lost their sense of direction and started to move around in the same place. Then, after a while, they lay there with their backs and their feet facing upwards. Six worms kicked back and forth and struggled. Yes, I lost my life completely

"It's a very powerful thing" Seeing the effect is so good, He Zhizhi and Qingyin looked at each other, and at the same time saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes

Because for more than a month, they have become accustomed to how hard it is to kill these cockroaches. There is almost no way to kill this vitality clearly except to crush them or burn them. It can no longer be described as "tenacious". Species of prehistoric cockroaches will be able to cut for seventeen days before they die, and all kinds of insecticides are immune. Now this very strange mutant cockroach is elusive

Not to mention cutting the head, even if you catch it all the time, and roast the whole outside, the body organs inside it can work-this is not a guess, because they have seen this kind of thing-there are three in the team The existence of a perverted child, so they have seen disgusting things

Three children, for a few days, before training Liu Chang, they were dealing with this cockroach all day, cutting their heads, laparotomy, digging the organs inside, and even injecting poison into the cockroach's body. Almost all methods imaginable by humans-finally, helplessly concluded-

This kind of cockroaches, apart from being burned to ashes and crushed into fragments, will not die in the first time no matter what damage is done

So, at first glance, when this small powder could poison the cockroaches, the two voiceless voices were stunned, and even the unvoiced voiceless voice, which burst into foul language

"I rely, what kind of poison is this? We won't be poisoned?" Qingyin shouted and rubbed his hands. "Isn't the third child who once injected a kilogram of dichlorvos into a cockroach with a syringe?" In the end, I almost burst the cockroach without poisoning it. What kind of powder is this? If it is so toxic, will we die? "

"No ~ ~ The manual says that this powder is only for cockroaches, and humans are harmless when inhaled." He Zhizhi raised his one arm and looked at the explanation in the manual to the sun. "And if the toxicity is really So strong, we were dead just now, you think, cockroaches have all been poisoned, haven't we died 800 times earlier? "

"Uh, that's what I said." Qingyin nodded. "The technical content of this powder is really high."

"So before, the boss always said that this guy in Beijing is really tall." He Zhizhi looked at the dry powder spray and was puzzled. "What high-tech ingredients are there in this?" Ah, even that kind of cockroaches can be poisoned, and it is harmless to people. The horrible thing is that poisoned cockroaches will not kill and kill like crazy before. This method is simply too high. Li Qingshui was the old one "

Looking at the dead cockroaches in the snow outside the building, He Zhizhe said with sigh.

"Is Li Qingshui very powerful before?" Qingyin looked at He Zhizhi with a curious look on his face. "Seriously, although I was a Zhengzhou person before, and it took four years to print that person's head Currency, but specifically how powerful he is, I do n’t really understand it. Although I know that I can rely on one person to make the entire Zhengzhou city operate normally, it is already a very powerful person, but since I have not seen it, I have Bad comment "///

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